Clash Of the Divine Artifacts Transient From an Unknown Town (2)

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  I dodge an attack from one of the male students and slash him with my sword. He cried out in pain and fell to the ground. I was sweating from moving around so much but the other party wasn't having it easy either.

"Tch! The newbie is actually putting up a fight! Hey, summoning team! You're up!" The male student with blonde hair call out to his friend backing up away from me.

"Okay, let's do this! By my name, I summon thee, apostle of the dark netherworld! Through our blood pact, serve me and come forth!" As the purple haired male student spoke those words a circle of light was appearing in front of him causing me to hold my sword in front of me ready for anything that would appear.

After the light disappear in front of me was a slime creature that looked pretty weak. 'Is this really what they summon? This has to be a trap or something.' I looked at the slime expecting it to turn into some high level creature but it just wiggles in place.

"Huff. . . Huff. . . I-I did it! I summoned it in one try!" The male student with purple hair smile with sweat on his face as he looked at what he summoned with pride on his face which caused me to feel guilty about my earlier thoughts .

"Heh, you scared now? You'd better be! We summoned this awesome monster!" The male student with blonde hair smirk at me with his head rise high in pride. "Listen up! As thanks for us getting easy points, I'll tell you somethin' nice. Solo newbies like you probably don't know, but there are two types of App users! Sacred Artifact wielders that summon weapons, like you, are one of them! And then there are us Transient users who summon familiars we make pacts with!" The male student with blonde hair told me this with a cocky smirk on his face.

"Well? You're probably speechless now! We'll overpower you, and. . . Huh?" The smirk on his face slowly went away when he notices me giving him an unimpressed look.

"All they did was summon some low-level familiar. Nothing to write home about." Salomon said this as he sighed while shaking his head. "There's no way they can summon a familiar of my caliber! Heh!" Salomon smirk proudly as he said this causing me to roll my eyes at him.

"Well if we are summoning familiars I guess I should do it too. Engrave this will unto thee and act in mine name! Come forth, my loyal servant!" While I said this a circle of light appear in front of me and the figure of my familiar was slowly appearing in front of me.

After the light disappear the oni was here in front of me. I could hear gasp of shocks from the other students when they saw what I summoned. 'They must be blown away by his beautiful muscles too. What beautiful muscles. . .' I could feel my face start to grow warm but I force myself to stay calm and brought my focus back to the fight.

"Did you call, Master? We come, by order of pact." Turning to look at me the oni question me while looking around what is happening at the moment. The group of male students back away at the sight of my familiar and they grew pale.

"Wh-What gives?! That familiar's huge as hell! No way. . . How is it possible a newbie summon both artifacts and familiars? And with their level too!"

"D-Don't be scared! It's gotta be some kind of trick!" The male student with green hair tries to reassure his friend with a shaky voice. "Uh, we need reinforcements! Call everyone in the Shinjuku area here now!"

The student with blonde hair look at his friend in surprise at what he suggest. "E-Everyone? Even Oniwaka?"

"N-No, idiot!" The student with green hair hit his friend on his shoulder. "Don't call Oniwaka! If he finds out we had trouble with a newbie. . . He'll hang us out to dry!"

"This kid's just bluffing anyway! We've still got the numbers!" The student with green hair stood taller with a smirk on his face.

Then they charged at me with their friends with their newly summoned familiar in their group. I just sighed deeply and shake my head as I raised my sword getting ready to fight again.

Author Note :

So I finally updated this story again and I will update it again pretty soon if I do my pacing right. Well if you like this story leave a vote or something like that. Well that all bye bye (。Ő▽Ő。)ノ゙~

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