Orphan - Angst/fluff

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Context = Tommy is 7 in the beginning and Tubbo 8.

3rd person pov:

He laid down in bed, almost hiding under the blankets for some more warmth. He had been living at the same orphanage for a while now, his parents, or well, his so-called 'father' had dumped him somewhere and now he's here. The constant bullying of kids was the reason why he switched orphanage's so much. At least here he had managed to make a friend. "Tommy!" The door opened and Tubbo ran over to him. He turned around to face Tubbo. "Goodmorning Tub." He yawned out. "I have great news, four people are gonna come today to adopt some kids!" Tubbo said excitedly. "Wait really?!" Tommy sat upright instantly. "Yes really!" "That's amazing! Maybe we can finally get adopted!" Tubbo smiled at him.

"Kids, get ready!" Someone yelled to all of the rooms. "Oh shoot, I haven't eaten breakfast yet." Tommy mumbled out. "I'll get you some later if possible." Tubbo said, "However, I think you should change first." He laughed out loud. "Oh-" He quickly grabbed some clothes and ran into the bathroom to get changed. After he was done he went into one of the stalls because yeah, he needed to go to the toilet. He locked the door behind him, did the deed, and when he went to unlock it again, the door didn't open. He heard some giggles from a few other kids. "Let me out!" He yelled at them. But all he heard was another door close.


6 parents were standing in front of the kids, 2 couples, a man and a woman. Tubbo looked around nervously. "Miss?" He tucked a bit at the clothing of the person that was supposed to care for them. "Yes Toby?" She said in a nice tone. "Where is Tommy?" She looked around a bit. "He's probably still sleeping, you should quickly wake him up." She said with another smile. "But, he's not in his room." She started to look a bit more worried now. "Alright, I'll look for him and we'll wait a bit for the parents to choose, okay?" Tubbo nodded. She quickly walked over to his room, then Tubbo's room, almost every other room. "Where is that kid?" She mumbled out to herself.

"Let me out!" A faint yell, from, the bathroom? She quickly went over to the bathroom. "Thomas?" She asked. "Please help." He mumbled out. There was a stall that had a blockage in front of it. Her face saddened a bit. She removed the blockage and Tommy almost ran out into her arms. "T-they locked me u-up." He cried out. "Shh, it's gonna be alright, you're not late for the parents, Toms." She whispered to him. Tommy nodded. She held his hand, (in a motherly way obviously.) and walked over to the parents, who were all looking a bit surprised that there was another kid.

Tommy talked a bit to Tubbo about what had happened, obviously Tubbo felt like the responsible one and wanted to beat those kids up, but he didn't, for now. "Hello there." A man in green kneeled down next to them. He looked quite friendly. "Hello?" Tommy replied, a bit confused as to why he was kneeling down next to them. "I saw you coming in late, I'm assuming that the other kids don't like you a lot." He said to Tommy as he had an empathizing look on his face. Tommy just nodded a bit. "And I'm also guessing that you don't want to go away here alone?" He nodded again, glancing a bit at Tubbo. "Well then, how about I adopt you and your friend over there?" Tommy looked up in amazement. "Really?!" He almost yelled out of excitement. The man nodded with a bright smile on his face.

The caretakers glanced over at Tommy and Tubbo, most of the time it's set who's gonna adopt who, but they don't tell that to the kids. He walked over to the caretaker, giving her the papers that were needed. "Your things are already packed." The caretaker told them. Tubbo nodded and dragged Tommy to their room. "Tubbo, do you think that he's gonna leave us soon?" Tommy mumbled out. "Tommy, your dad was a very bad person, I'm sure that he's nice!" Tommy nodded a bit. He grabbed his backpack and walked out with Tubbo. He was walking behind him the entire time.

"There you two are! I forgot to introduce myself, I am Philza, Philza Minecraft to be exact." He said, with a big smile. "Do you want to say goodbye to the others?" The caretaker asked. "No." And with that, they walked out. "Tommy and Tubbo, right?" Philza asked. Tubbo hummed. When they arrived at the car there were two boys standing next to it. They both looked around 12. "I'm back." Philza said to them. "Oh, hello!" The tallest of the two said as he kneeled down a bit next to them. "I'm Wilbur, I'm assuming that you two are now my little brothers?" He said with a small smile that was basically him praying for a yes. Philza laughed a bit. "Yes they are." "Well I'm Tubbo!" "Tommy." The other one stood next to them. "I am Technoblade." He said with almost no emotions. "Oh don't mind him." Wilbur said as he flapped his hand a bit at Techno.

