Time Heals Wounds And Guarantees Scars..

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Do you know what it feels like to be numb ? 

To watch the events around you unfold and only expiernce , nothing . 

The only thing that really seems to drive me is training . I train 8 hours a day . 

I spend four hours training with Liam and Will and the other times training with Adam . But sometimes when Im with Adam , I feel . Adam says that its normal for vampires to feel every emotion 50 times as hard as humans or even werewolves . So when I do feel , he is the only one who sees it . Sam has grown angry . She trains with me and even though she is human , I plan to have Adam turn her when we leave here . Yes I still plan to leave , and it isnt because of Drew and it isnt because I want revenge . I want to expierence the greatest pleasures in life before I kill that horrid woman . 

I plan to kill my mother with everything I've got . My father tries to talk me out of it . Sometimes I feel like he's keeping something from me . Like hes keeping a secret from all of us and I havent decided if I want to know what it is yet . I've already been betrayed by my mother , to expierence the same from father would be less surprising . I would believe it though . In my year of training , I have discovered things about my new immortal life . Ill put it in bullet form for you .

- Smelling deceit

Its like my body is searching for loyalty and when it finds decit in the other person i get a whiff of this disgusting odor . Like trash set on fire . Burning my nostrils . The bigger the lie , deceit , or secret the more it smells untill that it the set that deceit free then the smell vanishes and you become clean , clean enough to eat . 

- Feeling Adam 

I dont know why but I fell Adams prescence in my body . Like a smudge mark placed gently under my skin . It makes me feel safe , it makes me feel something in my times of numbness . Wherever I go Adam goes . He sleeps in my room , in his own bed of course but in my room non-theless . Its like if I try to get within 20 feet without him there my body comes with this overwhelming feeling of emptiness . He says its because The Moon Goddess made him my protector . 

-Hearing Drews Thoughts 

Its the most annoying thing that I have developed , but Ziphora says its becuase he marked me and I didnt mark him back . She says ever since she bonded with my vampire side , she is always around . She never leaves and she is always wanting Drew so hell always be there . 

-Touching Souls 

Its the most amazing thing Ive done . All I have to do is look into the eyes of the person and imagine what it feels like and reach out . Its like a thin layer of silk wrapped around the person , like its ready to be ripped from them at any moment . But looking at them is very different from touching them . I touched Sam's once and it was an amazing feeling . It felt like I was almost human again .My mind was in complete amazement . But once my mind went to bad thoughts Sams soul turned gray . It aborbed my feelings and Sam feel alseep for a week . She didnt wake up , she just stayed sleep for those long 7 days and woke up on the 7th day .I told myself I would never do this to another person but Sam convinced me into trying it on animals . I've now mastered it and if I get angry enough I can take a soul from a body . Its the worst thing ive done so far to another living thing .

 -All the other Vampire tricks

*Complusion, Speed, Strength , ect.

And I cant die . 

A few months after valerie died I was feeling really down and I took a shotgun to my head and pre-set the shed on fire . My body decentergrated and was ash . Two days later I rose from the ashes , scaring everyone . Word got around that Will had a Demon Wolf in his pack . No rouge has dared to touch his lands . 

Now lets get back to the story shall we , its been a years since Val's death and now its time for me to leave . Ive trained my hardest and now im leaving only taking Sam and Adam with me . I know I may seem kind of cruel by leaving Drew behind but I must . He doesn't fit in my world he must stay here and I must let him go . 

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