Winginnit - Rewrite - Angst

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Art credits: - Vipersss_ on twitter

I rewrote The winginnit idea since I don't really have any ideas left..

TW: Blood, sort of gore?

3rd person pov:

They were all eating breakfast peacefully, there was a comfortable silence and the sounds of a bird every now and then. Tommy bent his back a little so that he could grab the juice since he had drunk all of it already. When he reached over and grabbed it a shock of pain went from his back all the way down to his legs. He froze for a second, flinched a bit too. Philza gave him a confused look. "Are you good?" He asked as he laid his bread down. Tommy let go of the juice and sat back down. "Y-yeah, I'm uhm, going to the toilet." He said awkwardly as he stood up slowly, trying to avoid as much movement in his back as possible.

Of course, he has no idea what in god's name is going on. But he does know that it's nothing good, so he walked over to the bathroom and locked the door behind him. Finally letting out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. He went over to the mirror, he looked paler than usual. He feared for the worst as he turned around to view his back, he lifted up his shirt. There were bruises for some reason, two of them to be precise. He looked at them with a confused look.

There were a few light knocks on the door. "Tommy, are you alright in there?" Philza asked. He turned around, dropping his shirt again. "Yup!" He yelled. He quickly walked over to the toilet and flushed it, acting as if he actually went to the toilet. He opened the door again, Phil was giving him a concerned look. Tommy just ignored him and pushed him a bit to walk past him. He sat down at the table like nothing had happened. Wilbur and Techno gave him some type of weirded out look. "What?" He asked and took a bite of his leftover bread. "Well, you just made the most random movement and then hurried over to the bathroom." Techno said as he took a sip of his drink. "It's nothing." He simply replied. It was quite clear that he wanted to avoid all questions, for god's sake, he didn't even know what was happening himself?

"Tommy." Wilbur said in the 'stop trying to lie' tone. Tommy let out a loud sigh and shoved the chair backwards. He stood up and speed walked upstairs. "Great." Techno mumbled out. He opened his bedroom door and slammed it close again. Why was he so angry all of a sudden, I mean, people annoy him on a daily basis. It's not like it's any different now, right?

He sat down on his bed, wondering about those bruises again. It is quite a weird place though. He tried to touch his back to find the bruises to see if they actually hurt at touch. He flinched, a cold shiver was sent down his spine. "Yea, no fucking way I'm doing that again." He mumbled out to himself. He stood up, stretching his arms above his head. He walked over to the window and looked outside. Snow was covering all of the land with some spruce trees a bit further away. It looked peaceful.

He still felt the constant shocks of pain coming from his back, like something was trying to rip his skin apart. It felt horrible. He gritted his teeth as he muttered some curse words under his breath. The feeling of his skin being ripped apart only felt worse at the second. He felt a hot liquid running down his back, staining his shirt. His eyes widened as he quickly reached for his back, it felt wet. He pulled his hand back, it was stained with something red. Something just a bit too familiar for the young boy.

Tears slowly formed in his eyes as panic took his body over. The ripping kept on feeling worse and worse, blood was now staining most part of his back and the ground. He was on his knees, trying to bear the pain. Suddenly he felt something pulling out, he let out a blood curdling scream. His eyes widened, tears dropped to the ground as he was speechless. Blood is still dripping from his back, staining almost everything around him. He himself was quite surprised that he hadn't passed out due to blood-loss.

Without even noticing, there were three people standing around him. Yelling a bunch of things, the yelling was not hearable for him. The pain almost overtaking his entire body as he almost let himself fall down. He felt his shirt literally being ripped off of him. Feathers, the feeling of feathers forcing their way out of his back. Ripping his skin in the process, forcing a way through. No matter the cost or loss. He let out a sob, tears slowly rolling down his face as a throbbing pain continued to possess his entire body.

The pain vanished, but only for a few seconds. Afterwards, he was surrounded by a black void. All he could do was hear someone's muffled yells. He blinked a few times, light surrounding him again. "Tommy! Oh my god, Tommy, listen!" He looked at the direction of the yell. "Phil?" He mumbled out, his voice sounded hoarse. "Tommy, y-you-" Philza cut himself off. Tommy looked at him, there was blood on his hands. "You have w-wings." Philza choked out. "What's wrong then?" Tommy mumbled out again. "W-well, it's not supposed to uhm, do t-this." Philza mumbled out, stuttering occasionally.

Tommy looked around a bit better, Techno was standing next to Wilbur, probably trying to calm him down. He felt a pain in his back again, the urge to move the wings that just randomly popped out was big. But the pain was too. "C-can I get a painkiller or something." Tommy asked. Philza looked at Techno who nodded at him and walked downstairs. Tommy sat upright, his wings not drooping on the floor anymore. It hurted, but less than when he was laying down. He heard some footsteps behind him, then someone else kneeled down next to Philza. It was Wilbur.

He looked at Philza with a worried face. "He's gonna be alright Will, it just needs to heal for a bit." Philza said to reassure Wilbur. Techno walked in again, in one hand he had a glass with water and in the other some painkillers. He sat down next to Tommy. "Here." He said as he handed him them. Tommy took a sip of the water, it hurted to swallow. He grabbed one painkiller and took it with the water. They all stayed silent for a bit. "Phil, how long is it gonna take to heal and not like, hurt a lot?" Tommy asked eventually. "Well, I'm assuming around a month or two. It's looking pretty damaged." Philza said. Tommy nodded. "You should just sleep for now, it'll heal faster that way." Philza said as he stood up. "Can I get a bit of help then?" Tommy asked in a more sarcastic tone. Phil laughed a bit. "Of course you can." He said. He grabbed Tommy's arm and helped him get on his feet.

He stumbled over to his bed. "Oh yeah, shoot." Tommy said as he looked down at the blood stains. "Uhm, what are we gonna do about that?" He asked, being scared for the answer. "I'll get a wet towel for your back." Techno said as he walked out again. Philza grabbed some clean sheets and started to make Tommy's bed again. Techno came back rather quickly, he went over to Tommy. "This is gonna sting a bit Toms." He said as he carefully put a hand on his shoulder. Tommy hissed a bit as he felt the towel on his back.

Techno started to carefully remove the blood around the wings and wound. "Phil, what are we gonna do about that?" Techno said, motioning the wound that the wings had made. "We can't really do anything about it for now." Philza said, a bit saddened. "I can deal with that for now. I'm just really fuckin' exhausted." Tommy mumbled out. He sat down on the bed, letting out a breath he didn't know that he was holding. He laid down on his side, his wings automatically falling down to lay next to him. The pain decreased slightly, he closed his eyes. "Sleep well." Philza whispered over to him as he pulled a blanket over the boy. Tommy had a faint smile on his face before dozing off to sleep.


word count: 1444

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