"Who wants to sit next to who?" Philza asked. Techno just mumbled something inaudible out. "I'll sit somewhere in the back." Wilbur said, Tubbo followed, and then Tommy. They started to drive away. "You don't need to be so silent, mate." Philza said as he looked in the little mirror in the car. Tommy hummed a bit as a reply. "Sooo, Tommy, right? So like, you're gonna be my brother now and all, might as well get to know you a bit better. Are there any games you like? Food? Etc?" Wilbur asked with a voice filled with energy. Tommy looked away slightly. "Uhm, I don't know." He mumbled out. Wilbur frowned. "Don't worry, he's just a bit shy at first." Tubbo said just like an 8 year old would.


Tommy is now 14 and Tubbo 15


"Will!!" Tommy yelled. "What? I'm live right now!" Wilbur yelled back. Tommy opened the door. Wilbur was playing Minecraft again. "Tom, I'm streaming, I can't do anything with you right now." Wilbur sighed out. "But, Techno is gone to some random village again, Phil is shopping and Tubbo is gone too. Pleaseee." He begged. "Tommy, I'm like, half an hour in this stream." "Fine." He walked out and closed the door again. "Oh of course, why take me when everyone is just gonna neglect and ignore me." He muttered out as he walked back to his room.

He grabbed his phone, he had sent a few messages to Tubbo but they were still unread. He sighed again. Tears slowly built up as he kept on rethinking on why nobody wanted to do anything with him. But it wasn't just today, almost everyday even. And nobody realized how much it actually hurted him. "I should've just stayed at that stupid orphanage." He whispered out, a tear rolled down his face. He laid down on his bed on his side, pulling the blanket almost over him. "Nobody ever gives a shit about me." He said to himself again. Little did he know that someone was listening to it with him. Wilbur thought that it'd be a funny idea to spy on Tommy for a bit that he was doing.

He heard a few more muffled cries, his mind going blank as he finally opened the door. Tommy jumped up, a scared expression on his face as he quickly tried to hide the tears. Wilbur stood there with a very guilty face, looking at Tommy as he tried to get his thoughts together. "Why are you here?" Tommy asked, trying to sound normal. "T-Tommy, I didn't know." Wilbur whispered out. He sounded so desperate yet broken. "Then why did you fucking do that?! Every single time!" He yelled out, his voice was hoarse, like he had been yelling the entire week.

"I don't know." Wilbur whispered out again. "So everyone here just hates me?! Don't they?" Tommy stood up. "That's not true." Wilbur said, trying to stay calm. "T-Tommy, I do like you." Wilbur tried to tell him. "Don't even, you only say that now because I'm fucking crying!" Tommy yelled again. Suddenly there were loud footsteps coming from the stairs, and two people rushed up. "What's happening?" Philza asked as he ran in. Wilbur glanced at Phil, he was clearly about to cry. "What's happening you ask? I'm fucking done! Everybody here just ignores or neglects me! Why don't you just send me back there already!" Tommy cried out. Techno was standing behind Wilbur, trying to think of something to do in this situation.

Phil took a step towards Tommy and hugged him. "That's not true at all Toms, I love you and I'm never going to send you back to that place. I promise." He whispered. "B-but then why does everybody always avoid m-me." Tommy choked out. "It's just the right person at the wrong time. I promise that I'll spend more time with you." Philza said as he hugged him tighter. Tommy finally gave in and let the tears flow. "You're safe here." He whispered.


So like, my life right now, is the best it's ever been. Like fr, I'm not single anymore, get good grades, have good friends, found new passions etc etc. A lot of less stress too, but the need to write has lowered a lot so there's gonna be a lot of less updates, ofc you can give me ideas to write, this oneshot was based on a request/idea too.

I'm putting the book on hold again

wc: 1649

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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