Clash Of The Divine Artifacts - Out Of Control "Sacred Artifact" (1)

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"Ahhhhh! There's no escape, and things are just going downhill!" Salomon cries of fear were loud in my ears as I try to decrease the enemies to a reasonable level and trying not to fall to my knees due to how exhausted I felt.

Salomon avoid the demons that came too close to him and got behind me for protection holding on to the back of my uniform jacket tightly. "If only we could interrupt their pact, even for a moment!" I almost falter in my defensive when I heard Salomon said that.

"Interrupt. . .? What do you mean Lil' Salomon?" Looking over my shoulder to look at him with an eyebrow raised but still keeping my sword in front of me to protect myself from the attacks coming from everywhere.

"A Summoner's jurisdiction has its limits. For example, if you're too far away from your familiar, or if there's a wall or something in the way. . . It's like losing reception on your phone. If we could somehow affect their jurisdiction over the pact for a little while. . ." As Salomon was saying this I realize something. 'If I could cut the Red Oni from the park with my sword I can definitely cut the connection between the Summoner.'

"Okay, I'll try it. Stay out of the way Lil' Salomon." After saying that my I rush quickly towards the demons ignoring Salomon shocked voice and my sword began to glow again. "Role of the Wanderer! Rule of Rending! Come forth, Boundless Tail!" A bright came out my sword as I slash towards the group of demons causing them to scream out.

It was a few moments of silence and my heavy breathing was heard as I look towards the demons wondering if I cut the connection between their Summoner. "I-It stopped moving?! Did you sever its connection to the Summoner?!" Hearing Salomon shocked voice say that I stab my sword in the ground and dropped to my knees in exhaustion as my body lean against the sword.

Salomon let out a hum as he was processing something that I was too tired to care about at the moment. "Rule of Rending. . . Oooooooohhhhh!" Salomon raised his voice happily as if he just realize something causing me to flinch at his loud voice. "Incredible! Only you, Master, could be so brilliant! What a clever plan! The Rule of your Sword is Rending. It's a Rule that can sever jurisdictions and thus overwrite the state of things! Just like how you overwrote the Red Oni's connection to the land yesterday!"

Salomon slap his hand over my back repeatedly causing me to let out a pained groan at his slaps. "You neutralized the mystery Summoner by severing their jurisdiction over their familiar in the same way! Amazing, Master! Most people couldn't possibly think of such a solution! I was all set to abandon my clueless failure of a Master. . ." I gave him a dark look as he said this causing him to flinch and rub the back of his head sheepishly.

"Ahaha! Just kidding! That was a joke, of course! Well now that it's over, the Battle Zone will be terminated. The victory is all yours, Master!" As he said this, I remember the reason why I was fighting the little demons and realize that the students were on the ground not moving.

"FUCK! C-Call an ambulance! No! Call the police! Wait should we call both of them?! What should I do?!" As I was panicking to myself Salomon let out a laugh like I was doing something funny. "Hold on, Master. What are you talking about? They're fine. Look." Salomon points in the direction where the students were and I realize they weren't bloody anymore and they were moving.

"Ack. . . What happened?" A blue haired male student who was dead when I got here got up with a dazed look in his eyes looking around in confusion. "I'm alive. . .?" The green haired student got up also with confusion on his face.

"Wait!? They came back to life?! The blood on them is gone too!" I look at them in shocked and I quickly grabbed at my body feeling around myself for wounds. "This is crazy! Even my wounds are healed too."

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