Don't Make Deals With The Devil

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"She won't be out for long , the way I do this is, I blacken the persons soul. I leave a scar and wait for it to heal . I couldn't really blacken hers , it took a lot and she fought it pretty well. " I said starting back up the car .

" She's too strong . How am I supposed to kill her , when I can't even weaken her.  " I say angry. 
" You take something from her , take something she's always wanted . " Sam says looking at Vira with disgust. 

"The boy." Adam says. 
" You want me to kill an innocent. " I ask them shocked. 
" I want you to kill Vira , either you or me but either way I want her dead.  " Sam said still looking at her.

"She will be , she made a mistake walking into that airport. Her last mistake." I said looking at the road .

We sat in silence , and we all watch Vira carefully . I exited the freeway and I knew we weren't too far from her house. I need to save him and it scares me . Fear is feeling I haven't felt in a long time.  I know Adam and and Sam can feel it too . But I know that if it came down to saving Drew or my supposed brother. I would choose Drew. 

I  pulled into the driveway  and breathed in a deep breathe . I opened the door and I walked up the path . I reached the door and I felt Drew before I saw him . He was sitting on the couch and was talking to a small boy . He was whispering to the boy and the sight made me want to vomit . I was relieved that I didn't care for this little boy because now I can use him . Use him to my advantage.

--------------Vira ------------------------------

My body was throbbing with every pulse my body needed . I needed to stay alive , I won't die not like this.

I saw a black veil and it was so black that it shined my own reflection.  I  reached my hand towards it and it latched itself on to my hand . It burned and it crept it's way up my arm.  It consumed me , it trapped me like butterfly in a cocoon . Once it covered my entire body , I was dragged back into reality. I woke gasping for air , I was on my couch in my house . I got up and walked to the kitchen , my throat was so dry.  I heard someone behind me and I turned around . I saw my daughter standing in the kitchen doorway , glaring at me.
" I'm taking your son . " She said.
I growled. " I will kill everyone you love . " I threatened.
"You come near my mate, my protector , or my best friend. I will not hesitate, I will kill your precious son . " She said looking me in the eye .
I raised my hand to slap her but she caught it and turned me around and held my arm behind my back. 
" You know mother , I am not the same girl you knew, I am so much stronger . You are weak , you are pathetic. You want this perfect family but it doesn't exist , you are evil and I plan to kill you . " she strained my arm even more until she let go. 
She backed up and said , "You loose ,Vira ." she turned to walk out the door but I lunged at her instead . I shifted on top of her and dug my claws into her back I bit into her shoulder and she began to shift as well.
Her wolf amazed me it was a magnificent view , her white fur . I let go and snarled my teeth at her. She growled but her growl was so strong it shook the entire house.

She barked and the vampire strolled in with my baby in his arms . I snapped I ran towards him but Sage stopped me and bit into my neck . She latched her jaw down , I cried in pain.  She was so strong , she held me back with her tight jaw grip . I finally gave in and started to shift back .

I felt her let go and I ran . I ran into the living room looking for an escape.  But I was only meet with my brother conversing with Sage's mate  . I stomped towards him and grabbed his neck. He was taken back but began to fight me. I let my claws out and he knew he couldn't escape . I dug my claws into his neck deeper and knelt him down on the ground I got behind him and turned to my brother . "Leave !" He bowed and swiflty left . Sage walked in with my baby boy in her hands . She saw my position with her precious mate and said , "Let him go Vira !"
" No ! Give me my baby ! " I screamed.
" Fine, let him go.  " she pleaded.
There it was , just the weak point I needed in order to make her weaker. She slowly put my boy down and she nudged him in my direction. His eyes lit up when he saw me and ran to me . "Mama! "
He ran to my side an attached himself to my leg .
" Now let him go ." She said .
" It seems you have a heart after all my darling. Why don't I rip it out ?  " I sunk my claws deep into the boys neck until I felt bone and pulled .
His blood everywhere and only the screams of my his precious hybrid mate were the evidence of his death .

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