Berserkers - Rulers of Ikebukuro (3)

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  As Snow dodged an attack from my Sword, Shiro quickly usher his familiar to attack Snow. "Gah! D-Evils! Get him!" Shiro familiars attack Snow who took the hit without flinching and gave Shiro a smirk.

"Oh?! Not bad. Not bad at all!" Following Snow's praise, the butler jumps in the air. I almost let out a gasp in amazement when he lands elegantly with his feet poised together like a dancer's. Snow dodge several D-Evils who went to attack him again, but he dodge them all with minimal motion. Sometimes he spears the air with bare-handed feints as if to maintain a set distance away.

After Snow kept repeating the same exchange a few more times. . . Shiro called back his familiars who were getting badly hurt by Snow. "Nngh. . . Guys! To me! This Lion Therian is strong! He's toying with us!"

Snow stopped moving and looked at us with a polite smile on his face even though I could feel his killing intent behind his smile. "Hm. That should be enough. I have gauged your strength. It would seem. . . that you have enough strength to pass."

Shiro and me didn't relax in our defense when Snow said that just quickly look at each other wondering what will happen next. "You said your name was Snow? Well, will you let us through now, Snow?"

"Oh, wait. . . Shiro, there was another condition. . ." I remember Snow conditions for us to be able to get into the building. We did prove we are strong enough to Snow but we haven't had an introduction from a gladiator.

"As I previously noted, you may only pass with an introduction from an established gladiator. I shall never defy my master's command. Not under any circumstances. My analysis of your combat strength is proceeding smoothly. You perform as well as one could hope for youngsters with such potential. As such. . . Let us raise the bar." Snow words caused Shiro to pause in confusion and I got a bad feeling then tried to get over to Shiro but Snow was quicker.

"Bear in mind that letting your guard down can prove fatal." Snow attacked Shiro, quickly knocking him to the ground. I went in front of Shiro glaring at Snow who had an excited look in his eyes waiting for my move.

"Don't think I'll go easy on you just because you're a cool cat!" I took a swing at Snow but he quickly dodge and moved from my line of sight. I was caught off guard as Snow went to attack my unguarded self.

"Pardon. . . You are wide open." Snow went to attack me and I quickly blocked him with my Sword which caused Snow to smile in surprise. "Oh? I am impressed that you still have it in you to block my strike. Then let us raise the level another notch. We shall see how you keep up. . .Ha!"

Snow attacked me in quick sessions which caused me to fall back as I continue to stand in front of Shiro. I could hear Shiro call out in concern for me but I couldn't say anything as Snow continued his attacks.

"Such a pathetic, unpolished, clumsy performance! Your body is weak, and your technique is sorely lacking! And yet. . . You put yourself in harm's way to protect your friend, and your heart remains steadfast in the face of certain defeat. You possess the heart of Agni and the spirit of Sakra. Your insight is as keen as to behold heights beyond even the distance Mt. Kailash! Ohhhh. . . Ensconced within your youthful breast, I perceive a blessed symbol of good fortune! Hahaha. Very good! How tremendously exciting this is! I simply cannot contain myself!" Snow attacks kept getting faster and harder as I tried to block them with my sword trying not to let myself fall onto the ground.

As Snow was focused on me Shiro familiars went to attack him which caused him to pause in his attacks. "I won't let you hurt Masato! Bury him under your numbers, D-Evils!" Shiro familiars went and surrounded Snow as he dodge their attack on him quickly.

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