Chapter Four: Missionaries - Escape From The Underground Graveyard

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 "Rooooooaaaaarrrrr!!!" Hati let out a crazed roar as he went to attack me but I quickly dodge away from his claw attack and cut him with my Sword. Hati let out a pained groan and with that, Hati finally went down.

"Ha...ti..." Maria calls out to Hati as she drags herself along the pavement toward Hati, her body mangled and wounded. I couldn't help but help her along the way so she wouldn't hurt her body anymore. Once she was close to Hati she tried to summon her Sacred Artifact, I went to stop her from doing that but someone else stopped her before me.

"Maria..." Hati reaches for her arm, canceling the summoning before it can be completed. He looks at the severely Maria who I still had an arm around her shoulders and speaks calmly, completely devoid of the fury from moments ago. I looked at both of them and realized I should give them some privacy. So after I patted Maria on the shoulder once more, I left to go off to the side so they could speak freely.

With Maria And Hati....

"Hey... Maria... I have someone I love, but that love will never reach them... What is the purpose of my existence? Why was I even born? My love... will leave no mark on the world. When I die, I won't even leave a trace... This life I lead..." Hati's voice was shaky and tears were appearing in his eyes.

"Hati, please..." Maria calls out to him firmly even though her voice sounds like it was dealing with so much pain.

"I need to hear it, Maria. How you truly feel... in your own words... Whenever I was beaten down by her bodyguards, you rushed to my aid and told me that story..." Hati had a look in his eyes and Maria slowly nodded her head as she went to repeat what she always told Hati after he was beaten by Gabriel bodyguards.

"I often wonder... Why does the world continue to birth new life? The same things repeat over generations. Nothing about the world changes. It should be obvious how pointless it all is. And yet we continue to be born. That is why I'm convinced... the world desperately wishes to change. The world continues to give birth to new life because it yearns for a new entity that has yet to exist. Your deviant love may not be accepted by this world. Its people will point fingers, scorn, despise it. Yet if you dare to walk the road less traveled, those who walk beside you would cherish you till their last breath. Your dreams may not be fulfilled in this lifetime, but I will never forget the time we shared, nor the life you valiantly lived. And then, when the next life ends... I want to believe there will be someone to remember them, too. As the world repeats this cycle... things will begin to change, little by little. Someday, someone like you may drastically change the way of the world. They may find a way to reach a state of existence we never could have imagined. So, please... do not hate yourself. Don't say your life is meaningless, or that you won't leave a mark. You must leave a legacy, one that cannot be made by any other. The legacy of why you were born into this world." Tears stream from Hati's eyes. The words seem to weigh heavily on his heart, heightened by the gravity of the moment.

He's heard this story from Maria many times before, but the words usually rang hollow. So why... does hearing it now bring endless tears to his eyes?

"Could I do it? For the sake of her happiness... Could I watch from afar as I continue to battle with my innate truth?" Hati was still crying as he asked Maria this and she gave him a gentle smile that seemed to increase the tears coming from his eyes.

"The road will be tough. At times you may stray from your path and wish to give up... But when that happens, remember to look around. Someone will always be there for you. You are never alone." Though heavily wounded, Maria still had a smile on her face, and Hati finally smiles back. Then, he speaks and reaches his hand out to Maria.

"Maria... Please accept me as your ally. I want... to walk beside you." Hati had an expression on his face that finally seemed like he wasn't dealing with a deep pain anymore.

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