Sick - Fluff / slight angst

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Quick note, this is platonic so pls don't get the wrong idea or smth. It is sibling love/care, something that I don't have, not Alabama or smth.

TW: Vomiting,

3rd person pov:

Tommy woke up, a sick feeling quickly overwhelming him. His eyes jumped open as a weird feeling came up his throat. With no care in the world he sprinted over to the bathroom and opened the door as quickly as he could. He hung his head over the toilet, throwing up. After a bit it finally stopped. He coughed a few times and was disgusted by the taste in his mouth. He hung like that over the toilet for a little, his body still being tired from having to do so much just a minute after waking up.

He heard footsteps in the hallway. "Tommy?" Wilbur asked, he looked through the door frame. Tommy was weakly hanging over the toilet, his skin looked pale as ever. Wilbur quickly ran over to Tommy and bent down beside him. Tommy noticed and let himself relax a bit more. "Do I need to call Phil?" Tommy shook his head. "It's like, 4 in the morning." He mumbled out. The sour taste of vomit still littered in his mouth.

"I'll get you some water then." Wilbur said. He gave him a slight pat on the shoulder before standing up and walking downstairs to get him a glass. After Tommy was sure that he wasn't gonna throw up anytime soon again, he let himself move away from the toilet and sat against the wall. Wilbur finally came back with a glass and filled it with water at the bathroom sink. "Here you go." He handed Tommy the glass. Tommy slowly drank the water, bit by bit. Still afraid of throwing up if he drank it too fast.

After a few minutes he gave Wilbur the glass back. "Do you wanna go back to bed again, or?" Wilbur asked. Tommy just stared at the ground. He was ashamed of what he was gonna ask next. "Can I, uhm, sleep next to you?" Tommy asked, he was looking down a bit. Wilburs look softened as he held back an 'ahw'.

"Of course, come on." Wilbur said. He grabbed Tommy's arm and helped him back up. He quickly grabbed a towel from the cabinet and wiped off some bits on Tommy's face. (A/N Idk why I wrote it like that but it makes more sense to me...) They walked over to Wilburs room, when they were there Wilbur closed the door behind them. Tommy was already sitting down on his bed.

"You can lay down." Wilbur said, he gave Tommy a smile. Tommy obliged and laid down, he grabbed the blanket and made himself more comfortable. After a bit Wilbur laid next to him on the other side. Tommy turned around so that he was facing Wilbur and laid his head on his chest. Wilburg gave a small laugh as he smiled. "Shut up." Tommy mumbled out. "Goodnight Tommy." Wilbur said as he hugged him back. After a bit Tommy was fast asleep, same goes for Wilbur.

-- Next morning --

Wilbur woke up, being welcomed by Tommy still hugging him. He gave a faint smile as he ruffled his hair a little. Tommy moved a bit as he clinged onto Wilburs shirt. "Good Morning Tommy." Wilbur said as he tried to sit up. Tommy hummed complainingly when Wilbur did.

"I have to get out Tommy." Wilbur said as he laughed a bit at his reaction. "Fine." Tommy mumbled out. He grabbed the blanket and clinged onto that instead. "How are you feeling by the way?" Wilbur asked as he remembered what had happened a few hours ago. "Terrible." Tommy mumbled out again. Wilbur stood up and walked downstairs. "Morning." Phil said. He was in the kitchen making breakfast for all of them.

"Will, is Tommy with you?" Phil asked shortly after. "Hm, oh yeah he is. He's sick." Wilbur said. "I'll check if he has a fever." Phil said. He opened the cabinet where they had all the medicines and other stuff. He grabbed a thermometer and walked upstairs to Wilburs room. He opened the door again. "Hey Toms." He said softly as he walked in. Tommy hummed back in response.

Phil sat down on the bed. "I'm gonna check if you have a fever, okay?" Tommy hummed again. Well, it turned out that he did have a fever. 106 F*, not the best. "You have a fever Toms, is there anything else wrong?" Phil asked as he looked at the termometer. "Stomach ache, and headache, and everything just hurts." Tommy complained. Phil stood up again, "I'll get some painkillers then." He said. He walked back downstairs again.

"And?" Wilbur asked. "He has a fever and he said that everything hurts so I'm gonna get some painkillers." Wilbur frowned a bit at the answer. "Are you still gonna stream today?" Phil asked. Wilbur looked up again. "Probably not, it was supposed to be a stream with Tommy, don't wanna disappoint the fans like that." He said while standing up. "Makes sense." Phil said. He walked back upstairs with the pain killers, Wilbur following shortly after.

Tommy looked over at the two. "I'm not that sick or something." He said in a tired tone. Wilbur laughed but frowned a little at it. "Come on Tommy, they're just painkillers." Phil said as he put them on the nightstand. Wilbur sat in his chair. "Everyone is a bit sick at some point." Wilbur said as he spinned around a little. "Well, I don't care. I actually feel much better now, I'm not sick at all." "Tommy." Phil said back. He stood up quickly, everything being dizzy for a few seconds and then he fell back to the bed.

His legs hurt at the sudden movement, so did his hips, chest, basically everything still hurted. "Don't even." Tommy said, holding them back from saying something. Phil sighed and left the room to leave Tommy with Wilbur. "Come on Tommy, you're clearly hurting." Wilbur said. Tommy sat back up. "I don't care Will, plus we have a stream planned today." "I already canceled it, don't worry Toms." Wilbur said.

Tommy hummed a bit at the response. "Is there anything you want to do? We can watch a movie if you want?" Wilbur asked. Tommy thought for a bit. "Sure." He said. He slowly stood up, Wilbur helped him in case he fell down again. They walked downstairs, and again, Wilbur helped him. They sat down on the couch and Wilbur turned the TV on.

When they were scrolling through Netflix Phil came back to the living room. "Do you want to eat something Tommy?" He asked as he handed Wilbur a plate. Tommy nodded and Phil gave him a faint smile before returning back to the kitchen to grab a second plate. After a minute or two Phil came back and handed Tommy a plate. "I'm going to the store and Techno is currently doing whatever he's doing. Call me if something is wrong." Phil said.

They both nodded. After a bit they finally chose a movie, it was hotel transylvania, not that they've never watched the movie before. Wilbur placed down both of their plates ,since they were done with their food, and sat back down. The movie had started and Tommy snuggled up a bit closer to Wilbur. He lent his head on Wilbur's shoulder, his eyes were drooping a bit, still tired, I mean, he did not have the best sleep after all.

He kept on closing his eyes for a minute or two, the movie laying in the background as he fell asleep again. After a bit Wilbur heard soft snores, he glanced over at Tommy and gave him a smile. He grabbed a blanket that was on the couch, trying to not move his shoulder away from Tommy. He put the blanket, with a lot of struggling, around him and Tommy. Just enjoying the warmth, Tommy shuffled a bit, trying to find a new spot to sleep comfortably in.

Wilbur gave him a warm smile again, even though he couldn't see it.


Anti-climax ending for sure

wc: 1372

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