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As the title is saying, this is gonna be about drugs. So as tw:

TW: Drugs (+ The effects and names of it), abuse


There he was, sitting in the corner of his room. He looked around every few minutes dramaticly, staring at the clock which was saying that it was 2am in the morning. Everything felt so different, he always felt so free, like nothing could hurt him. But here he his, sitting, crying, raging, all in the corner of his room.

Everything felt small, he felt s boxed in. It was like the world was against him, like everything decided to give him karma for things that he never did. He grabbed his head, his hands were shaking aggresivly, the amout of rage he was keeping in was nowhere near to what he had before.

He slowly looked up while shaking, looking at his nightstand. 'The drawer', that one little things. That one thing that could make everything dissapear, that could make everything better but worse at the same time. 

He opened the drawer searching in it like he never did before. There it was, in that one little container. He went back to the corner while he grabbed a bottle of water, slowly opening the container. That one thing that could help him, there right in his hands. He shakingly grabbed it, looking at it and inspecting it. Sweat dripping from his forehead, "Ecstasy tablets" he whispered under his breath.

He stared at it for another minute before he hesitantingly opened the water bottle. He opened his mouth, 'This will help you.' his mind said. He did it, he closed the bottle and quickly got up. It was just like he commited a murder. He didn't felt anything but he was scared, so so scared.

He sat on his bed, his knees all the way up to his chest. He looked at the clock, it had been 15 minutes. He slowly felt something coming up, he looked around. Everything felt so dizzy but amazing at the same time. 

He crawled over to the mirror, he looked terrible. He pupils widened, his hair was a mess, everything looked horrible. He went back to his bed, feeling weird. His heartbeat getting faster at the second, everything felt warm while it became less dizzy. His mouth felt dry and he had a need to cough, but he couldn't. He didn't want anyone to be awake right now. 

He walked back to the corner to grba his water bottle when suddenly, everything started turning around him. He didn't know where to walk, what to do, this felt like he was gonna die.


You coud hear people running, across the hallway all the way to his door. With a loud noise the door opened, everything slowly started fading away and he closed his eyes.

"WILBUR, WAKE UP GODDAMNIT!" Phil yelled in dibelief, "fuck" he whispered while his hands were on Wilburs shoulders. "Dad?" Tommy asked slowly getting inside of the dark room, he looked at Wilbur. ".. What happened?" He asked being scared for the actual answer. "Just, go back to your room Tommy." Phil whispered.

It was like Phil already knew what happened, he got Tommy and Techno away from the room while he had layed Wilbur in his bed. He started looking around the room, he found the capsule. "Oh no." He whispered, he checked the little box. It was empty, "How did he even got this shit" he whispered while looking at the capsule. 

"Goddamnit Wil" He cursed turning back to his son, "Why, you know the goddamn consequences." He said knowing that Wilbur couldn't hear him. He sat next to Wilbur on his bed, he layed his arm over Wilburs shoulder. 


Wilbur slowly started to wake up, he had a head-ache so the first thing he did was getting down again. When he looked to the side he saw Phil sitting on his bed, well, sleeping but than in a sit position. He looked weirdly at Phil, than at the ground. The capsule, it was gone.

'They know'



I have a weird need to write a chapter about Ranboo or something, so I may do that. (Only once I think)

I'm having a test week soon (9 tests in a week) so I'll maybe post less or they'll be delayed.

And ty for all of the reads <33 Love y'all

Word count: 890

jk, jk, jk



"Fuck" He whispered slowly getting up, he grabbed some clothes and quickly put them on ignoring Philza which was slowly waking up. "Wil?" He asked in a sleepy tone. Wilbur ran out of his room downstairs only to see Tommy cleaning the dishes and Techno prparing breakfast. "Wil!" Tommy yelled out, Techno looked up. 

'He looks scared' He thought, he slowly started walking towards Wilbur, Wilbur kept on backing off until his back reached the wall. He turned his head around, being scared for him to get hit. His arms covering his head, only to be greeted by a hug. 'What?' 

His arms slowly got down, "Wil, relax, I'm not going to hit you" Techno said so that only Wilbur could hear him. Wilbur looked confused at Techno, 'He never hugs people, what the fuck is this' He thought.

"How are you feeling Will?" Tommy asked while coming closer; "Mh, okay I guess" Wilbur replied. Phil came downstairs, Techno quickly let go of Wilbur being ashamed of his actions. Phil laughed a bit, "No need to be ashamed Techno." He said laughing. Wilbur slowly sat down on the couch, looking at the 3 in the kitchen.

They came back with breakfast, "So, uhm.. Phil?" Wilbur started, "Hm?" Phil replied. "Aren't you guys, like. Gonna send me to jail?" He asked looking down, "What? Why would we do that?!" Tommy yelled out. "I did illegal things Tommy, those drugs aren't easy to get. They're uiete illegal and expensive." Wilbur replied being dead serious.

"Wilbur" Techno said, "You blew up a fucking country" they all started laughing, "Isn't that illegal enough for you?" Techno yelled out at the laughing Wilbur. 


Please don't do drugs

word count: 1054

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