Berserkers - Rulers of Ikebukuro (2)

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  The last Therian was knocked out ending the App battle. Everyone who was attacking us were knocked on the ground except for one that Kengo punched to the ground . I was rolling my shoulder trying to ease the tension in them. Shiro was pushing his glasses up, still having a pissed off expression on his face. Kengo had a smirk on his face as he cracked his knuckles having a pleased look on his face.

"Thinking you can win just by ganging up on somebody proves you're not even worth my time! You better not show your faces here again!" Kengo was smirking at the Therian he knocked onto the ground causing them to glare at him as they struggled to get back onto their feet.

D-Dammit! H-Hand over. . . all your money. . .! Or else. . .! We'll. . . get your. . . friends and family. . ." Kengo grew quiet as the expression on his face got unreadable for a while making me look at him in concern at what the Therian just said to him.

Kengo kicked the Therian who was still on the ground causing them to let out a pained grunt before they passed out. I looked at Kengo in surprise at how he basically hit the Therian while they were down.

"What are you talking about? Friends? Ha! Don't have any. Shut up and get lost already, you losers. The money I make belongs to me, and me alone. As if I'd give it away! And I'll have you know I don't have any family or friends. Don't want'em, either. . . Oh, you're all unconscious already." Kengo scratched his head just noticing the Therian was knocked out. Shiro walked towards Kengo with a pissed off look on his face and I was worried they would start fighting again.

"Hey Kengo. What did you just say?" Kengo just stays silent as Shiro questions him, causing Shiro to get even more mad. "What was that about money!? Do you have money riding on these fights!? Answer me, Kengo! Don't tell me you're involved with something illegal. . ."

Kengo punched Shiro in the face causing him to fall to the ground letting out a sound of pain. Shiro looked at him in surprise at the fact he just punched him in the face but Kengo just glared at him like he didn't care what he just did.

"Did that hurt, teacher's pet? You need to shut your mouth. You're getting on my nerves." I quickly ran over to Shiro who was still just looking at Kengo in silence. I was worried that he was feeling hurt at the moment. I was rubbing his back in comforting circles hoping that will help him out.

"I'm okay. . . Thank you, Masato." Even though he told me he was okay the way his voice sounded at the moment didn't make me believe him at all. I looked at Kengo who was still glaring at Shiro.

"Good timing. I've made up my mind. I'm never going back to that stupid school. You and I live in different worlds. I'm done playing buddy-buddy with you all." Kengo started to turn around causing Shiro to stand up quickly making him stop in his place. I was just standing by not knowing what I should say at the moment.

"Kengo. . . What are you saying. . .?" Shiro went to get closer to Kengo but Kengo turned around quickly and punched Shiro again but in the stomach causing him to fall back on the ground. I let out a surprised gasp as I went to his side again. Shiro was coughing, holding his stomach in pain.

"Ha. Serves you right. Your stupid face was really pissing me off. You too, Masato. If you came looking for me, I've got news for you." Kengo was glaring at me but I couldn't help but wonder if something was happening to him at the moment. He was a bit rough when we first met too but it was kind of in an endearing way.

"Kengo. . . Are you serious?" I wanted to make sure he wanted to do what he wanted to do. Kengo just gave me a smirk as his answer but I didn't fully believe it at all. I feel like making something more was happening but what it was I have no idea.

"Yeah. I was wondering when to make my move, but this is perfect timing. I have no business with you, or that lame school, either. Get outta my face, you two. And I better not see you again!" Kengo turns around and walks toward a person who was standing waiting for Kengo to finish up with what he was doing.

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