Berserkers - Of Faith And Artifice (3)

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With Shiro, Shuichi, And Duo.....

"Kengo is fighting Masato?!" Shiro slammed his hands on the table as he glared angrily at the calm Shuichi who just casually mentioned that to him.

"Yeah. A friend took him thee. The fight is happening in the main ring of the Colosseum right now." Shuichi continued to speak, not caring how angry Shiro was getting with him about the current situation Masato and Kengo were in.

"The main ring? All alone? I thought you'd arranged for him to be taken somewhere safe!" Shiro felt his stomach was twisting as he thought about how Masato was currently doing at the moment.

"He probably felt like he had to do something. Being proactive is a good thing." Shuichi was nodding his head, feeling proud of himself for "helping" out Masato by taking him to the Colosseum.

"Why didn't you tell me?! Answer me now, Shuichi!" Shiro was getting even more angry at how casual Shuichi was acting at the moment. He felt the urge to hit him on the head with his book, just like what he does with Kengo whenever he acts stupid.

"For your sake, Shiro." Shuichi told that to Shiro seriously causing him to become shock, his anger disappearing for a moment as he tried to understand what Shuichi was talking about.

"At the very least, I wanted to get you away from the Ikebukuro Guild. You lack what they would call courage. Isn't that what their butler, the white lion, told you? That you didn't have the guts. I concur with that analysis. Don't misunderstand me though. Courage of that nature is unnecessary to people like us. I'll be blunt. There's no point in you going there. In a place like that, where violence rules all, you would be useless to everyone. In fact, you'd be a hindrance." Shiro grew quiet at Shuichi harsh words, a frown appearing on his face. He couldn't come up with anything to defend himself, seeing as it was something true.

"That isn't the kind of battlefield you belong on. We intellectuals are better suited to fighting on the theoretical plane. We stand on the home front and oversee the course of events. We are the chess masters who make wise moves with our pieces. We all have our own role to play that can't be entrusted to another." Shiro was still quiet as Shuichi continue to talk, his hand tightly in fists. His hands slowly loosen and he look directly in Shuichi's eyes.

"Thank you, Shuichi. For a moment there, I was furious, but I'm fine now. I understand. Thanks to your words, I found a calm. For that, I am grateful." Shiro has his usual serious expression on his face but his eyebrows weren't as wrinkle as before.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Shuichi was surprised about Shiro changed in attitude, expecting him to be either more angry or just upset about being called a coward to his face.

"You speak calmly, logically, and correctly. Besides, I can tell you are genuinely concerned for my well-being. You're trying really hard to recruit me, aren't you?" Shiro bluntly asked that and Shuichi smile wide at that nodding his head in agreement.

"Yes. I didn't lie to you about that. I have a high regard for your abilities. If possible, I want you to be my right-hand man at the Hongo Guild." As soon as Shuichi said that Duo look at him from the corner of his eyes, a flash of something passing through his eyes before he went back to being indifferent with everything.

"Allow me to reiterate. I am extending you an invitation, Shiro. I want you to join the Wisemen. We will welcome you at the executive level. We preside overall information generated in Tokyo. I promise you this kind of intellectual stimulation won't be found elsewhere." Shiro slowly nods his head at what Shuichi was saying to him, listening to what he was saying seriously.

"It's an honor to receive such a positive evaluation. I really am flattered that you hold me in such high esteem. However, I must humbly turn down your offer." Shuichi frown at Shiro's rejection, which seems strange on his usually smiling face.

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