-Flower crowns-

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-I always knew that you liked buttercups-

3rd person pov:

Techno, Wilbur, Philza, Tommy and Tubbo were sitting on a grass field, surrounded by Dandelions, daisy's and buttercups. Tommy was sitting against a tree in the shadow of it while Tubbo was laying on his lap. (No ship, platonic) 

Philza was sitting on a chair he brought enjoying the sun light while Wilbur and Techno were sitting on a blanket, everything felt so, peacefull. Tommy started whispering something to Tubbo dragging the attention from Phil, they stood up and ran of to the flower field around them. "What are they up to?" Wilbur asked with a laugh, "Probably something idiotic" Techno commented laughing with the other.


They ran to the spot with the most flowers, "Ohh! Buttercups! Wilbur and Techno like those right?" Tubbo asked stopping at the spot with a lot of them. "Yeah!, let's use these" Tommy said while finding a place to sit next to the yellow flowers.

He grabbed 2 of them, made a little hole in the stem, and put the other flower trough it. "Look! I already have 2 flowers!" He said proudly to Tubbo, "Wow, that was quick" He said while giggling. They continued grabbing the buttercups both making 1 flower crown. 

"We should make 3 of them, so that Philza also has one" Tubbo said while concentrating on the flower crown he was making, "Sure" Tommy had already finished half of his, while Tubbo was barely on 1/4 of his.

"POG! I finished mine!" Tommy said in his normal loud attitude, "Really? I'm only half way" Tubbo said in dissapointedment but still supporitve, "Don't worry Tubs, you'll finish yours soon" Tommy encouraged.

He started making his second crown while had carefully put the other one next to him making sure that it won't break.

After a while they had 3 flower crowns, all made out of buttercups, "Let's go back and show them!" Tubbo said being very hyper about it. They started walking back being excited to see their reactions. "DADDDD!!!" Tommy screamed while running up to Phil, "Hey mate? What's up?" Philza asked looking at Tommy. 

"Look!" He put one of the flower crowns on Philza's hat. Phil tried to look up to see it but failed, they both started laughing. "Me and Tubbo made flower crowns!" Tommy said excitingly, he turned around and put one of Wilbur's head. Tubbo gave one to Techno which he also put on his head laughing at how they all matched now.

Both Tommy and Tubbo had a huge smile on their face, they looked so happy. "I knew that you and Wilbur both liked buttercups!" Tommy said,


"Techno??, Helllooo?" A voice said, "So? Where did you got that dried out flower crown from?" someone asked, "Ehh. I-I got it as a present" He replied while walking away.

"I guess buttercups are my favourite.."

"And they'll always be"


Very short fluff chapter but yeah I wanted to write this since I made some flowercrowns today with my bestie :))

Word count:493

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