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3rd person

Tommy woke up with his back hurting like hell, "What the fuck," He mumbled trying to get up. As soon as he moved to another position he had the urge to scream. "Fuck!" He screamed not too loud and quickly went back to laying down. He tried to remain calm which did not work out too well. 

He tried to look at his back but failed only giving him more pain, "Shit, where is Phil" He whispered to himself trying not to sob. He looked at the clock, 3am... Shit that's late. I can't get help now. He thought.

Suddenly the pain got even worse than before, he whispered some curse words while a tear rolled down his cheek. His back was hurting so bad, this felt worse than when he got killed 2 times. "F-fuck, don't scream, don't scream, don't scream, don't scream" He kept repeating to himself, it felt like something wanted to get out of his back.

"Ngh" He said while holding his teeth close against each other and his eyes closed. His breathing was fast and felt like it got louder at the second, "P-please, make it stop" He whispered while trying not to cry out loud.

He fell of the bed which made not to much noise, "Ouch, fuck" He said to hisself. He had one arm to the floor holding him up, while the other was trying to reach his back. He felt something weird, like, a bobble or something. "What the fuck is that" He whispered. Before he knew it the pain was back, 10 times worse, or at least that's what he felt. Closing his eyes again while laying on the ground trying not to scream again. 

3:56AM, he looked at the clock, this is taking so long, The fuck is happening. he thought, he felt something different this time. Something like, feathers.. "What?" He said, he looked back to try and see what it exactly was. "What, the actual fuck" He said out loud. What he saw were 2 wings trying to spread from his back. 

It's not normal to grow wings at the age of 16, you're supposed to grow them when you're around 4 or 5. 


Finally, the pain was gone for most part and he could stand up properly. He walked to a mirror he had in his room and looked at his wings. His eyes couldn't get off his pattern, it was so beautiful. His blank white wings with red on the top, gold sparkles and gold on the bottom. It was amazing, "That was better worth all the pain" He said, still admiring his wings. They were also pretty big already, he knowed fully well that they were gonna grow even bigger. 

He tried to hide his wings to take a look if he could, and with succes. "Doesn't this mean that I'm a phoenix or something" He mumbled. He didn't manage to sleep that night and just did research on the internet for more info about this. As an outcome that it actually went pretty hard on him since it's supposed to take around 20/30 minutes average to get out your wings as a phoenix. And they were also quite rare which meant that they were getting hunted down. Now he didn't have a choice but to hide them.

He heard some footsteps and looked at the clock, 9AM already, guess I'll go to get some food.  "Goodmorning toms'' Wilbur said sitting in the kitchen. "G'morning Wil'' Tommy said. "Wow, you looked like you had the worst night of your life" Wilbur said looking at Tommy. "Sure," Tommy calmly replied while he grabbed some bread. 

Wilbur walked away going to Philza's room, "What's he gonna do?" Tommy asked himself.


"Phil" Wilbur asked, seeing Philza already sitting on his bed being fully awake. "Yeah Wilbur?" he replied, "Something odd about Tommy" Wilbur said, being actually serious this time. "I'll check on him," Philza replied, smiling.

They both walked out of the room back to where Tommy was sitting. Wilbur was right, he was looking kinda off. 

P: Tommy?

T: Yea?

P: Are u feeling alright, you're looking kinda pale.

T: Yes, what do u mean?

P: Normally you have, well, more energy than this. Did something happen?

T: What? No of course not.

P: Alright then I guess, talk to me if anything's wrong.


Time skip bc I'm lazy


It was night, Tommy was still in his room.He didn't manage to try out his wings at all. He was sure that everybody was sleeping now. 

He was sure....


748 words, Damn, that took some time, ngl.

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