Berserkers - Infiltrating the Ikebukuro Guild (1)

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  After defeating and knocking them out someone else replaces them. I was getting annoyed with how long this battle was going on as I noticed the group of people surrounding us hadn't decreased that much in size.

"Th-They're still coming!" Shiro was nervous due to how much people were still coming to attack us and I quickly knocked out someone who was going to attack Shiro as he was focusing on attacking someone else at the moment.

"After making that kind of racket, it's only natural for so many of them to take up pursuit! Hahaha!" Shuichi was laughing as he dodged attacks and knocked them out with a kendo stick I just realized he had on his person.

"Why are you laughing?! Ahhhh! My perfect image of you is shattered!" Shiro was going through a moment as his image of Shuichi was currently getting destroyed at the moment. I felt bad for him but I couldn't feel that bad for him at the moment since I was too focused at the moment trying not to get attacked by the many people surrounding me.

I noticed from the corner of my eye seeing Duo taking out his phone and tapping it a few times. Shuichi's phone then let out a ring telling him that he got a message. After getting rid of the people currently attacking him, he took out his phone to look at it.

"Hey, it's a message from my adorable baby brother. This way! Follow me!" Shuichi quickly put his phone away as he started to run in the direction that was mentioned by his brother. After I tripped the person who was about to attack me I quickly grabbed Shiro and ran away following after Shuichi who still had a smile on his face.

"I believe we've lost them. Let's get back to our conversation." After running for a while we finally got to an area where no one was trying to attack us. Shiro was trying to catch his breath and I was trying not to sit on the ground exhausted while Shuichi just looked the same as usual not showing any sign of exhaustion.

"Huff huff. . . What are you trying to do, Shuichi?" I was rubbing Shiro back as he tried to get his breathing under control. 'I legit want to sit on the ground right now. My body is still hurting from the attack Snow did. I am surprised I didn't pass out again.'

"There's only one thing I want. . . to show my adorable baby brother how cool I am!" Shuichi went to hug Duo who avoided him with an indifferent expression on his face. Shuichi didn't look hurt from the rejection by Duo just smiling like he was used to it.

"Uh-huh. . . I'm sorry I asked. . . Anyway, let's get to business. It's time to discuss what we arranged this meeting for in the first place." Shiro breathing was okay now and I stopped rubbing his back as he got a serious expression on his face as he stared at Shuichi.

"But first, Shiro, I want you to summarize what you already know. About the App, that is. . . We're giving you what information we have. It's a fair trade. Not that we didn't learn plenty about you guys earlier. . ." Shuichi's eyes got a look in it that I didn't like so I tried to move myself in a place that would be the quickest to help Shiro out if we had to fight again.

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" Shiro looked at Shuichi for a while before his eyes grew wide as he realized something. "Shuichi. . . Are you. . .?!"

Shuichi didn't say anything but that didn't stop Shiro from continuing to speak. "I had my doubts about you from the beginning. . . About why you saved us. Of course, it's true we promised to meet at Ikebukuro, but the timing is just too convenient. It's almost as though. . . When we fought that lion butler. . ."

"Wait a minute. . . Were you watching the whole time?" I was glaring at Shuichi whose smile got bigger which unfortunately left me feeling torn in either losing myself to his charm or kicking his ass. 'I literally got my ass kicked and he was just watching like a creep?'

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