Clash Of The Divine Artifacts - Place to Call Home (1)

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"Where did Shiro go?! Go and find him Lil Salomon!" After defeating the remaining little devils I realize I have no idea where Shiro is so I turned to Salomon hoping he could find Shiro. "Sure thing! Leave it to me. . .Hm? I can't get a reading on his location. . . Uh-oh. . . He must've closed the App. At this rate, we'll lose him!" I started to bite on my lip nervously trying to figure out what I should do next when I heard footsteps approaching from behind me.

Turning around quickly I saw the knife wielding male from earlier giving me an annoyed look. "Wow, you're even more useless than I thought. . ." Salomon let out a startled shout and went behind me. "Gah! Not this guy again!" I ignore Salomon panic and eye the male carefully waiting for him to make any sudden movement.

"I heard the whole thing. So that teacher's pet is the culprit, huh? Shoulda stabbed him when I had the chance. Normally I'm all for giving rookie hunters a taste of their own medicine, 'long as they're from some other guild. . . But when you mess with my people, you gotta pay the piper. Friends or not, you'd better stay out of this if you know what's good for you." I flinch under his glare but I glare right back at him not looking away from him.

"He didn't do anything wrong. I'm sure there is a good reason for what happened." The male just shook his head at me defending Shiro. "Oh? He said it himself. He confessed his guilt." Ignoring his mocking tone I stood by defending Shiro. "I. . . believe in him. He didn't do anything wrong."

"Damn, you're annoying! I can't stand you goody-two-shoes types!" He clicked his tongue annoyed with me and broke eye contact with me making me relax my shoulders that I didn't know was tense. "Can't say I didn't warn you. Call it a newbie charity. Later losers. . . and watch your backs." With those last words he disappeared in a mist that appeared out of nowhere.

I dropped into a crouching position when he was gone exhausted. The little devil I had a pact with was rubbing his tiny arm on my back trying to help me relax. Salomon crossed his arms letting out a loud hmph! Looking in the direction the male disappears in. "He's really got that delinquent act down, huh. I bet he'd knife anyone who got too close."

Then all of a sudden Salomon got a panicked expression and looked at my phone in concern. "Oh, this is bad! Master! Your battery! Your phone is almost out of juice!" Looking at my phone I realize it was at one percent. "Don't worry Lil' Salomon. You'll always live on in my heart." I put a hand over my heart as I looked at Salomon with a sincere expression .

"Oh. . . it's not like I actually live inside your phone, you know? So I won't die or anything if the batteries run out. Hehe. But there is the slight problem that you won't be able to use the App, so we won't be able to track down Shiro. . . Ack! It's about to die! Sigh. . . Well, see you lat-" My phone finally died and Salomon disappeared in a light along with the little devil that was comforting me.

"R.I.P. Lil' Salomon." Bowing my head for the death of my phone I finally got up from my crouching position. "Well, now I can't get a hold of Ryota, either. . ." Seeing the sky getting darker a frown formed on my face. 'This would have been better if I actually had Shiro with me.' Feeling my thoughts getting negative I slapped myself in order to cheer me up. "No use feeling depressed! I should head back to the dorm for now." Nodding to myself I started to walk back to the dorm.

After walking for a while I finally got back to the school and I saw a figure waiting in front of the gate. "You're late, Masato! Very late! It's well past curfew! What were you doing out so late?! And how did you get so banged up? Come to think of it, you looked just as bad yesterday! What have you been up to?!" Looking down at myself after Mr. Triton mentions my appearance I realize even though the App healed my injuries I still look pretty messy.

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