What The Night Brings ..

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We kept walking until we got to a temple deep in the forest . A statue of the moon goddess near the doorway . We walked inside to see the room only lit by candles and 6 girls on their knees and 7 boys on their knees as well. 
Don't speak in here only use your mind link. My dad thought in my head.

I nodded and he pointed for me to sit next to the other girls at the altar. A man with a black robe covering most of his face began to speak in my head .
Welcome humble children of the moon goddess. We are gathered here today to welcome our children's wolfs to become one. Many children may or may not receive their wolf tonight . The children who do will be blessed with their wolf and live out the days of  eternity. The ones who dont will just as loved but will live mortal livesThis glorious ocassion will cause for celebration after , not matter what the outcome

Everyone looked at him and nodded .
Now we begin ! He shouted and lit a pyre near another statue of the moon goddess . The fire turned bright red , then blue consumed it .
Everyone bow and stay silent they are coming. The man said .

And with that I bowed my head waiting for Ziphora's arrival .I kept my eyes to the ground till I saw massive paws in front of me . I lifted my gaze and saw Ziphora's brown eyes reflect my own.  Then they changed to blue . Ziphora yelped out in pain and fell to the ground in front of me.
The vampirism , its just the vampirism. The venom is changing me. Like it changed you. She said in my head .

I stayed back hating to see her in pain. She whined and whined till it was fully in her system.  She weakly got up and held her head up high .
Stand up . she said

I rose and she walked right into me.

Causing me to cry out in pain . It felt like my body was going through a shredder. My head began pulsing my teeth ached and I felt so dry . Like I needed water , like I was trapped in the desert with no water . I was gasping for air , my eyes felt like acid . All I could do was scream.

-----------------------The next Day --------------

I woke up in the main middle of the woods , naked. Surrounded by flowers. I felt the sun against my skin and it felt good for about 3 seconds . Then it got annoying , like someone was trying to blind me with a flashlight.  I got up and found a tree to hide under supplying shade. My eyes instantly felt better. But looking out into the distance hurt like a bitch Sage . I heard Liam's voice .
Yea ?I said .
Where are you ?! He asked concerned
Under a tree, naked . I said .
I'm coming . I'll bring you some clothes. He said .

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