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After Adam's little realization , I kinda panicked. I didn't want to feed more than once. I didn't want to be a monster.

Your not a monster .I heard Ziphora say.

You have to say that. I said .
The moment you become a monster , I'll tell you. I wanted to think she was kidding when she said it but I couldn't help feel a slight seriousness in her voice when she said it.

I usher Adam out and told him to meet me later . I wanted to go for a run.

I quickly went to my room and got some sweats and a shirt and set them outside my house with a note that said , Don't move these .

I went down the steps and felt Ziphora itching at the surface .

I let her energy surge through me and shifted into her enormous white wolf . Once her front paws hit the ground they took off. We ran like our lives depended on it . The wind whipping past my face my muscles pounding the ground . Then His scent hit me . I smelt Drew and I instantly felt better .

But this time it was different , it wasnt like before were his it was comforting. No it felt like I needed to follow it and be consumed by it. I followed the scent till I reached I different part of the woods. I saw him staring up at the moon , with his tounge hanging out . His gray fur looked great in the moonlight . I crept up behind him and breathed hard in his neck. It through him off guard and he let out a small whimper because I scared him.

I felt Ziphora get excited and wagging her tail rapidly .
Mate . Was all she said . What the hell is that ? I asked confused .
He's our mate , he is our happiness. Our knight and shining armor. He's the wolf that we will love for the rest . Ziphora explained happily .

Drew was now in front of me sniffing me like a mad man. He begged me to move to say something but I couldn't .
I don't want a mate . I told Ziphora .
Why not !?! Ziphora and Drew asked at the same time.
He won't hurt us . He is supposed to love us , he -.

I cut her off .
My mother was supposed to love me and look what happened, I can't let another person in . I trust drew but I can't be his mate . Whatifhehurtsme ?
I WILL NEVER HURT YOU ! Drew shouted in my head making me whimper .

I turned away from him and ran .
Sage , no !

I ran as fast as a could , and then I ran some more.

The idea that someone was supposed to love me , should have brought me comfort but all it did was bring me doubt. It brought me back to my mother. And anger over whelmed me and I couldn't help but let out a snarl.

Drew caught up with me not giving up and I saw his eyes blacken . The thought of my mother instantly clouded my actions and a snarled at Drew . He was shocked and let out a whimper. I felt my heart soften and Ziphora screamed at me,
Go to mate ! Don'tgrowl at mate !

Stop it Ziphora ! I yelled at her.

I tried to run past him but he caught me and bit into my shoulder . I yelled out in pain and I felt him push me on my back .I kept crying out until I couldn't take it anymore and shifted beneath him . He instantly let go and I saw him shifting as well . He stayed on top of me and he eyes were still black . He snarled and me and said ," Mine !"
Ziphorahelpme ! I pleaded . She stayed silent enjoying the feel of Drew on top of us ,claiming us as his.

"Why are out fighting me , can't you see I just want to love you !"

He yelled at me.

I cried at that , " No , I don't want you " I choked out . It hurt as the words fell from my mouth and I didn't even believe them myself.

" Sage , you don't mean that ." He said in a serious tone .

"Yes , I do." I cried out .

Feeling the tears roll down my face . I began to cry more .

" What are you so afraid of ?" He yelled at me .

" You , I don't want you .... To hurt me . You say you won't , Ziphora says you won't , but I know you will . I am too fragile right now . My heart can't take another heartache . And if you don't , what then ? We live the rest of your life out together and then you'll die ! You'll leave me , without meaning to . Youll be too old and sick and miserable and ill still be ME! You'll have broken my heart and left me behind . And you know where I'll be ?! Right here, still alive! Still broken ! Alone .... " I stop struggling on that last part. Drew knew I was telling the truth . He knew that he couldn't be there for me forever and I needed a forever. He let me go and didn't even look at me. He sat back and said " I will find a way to be with you , and when I do . This excuse you'be created will vanish and I will be with you , even if you don't want me. I will be yours and you will be mine. "

I felt my heart flutter and my body yearn for him. He must've felt it too because he turned round and embraced me in a tight hug burying his face into my neck , inhaling my scent. He kissed my neck repeadily until I pushed him away .

" Drew I dont want you " i lied .

He growled loudly and his eyes turned black . He grabbed me roughly and said ,

" MINE ! YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MINE ! " He brought his face close and nuzzled my neck once more . He kissed the spot on my shoulder and bite down .


All I felt was pain , I tried to push him away but her just held on . i started hitting him roughly untill I felt it . HIs presence in my body . Well I felt his Wolf searching for mine . Once he found her , i felt her bow in submission .

He let go and I pounched him , right in his face . I mustv'e punched him too hard because he knocked out . i knelt down and slapped his stupid handsome face .

" Wake up ! " i shouted .

I felt Ziphora growl in the back of my mind .

" Dont you go growling at me . What did he do to me , freaking animal ! He bit me ! "

He claimed you .. Ziphora explained .

His wolf connected with mine and he marked you . Basically making sure you never leave him ."

" Im gonna kill him ! " I shouted . and i slapped him again .

He woke with a jolt and smiled at me . Like i was the best person in the world . I slapped him again .

" Dont smile at me ! Ziphora told me what you did ! Im gonnna kill you ! How dare you claim me ! I Am not yours ! " i pointed my finger at him, yelling.

He lightly growled , " Yes you are .."

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