I told you to be back

214 8 1

TW: Blood, Wounds


3rd person pov:

"Dad, we're going out to get some wood!" Wilbur yelled, him, Tommy and Techno were going outside for some wood since they had been running low on it lately. "Okay, be safe!" Philza yelled back from the kitchen. 

They all went outside and started heading towards the forest, "It's gonna be dark in an hour so we gotta go back in time." Techno said in his monotone voice, "Yeah, yeah, it's not like we'll die or something" Wilbur said sarcasticly ignoring what Techno said. "Okay, if you die don't blame me." Techno said jokingly.

They went a little bit further in the forest than normal to make sure that they won't ruin the front of it by replanting them in an ugly order or something. 

Tommy went left, Techno straight forward and Wilbur to the right, "We'll meet here after 30 minutes" Techno demanded looking at the 2 others. "k" Tommy replied while he ran to his side. He grabbed his axe and started searching for good trees to chop down. 


"Is it getting dark already?" Tommy asked, he looked at his clock, "It has been 20 minutes, fuck" he said staring at the light of the sun dissapearing. He looked around to try and find his way back but the only thing that he saw was darkness. "TECHNO!!" He screamed hoping that he would reply.

Suddenly he heard a sis, he turned around. "fuck" He said before he got an explosion right infront of him, he got thrown onto the ground while he covered his face. He quickly stood up, you could hear zombies slowly getting closer. He grabbed his axe. "Go away! I'm not scared to use it!!" He said attempting to get them away.

They only came closer, he started killing them with succes. He had killed all the zombies until he felt a misrebale pain in his arm. "Ouch! Shit!" He yelped out, and arrow. "Are you fuckin' with me." He whined, he looked at the 2 skeletons which were trying to shoot him. He got closer and swinged his axe at them killing them.

He ran trough the forest hoping that he would find the other 2 back, he didn't look good enough because he ran right into a creeper which exploded the second he saw him. He got thrown onto the ground again, this time hurting his leg and his arm.

He stood up ignoring the pain, he slowly saw some light getting closer to him. He ran to it as fast as he could, ignoring the zombies and spiders behind or next to him. He was so close, he was gonna get it! He was gonna survive.

Until a skeleton shoot his leg and he fell down, the zombies and spiders getting awfully close. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" He whisper-yelled to himself. He tried to wing them of him with his body and his axe but failing. They started attacking him, the pain slowly faided as his vision went black. He could hear 2 worried voices around him after a while, "TOMMY!!" he woke up as someone slapped his face.

It was Wilbur, "huh?" he asked being confused. He got lift up from behind not caring anymore, nothing hurted right now because his body still wasn't used to it. Slowly he started feeling all the pain, he grabbed Techno's arm expressing the pain with his face and body.

They started walking a little bit faster, that's when Tommy noticed the bandages that they both had. 'They're hurt, but, why are they still doing this? If they're also hurt, why are the doing this for me?! I don't deserve this' He thought to himself while zoning out.

Soon they arrived at the house and quickly went inside, "Phil! Can you grab bandages!!" Techno yelled. You could hear footsteps getting closer, "Oh god, what happened?" Phil asked, "Mobs happened" Wilbur replied checking out Tommy's wounds.

That's when he noticed how deep some of them were, no wonder he passed out. "Techno, Phil." Wilbur said, "Look at this.." Pointing at the deepest wound he could find. There was a huge scratch on his leg, probably from a creeper and an arrow. "What?" Tommy asked not feeling the wound. 

"Nothing, just relax" Phil said making sure that he was calm, "No shit we found him passed out, he had blood loss" Techno commented on Wilbur, "How do you know that?" Wilbur asked, "Can't you see, there's dry blood on his clothing and skin, it's quite obvious that he had blood loss" Techno said explaining to his younger brother.

They started bandaging the deeper wounds up first, sometimes hearing a soft curse from Tommy while he flinched. 

After they were done they layed Tommy on the couch, he was half asleep right now and quickly was fully asleep while laying on Wilburs lap. (No ship, I'm scared of peolpe who would ship them) Wilbur ruffled up Tommy's hair a bit before he also tried to sleep.

To the other side of Wilbur you could see Techno sitting with Wilburs head on his shoulders. All the 3 of them asleep, this was such a rare moment.

- Be back before it's dark -


lolz, very bad writtin I know TwT, and it's my b-day :))

Have a good day/night

word count: 868

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