Missionaries - City Of Dogma (1)

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 I was sleeping peacefully in my bed, dreaming of being surrounded by attractive people who were all pining for my attention. I was about to be cuddled to death but these attractive people slowly disappeared once I heard a voice calling out to me. "Master! Wake up! Rise and shine! Mornin'!"

"Mm... Just five more minutes..." I pulled my cover over my head, trying to block out Salomon who was trying to wake me up. I wanted to sleep a bit longer... Keep dreaming about attractive people who want to cuddle me...

"That's, like, so cliche! I'm a level 3 wake-up caller! There's no sleeping in on my watch!" Salomon pulled my cover off of me and I let out a long groan at this. I sat up in my bed and rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"Now it's time for Sal's special morning call! Once you hear this, all your worries will disappear! Classes? Strategy meetings? No problem!" Salomon was talking with a proud look on his face but my mind was still half asleep so only half of what he was talking about was going through my head.

"W-What's with that face? Are you still half asleep? Need me to pinch your cheek? Didn't you say you were going to have a strategy meeting with Shiro and the others today after school? Of course, I plan on eavesdropping, so there's nothing for you to worry about! Now, off to class with you! A student's number one duty is their studies! Go get 'em!" With Salomon urging, I got out of bed and got ready for school.

I left my room and headed to my class. When I reached the class I saw Mr. Mononobe outside the classroom door. My eyes brightened when I saw him and I went over to him quickly. Mr.

Mononobe noticed me coming and gave me a wave in greeting. "Good morning, Masato."

"Mornin'" I gave him a half-ass greeting since my brain was still in the fog of wanting to sleep still. Mr. Mononobe raised an eyebrow at my greeting, having an amused smile on his face.

"Mornin'...? Who taught you that? Ryota?" Mr. Mononobe patted me on the head, giving me a gentle smile that causes me to let out a giggle. "Anyway, it's been a while since you transferred to our school. Have you gotten used to life here at the academy? Because of the temporary closure, classes have all been pushed back, and I've had a hell of a time dealing with the police, but... Enough about me. So, have you made any friends?"

"Shiro has taken great care of me and helps me out when I need it. Kengo is really keeping me on my toes with all that training he does. Ryota and I have been having a lot of fun!" I couldn't help myself as I talk happily about the people I became friends within the school

"I'm glad you have people you can call friends. As your homeroom teacher and guardian, it's a relief to hear. You only get to be a student once. It's good to see you're making the most of it."Mr. Mononobe had a pleased smile on his face as he told me this and I couldn't help but grow even happier at that.

"Ever since our school was closed due to the incident, there seem to be problems popping up at other schools, too. And you have a tendency to get into trouble. You've been sneaking around for some reason, haven't you?" The smile on my face froze as Mr. Mononobe gave me a knowing look. I was thinking fast about what I could say to him that will throw him off the things I have been doing.

"I reserve the right to remain silent!" I said this with a serious expression as I crossed my arms in front of me. I still felt bad about doing this to Mr. Mononobe since I know he isn't doing this for a bad reason.

"Sorry, there goes my teacher instinct again. Haha, you did fall for my bluff, though. I've been a teacher for years. I can sense when something is up with my students." Mr. Mononobe pats me on the head again and I couldn't stop my face from growing warm again.

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