The Last Day ...

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I decided on my birthday I would end my life , being somewhat poetic and all . I went to school that morning and went to all my classes . I thanked each one for being my teacher , most of them grunted , most met my gaze with confusion, only one actually asked me why I was thanking him. I shrugged my shoulders as if it was just out of the kindness of my heart  and left at lunch. I used all my allowence, which wasn't much , and treated Val and Sam to lunch at In and Out . We ate and laughed and we all had milkshakes . We all got on the bus and they got off on thier appointed stops . I was left all alone on the bus gazing out of the window and felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I looked to see a text from my mother ,
Get home now ... you have ten minutes .Don't make me call you .

I sighed and felt nothing nowadays my heart went cold when it came to my mother and even when I thought of feeling a shred of remorse I was reminded my the old and healing scars placed on my body thanks to her .

I dailed my father's number . When I heard his voicemail I was releaved I didn't know how I would be able  to say goodbye to the only parent I would even ever consider.
Hey dad , it's me , I was just calling to say - to tell I love you and hope you had a great day , no a great week .. a great life . Dad just be happy .

I hung up, turned off my phone and put it in my pocket . I know my mother would be calling by now asking me where I am . I got off the bus and started walking towards the bridge 20 blocks away . It would give me enough time to gaze out at the sunset and jump off the bridge being the suns gaze the last thing I see . About an hour later , I arrived at the bridge the sun already down but the night just as beautiful . I put my hands on the rusty rail gazed out on the man made channel , even though it was man made it was still beautiful , it still reflected perfectly off the moon . I pulled out my phone and turned it on 12 unread texts and 13 missed calls from my mother . I already had my letters for Sam and Val ready in the drafts of my phone , all I had to do was press send . After I pressed send I put my phone on the safe side of the railing and climbed over.. I looked out again and I felt tears fall from my face , it was the first time I cried because I almost felt at peace . Just as I was about to let go I heard a mans voice behind me screaming he was far enough away to not catch  me in time ..

"Stop!!"the man pleaded.

And with that I let both of my arms go at once and was falling forward . Most people fall backwards do they have something pretty to look at ,nope not me. I want to make sure I died -if not from the force but from the unknown garbage at the bottom ensuring my death ...

Its probably weird but I felt closer and closer to release as I got closer to the water . Just as I was about to hit the water I felt a pair of muscular arms grab my body ,pinning me to his chest . He was warm too warm almost burning even his touch felt like home . I tried to turn around and see who was holding me back only to hit the water and felt as it stung my skin ... I purposly breathed in water to make sure I drowned . Then I blacked out, thanking god that my life was finally over and I felt guilty that a man, who probably had good intensions , died with me .

I felt groggy I couldn't open my eyes , well shit don't I get a fucking bright light ! Goddamit if I still alive ,because of that wanna be hero will rue the day he was tried to save me  ... Slowly I began to regain my senses and was listening to the things around me . Damnit I'm alive ,  I heard a heart monitor and a someone moving around in a chair but thats all I could do. I could only hear . I heard a door open a toilet flush then the door close. "How is she ?" .A man said

"I dont know , but she is going to live." The other said .

"Of course she is going to live, do you smell that ?!" The man said excitedly.

"Yea I know she's one of us , but she is just so weak , whats wrong with her ?" He asked

"Maybe she was beaten, look at the scars. " he stated .

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