We love music here

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So in this chapter there is a lot of songs and I do recommend you listen to them why reading the lyrics on who's singing them. Thanks enjoy the chapter.

We started to walk out the front door with everyone. Once we were in the road Corbyn and Zach started laughing. "What's so funny" I said. " it's just I can't stop thinking of what you said to her" Zach said holding onto Corbyn who was also laughing. "She got me mad so I did what I had to do" I said also starting to laugh. We made it to the restaurant and I was starving. We sat down and ordered for waffles and pancakes. "Ok so who were those girls anyways" Kaelyn said. "They are rude and nasty to everyone and they are just using them for fame and money" Corbyn said in sad tone. Then the food came and it was good. It was around 1am. And I'm supper tired. The boys payed the bill then we started our way back to the house. Hoping the party was done. Which it was not we were about 3 blocks away. And I could hear the music playing. We walked into the house and we saw Jonah jump on a table and broke it with his butt. " Dude your ass is to fat" Daniel said,side hugging the Josslyn. And I don't even know why I like Daniel, I kinda just do. And seeing him with her, when I would treat him so much better than her. I just want to go over to her and punch her in the boob and see if it would pop. I mean if it did, it would be funny. "Don't listen to Daniel it looks fucking amazing" Jonah said In a slur. We went on with the party. And I was getting a little tired. I was talking to Corbyn about avengers . "No Thor is the best" I said yawning. "Nope Captain America is better, and do you want a drink to see if it will wake you up" "uh sure" I said then he walked off to the drinks. He came back and I don't even care what it is. Corbyn handed me the drink and it didn't smell strong. And I trust Corbyn, one drink won't do much. I started to drink it and it was really good. I started to get dizzy. "I think I put way to much syrup on my waffles" and the last thing I remember is everything going black.
The next morning
I woke in the basement I saw Kaelyn and Kelly asleep next to me. How did I get down here and I'm still wearing the same clothes. And why does my head hurt so much. And Kaelyn and Kelly are in pjs. And I'm not. I'm so confused."wake up" I whisper to Kaelyn and Kelly. They both got up "what time is it" Kelly said as yawning. I grab my phone from my pocket "It's around ten". I get up and we all change into some normal clothes. "I'm starving" Kaelyn said. "Let's go upstairs" Kelly said as walking upstairs. We went upstairs and saw the boys leaving to go somewhere. And the house looks like a party never happened here. "Where you going" I said as walking to the front door. "We have to go a meeting for work and we left some food over there" Daniel said as walking to the front door. "Well bye" Kelly said as walking to the kitchen. "Have fun" Kaelyn as walking to the kitchen to. The boys left and Kaelyn, Kelly, and I had some waffles."Waffles are good" Kaelyn said as taking a bite. "They are amazing" Kelly said as dumping more syrup on her waffles. My head still hurts so I went to make some tea. "Um guys what happened last night the last thing I remember is Corbyn giving me a drink" I said sipping my tea. "Well it was alcohol and you passed out, and guess what happened after that" Kaelyn said really excited. "Um what" I questioned. "Daniel saw you passing out and ran over a caught you when you fell, then him and that Josslyn girl had a big fight" Kelly said stuffing more food in her mouth. "dang it I bet it was a good fight to watch" I said. "It was everyone was watching it happen, then the rest of the boys put you downstairs and the party ended shortly after" Kaelyn said putting her dish in the sink. "Want to explore the house" I said as running upstairs."Ya Im bored" Kelly said as running upstairs to. "Your always bored" Kaelyn said as following us upstairs. We started to go through every room upstairs it was boring in till we got to the music room.
"So they actually practice doing music" I said as looking around the room. We started to mess around with their stuff. Fun fact about me, I learned how to play guitar at a young age. So I grabbed the first one I see and start to play the tune for Josslyn by Oliva O'Brien. My favorite song and so not on purpose of the girl's name.

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