Choices Must Be Made To Sacrifice .

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My body burned with rage . 

Pure rage . 

It was a different feeling because when things came to my mother , I was usually scared . I was usually afrid of my own shadow but once I heard it was her who had done this to my innocent friend . My grief was clouded with pure rage and anger . I was ready for blood . 

I rose from my current spot cradling Val's body , to letting her go gently and rising to my fathers level . I felt my fang behind my lips , I felt Ziphora growl in the back of my mind . I felt both My vampire and werewolf rise and stand as one . It wasn't one or the other it was both standing as one , ready to tear something apart . 

" Vira . "  I spat her name . " Did this . " 

He only nodded his head in conformation . 

I took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly . I felt my posture straighten and stiffen . 

In that moment , my whole mindset changed . I only wanted Vira's blood spilt all in the name of justice for Val's death . 

" I want my werewolf training and my vampire training to start tommorow . "  I looked at Will . 

He only nodded his head . " Im going to bed ." 

 With that I turned and left . I walked up the steps and walked into my room . I grabbed one of Val's shirts from her suitcase and smelled it . 

It smelt just like her , like vanilla and ginger . 

I layed down on my bed with the shirt and held it close , waiting for sleep to take me . 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~****** Adam P.O.V*********~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When we heard Sage's door close everyone let out a breath that they were holding . It felt like Sage had disappeared and we were in the prscence of royalty . Sage was definately special , but she did a total 360 in a matter of seconds when she heard her mother was responsible . 

Her eyes turned a golden hazel color . It was unexpected .  I believe it was her wolf and vampire merging into one . I will find out soon enough . 

I watched silently as the family , dissucused as to what to do with the body of the young girl . 

I am no stranger to death , being a 300 year old vampire , death happens so much you become numb to it . 

Andrew lifted up the lifeless body and carried it out as Samantha followed close behind . They all walked out the house following one another into the dreadful night . I looked towards the stairs and thought I'd check on Sage . She's only been a vampire for a short while , but expiercing death no matter what you are is tramatic . I sped to the room she fled off to . I stood in the shadows and watched her as she slept . She seemed so peaceful . She held on to a shirt in her hands and clung to it , smelling its scent everytime she breathed in .

I walked towrds her and pulled the blaket up agaist her body . She didn't seem to notice . Once I sat down I felt sadness for her . So much sadness that I decided to do something that I thought I would never do . 

I placed my hand on my heart and made the vow i said I would never make .

Et suscitabo super vos protegant. Et ego ducam te ad immortalitatis thrive.I auxilium meum esse et tuum in corde tuo est. Hoc votum meum dilectum et iure possum deserere dulcedinem meam tanquam protectorem, et semper in saecula.

(I promise to protect you . I will guide you into your immortality and help you thrive.I place my essence on your heart and yours on mine . By this vow , i give up my right to a beloved and accept my role as your protector , always and forever . )

I placed my hand on her heart and connected our bond .

From the first moment i laid eyes on her i knew I would want to protect her , but untill this moment I didnt know the extent .

I leaned forward and kissed her head .

bene dormire, regina 

( Sleep well ,my queen) 

And with that I stood up and took one last look at her and sped off . 

I ran to my apartment just outside the pack terriotory . I got there and went staight to bed . 

~~~~~~~~~******************Samantha's P.O.V*************~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I think it been at least 12 years since I cried . Twelve whole years in my eighteen years of life and this is the first time Ive cried since . I didnt even cry when my father died , I didnt cry when my mother kicked me out , and I didnt cry when my sister abandoned me . But I cried for this girl , this girl who only wanted to help. She is now subjected to this violent death . Sage wasn't wrong when she said that Val's was meant to have a human life . 

Will watched me carefully , like I would explode at any point . 

He walked over to me and said , " She was brave , Vira wanted to know where Sage was . She wouldn't tell her . " He didnt finish what he was going to say but I had a pretty good idea what happened . 

I wiped away my tears and looked him in the eye . 

" She made a brave and courageous choice . She gave up her life so we could live . I will not let her choice be made in vain . I will avenge Valerie . I will do it and no one will stop me ." 

" How can you , your only human . " He counterred . 

" All in good time , The Moon Goddess told me I would become one of her children . I have no doubt in my mind that this will happen its all just a matter of when . "

" The only way you can become a child of The Moon Goddess is if you become a vampire . " He stated .

i just shrugged my shoulders . " Then so be it ."

I turned around and walked away .

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