Can't Catch A Break or Flight

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I was in Adams arms that's all I knew . I was in a car and I was in Adams arms.  Those were the only things evident to me . I was asleep and I wasn't quite ready to wake up yet. 

I felt Adams fingers brush against me forehead , trying to soothe me . I felt Ziphora in my mind , she was quiet.  Too quiet . Adam stirred beneath me. 
" Why isn't she waking up ." Sam asked. 
" She must be breaking the physical bond between her and Drew." Adam replied. 
Well that made sense, now I get it.  We're leaving the pack , Ziphora must be in mourning. 
Its okay Ziphora, he is better this way .
I tried to soothe her.
She growled at me ,
Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt
I whimpered . shocking myself .
Did I just whimper ?!? What the fuck is happening to me
Adam whispered in my ear , you just miss your mate . It's okay Sage .
It is NOT okay . I protested.
Then I opened my eyes.
I shot up knocking Adam in the head with mine by mistake.
I groaned in pain , " What are you made of Edward Cullen. "
His face dropped, " I can't believe you just compared me to a sparkling fairy wanna be Vampire . "
I groaned again. 
" So where are we headed ? " Sam asked .
" Where do you wanna go ? " Adam asked. 
" The beach ." I said .
I saw Sam smirk in the mirror.
"What's at the beach ?" Adam asked confused .
"A beach house ." Sam said simply .
" We spent summers at the beach but we always wanted a house. Now that I have my trusty vampwerewolf power I don't see why not ?" I explained.
" You spent a year , fighting and preparing for death con 3 and with your new found freedom , you want to go to the beach ? " Adam asked  in disapproval.
" Not just any beach ." Sam said with a big grin.
" An Australian Beach ." I said. 

-------------Drew's P.O.V-------------------
My body hurt worse that doing training for years with Will . My body was in so much pain that all I wanted to do is sleep until she came back to me . She's been gone less than a day and I'm sitting here missing her , crying , like a fucking toddler.  I'm so pathetic.  She's rejected me , ignored me , and now she's left me . How could she do this ? She's supposed to never want to leave me.
Sage, is special .
James whispered .
" Sage is killing me !" I shouted.

Will barged in my room , ready for an attack. Once he saw no danger he looked at me with pity. 
" She will come back ." He said simply. 
" Why would she !?" I said angrily .
" She has no choice , I made my deal with Ziphora not Sage ."  He countered.
"Sage will fight her , she will win . She is stronger than you all think . " I said. 
" Get dressed.  Go on a perimeter check. stay busy , it will keep you sane until she returns." He said getting angry .
" Why are you so upset , MY mate is gone , not yours . " I growled. 
" My mate is out there as well.  Your future Luna. " He grabbed my throat and said.  " Gt dressed , do a perimeter check , and don't bring this up again.  "

I nodded my head .

--------------- Sam's P.O.V----------------------
Im standing in line and waiting to board this plane.  Sage got us first class tickets , I'm excited . I am excited on the inside of course , on the outside I look as if someone just ate my favorite pie.  A little boy is staring at me from his stroller , bottle in one hand the other holding on to his stroller.  I've never liked children , they all grow up to be adults who I despise even more . This boy was cute , I'll give him that .
" Ticket please.  " A woman in a Virgin Australia uniform asked me. 
I handed it to her she put it in the machine and moved me along.
Adam was right behind me repeating the same process.
Sage went to go "eat" , she said she wouldn't be long . She still feeds on me sometimes but she says my blood is too good , sometimes she can't stop . So I don't mind when she feeds on a random or two .
A womans high pitched scream broke me from my thoughts.
" Your alive !" A woman said. 
" Call the police ." A man shouted.
" What are you talking about woman ?" Sage asked. 
" Your the girl , everyone was looking for . Sky , Sarah , S- something. " She explained .

" I'm afraid you have the wrong person.  " Sage said in a dead tone. 

"No its you , I - " she was cut off .
"Is there a problem here, miss ?" The officer said .

Adam and I began to walk back to the scene . We made our way over to Sage. 

"Is there a problem officer ?" Sage asked.
"Yes , there is . This is the girl that was kidnapped last year . " The woman said matter a factly .

"Is this true? " the officer asked .
" No , she's got the wrong person. " Sage said.  "What's your name , miss ?" The officer asked. 
"Ziphora ."Sage said.
The woman scoffed . "That's not a real name ."
"Its my name , officer ." Sage said .
" Can I see some ID ?" The officer asked. 
" Am I being arrested ?" Sage asked .
" No but -" she cut him off ." Then I think we're done here. " Sage said .
She turned on her heels. And left Adam and I following close behind. 
We boards the plane and we all sat in silence waiting for the plane to take off.
I close my eyes waiting for take off.
I heard boots pounding on the ramp to the plane , and walkie talkies . I hate walkie talkies , it means trouble . Trouble and Cops .
" Can you come with us please miss ? " I open my eyes to find a man in a police uniform in front of me .
" I'd rather not ." I say . " You see I'm going to Australia.  "
"We'll put you on a later flight , its important that you come with us.  " He said sternly .
" You know I don't think it is ,important." I said dripping with sarcasm. 
He gripped my arm and pulled me up .
" I suggest you let her go ." Adam said.
"Sit down ,son. " Another officer said.  Adam glared .
" what's the problem here ,officer ?" Sage asked from beside me. 
" Both of you have been missing for a year , we need to take you in.  " He said. 
" I assure you ,-" she started . " But was cut off by a womans sobs. We all looked the direction of the cries and saw Vira .
She opened her arms and said , " My baby ."

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