Winginnit pt 3

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3rd person pov:

Everything was black, even after some minutes. He did felt the warmt of a campfire to his skin, it was quite cold out there so he really needed that. Every now and than he tried to open his eyes, take a look around. But nothing worked, it was like he was unconscious but still conscious. It was weird, it was just black he saw. He still heard, and felt everything. 

He felt the couch, atleast he thought it was a couch, he was laying on. The campire, and he heard 2 people talking. He wasn't sure who, but by the tone of their voices it probably were Wilbur and Philza. 

He just waited, waiting for his eyes to open. After what felt like hours he finally managed to open his eyes. But, nobody was there. The voices stopped a while ago so he saw this coming. The only light in the house was the campfire slowly burning the wood to crisps. He turned his head and tried to sit. It was easier than he thought it was, as soon as he sat he realized something.

His wings where showing. Soon everything flashed back to him, him walking in the snow seeing shadowy figures running towards him. Trying to get back without anyone noticing. He didn't even realize everything that happened?!

He was panicking but stil ltrying to stay as calm and silent as possible.  He looked around, all the light where off and the doors closed. Everyone must be sleeping. He still didn't know what to do, he just stood up and quickly grabbed a glass of water. 'Maybe I could go to Philza's room' He thought looking trough options to do right now.

'It's the best option so why not' He thought. He walked towards Philza's room trying not to make any noise. He opened the door looking in the dark room, Philza was sleeping, as expected. As he stood in the door frame he quietly said: "Dad?" It was way to quiet and he knew it, so he said it again but this time a bit louder.

"Dad?" A bit louder, still no reaction. Third time's a charm, "Dad" He said this time talking with his normal loud voice. The was a reaction this time, you could see the blanket moving slightly and than a man slowly sitting up. 

Philza looked at who woke him up this time, "Mh?" He asked trying to get used to the darkness surrounding him. As soon as he could see a bit better he recognized his youngest son immediatly, "Tommy" He said while jumping out of his bed and sprinting to the boy. "You're finally awake, how are you?" he asked with full worries hoping for the best.

Philza was holding Tommy's shoulders making sure that Tommy was be able to do everything properly, Even tho Tommy was clear and awake. "I'm alright I guess, can be better."  Tommy answered looking to the ground still being scared of how everyone would react.

"Do you want to sleep for now" Philza said after a awkard silence. He nodded in response to the question. They both walked to his room, Philza walked with him to make sure that everything was alright. I mean, who woudln't worry like that after an accident. After he putted Tommy on bed he sneaked back to his own room making sure that he wouldn't awake anyone at this hour.


Time skip, it's now morning

3rd person pov:

Everyone was awake, the only person who was still in their room was Tommy. He was way to scared to go out of his room to talk to the others. No way that he was gonna do that.

After some time there where some knocks on his door. "Tommy, can you please get out of your room for a bit" A familliar voice said. It was Wibur, he didn't want to since he was laying in a comfortable position. But sure, I mean why not. He couldn't go around it anymore so he didn't really had a choice. "Mhm." He mumbled back in a sleepy tone so it sounded convincing that he was half asleep.

As soon as he stood up a wave of pain went trough his body. "Fuckin hell" He whispered grabbing his back, so he was in the cold for way to long. He had been in the snow for a long time, it probably affected his wings without him even knowing it.

As soon as he put on a shirt and pants he went to the living room to face reality. While going out of his room he was preparing himself for all the question that they where gonna ask him. 

"Tommy!" Philza's voice said in a happy tone, welcoming him to breakfast. He sat next to Wilbur on the couch, his white, yet red and gold wings flapped together on his back trying to make them as small as possible. He was still quite uncomfortable sitting there, between his 2 brothers who knew nothing about his wings or him even having a possibility of getting them.

"So, Tommy.." Philza started off trying to create a conversation. "Why were you outside at night? It's really cold out there mate." He said making sure that Tommy remaind calm and than nobody else would panic. He thought for a second, what was he going to answer to that?

"It's the only time I can.." He stopped and mumbled to last words to hisself. "So you can what?" Technoblade asked in his monotone voice. "Fly" He replied looking at the ground, even tho they all knew about his wings they where still suprised with his answer. "Why don't you fly at day time? That's much safer!" Wilbur said. "Well I was, scared." Tommy said whispering holding back some tears this time.

"Why are you scared than?" Philza asked trying to look Tommy in the eyes even tho he was staring down. "For everyone's reaction" Tommy said, the 3 of them got what he was saying but it wasn't completly clear. They still didn't know what his expectations where, like the reactions he thought he would get.

There was an awkard silence for a while until Wilbur decided to speak up. "Tommy, I don't think that you need to be scared for that. Your wings look really cool." He said, Tommy looked up to Wilbur who had a smile on his face trying to get Tommy to laugh. "Really?" He replied,

"Yea!", Tommy looked back at the ground a bit. Wilbur noticed quickly enough that Tommy felt really awkard, since he was sitting next to him, he decided to hug Tommy. As soon as he wrapped his arms around Tommy, Tommy layed his head on Wilburs shoulder. It was a wuicker reaction than Wilbur thought he would get.

Tommy clinged onto Wilbur like he was gonna die, it was a really wholesome moment. Philza and Technoblade where just watching this cute moment. (They're brothers, no ship :D)

"Tommy, we won't laugh at you or hate you. No matter what" Techno said while laying his hand on Tommy's shoulder. Philza had a smile on his face looking at the 3 brothers. 

Some story's do have a good ending, 

and some don't :)


1213 words, this part took longer than it was supposed to be, but meh. It's still out, I'll try to continue pt 2 of 'All the things they said' It was a pretty long story so it does take some time to write. 

Thank you all so much for 100+ reads, 4 votes and 2 comments! :D I appreciate it a lot < 3


You can correct me if you see any spelling/grammar mistakes!

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