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Its been too long without Sage . As her protector I have an overwhelming need to be near her . I tried to explain that to her overbearing pack but they wouldn't listen . They were too caught up in Drews death to see that , and whats worse Sage was too was distraught to tell them .Her  shock was too great , she couldn't even speak , Its like she shut down and is too damagd to be put back together. Meanwhile, I've been trying to keep busy . Most of my time is hovering near the boarder of the packs terriotory waiting for Sage to call me. I know she will call me , she has to . She said she loved me , I love her with all my heart , my cold dead unbeating heart but my heart still the same . I keep my mind open , just in case she is strong enough to try and reach me but Ive heard nothing . Just silence , She keeps on flashing me images of her nightmare . Its on reapeat , Its replaying Drew laying on the ground bleeding from his neck , screaming at her to help him but she can't . She always breaks down and looses him all over again ,almost every night from his reoccuring nightmare. I dont know where she is , the Sage i fell in love with , I think shes there but i dont know , she's just alive . It kills me that i cant check on her , I wondering if she's feeding . If she's feeding at all ,but I dont know and its killing me .

One day I decide to not go to the packs boarder and I smelled something . Someone, trying to catch my attention . I sped out of my apartment and into a dark alleyway . A man with dark features and a wicked smile looked at me , 

" What do you want ?" I said . 

" It's not what I want , its what you want . " He said nonchalantly .

" And what do you think I want ? " I said getting into my deffensive stance , ready for an attack . 

" You want what everyone wants , recently . The Demon Wolf , they call her . But I know her as another name ." he explained . 

" Im listening ." I said through cletched teeth . 

"Give her something to fight for , someone to believe in . Someone who will never leave her side. Someone she never even knew she had." He trailed on. 

" And who would that be? " I asked befuddled . 

" Her brother ." 

---------------------------------------------------------- Sam ----------------------------------------------------------------

It was early in the morning , when my phone rang . I let it go to voice mail only when it didnt stop ringing did I groan . Will was stretched across me arms locked around my waist and legs entangled with mine . I looked at my bedside clock and cursed whoever was calling me at 3 in the morning. 

I picked up my phone with out looking to see who it was and I hear Adam voice in a hushed  tone .

" Sam , are you there ?" he asked hopefully .

" Yea , I'm here hold on . " I said grogilly . 

I tapped Will and he groaned, " Will move your ass , I gotta pee ." 

He unlatched himself from me and I sprang out of bed into the bathroom . 

I closed the door and said, " Adam ? You there ." 

" Yea, I'm here " He said relieved . 

" Whats up , is everything okay ? "  I asked concerned . 

" Sam I need you to meet me somewhere , its really important ." He said breathless. 

" Okay , when ?" 

" Come to the city right outside the packs terriorty. Bring a car an come alone . " He stated . 

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