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I quickly unwrapped myself from his embrace . I wanted to get out of his bed but I remembered I was naked. "Will."I whispered .

He groaned .

"Will !" I whispered louder .

"What ." He grumbled.

"Don't what me. Why didn't you tell me you weren't Drew ." I spat.

"Well I assumed you would enjoy my company. But the real question is , why did you break into my house ? " He opened his eyes to all me this.

" Your a jerk ." was all I said .

I climbed out of his bed and took the sheet with me. Once I left I went to find Drew . I went in his room to find him sleeping , he slept so peacefully its like watching a baby sleep .

I went to one of his dressers and pulled out a shirt .

The aroma hit me like a ton of bricks . It smelt like trees and rain water . For reason it brought comfort .

I walked over to his bed and climbed in. He forrowed his eyebrows and opened his eyes slightly.

" Sage . " He started.

"Shh - go back to sleep ." I soothed .

He opened his arms for me and I layed on his chest. I took a deep breath and got lost in him . I quickly drifted off into sleep .

I woke up to the smell of bacon . I sprang up only to not find Drew . I was about to get up when the bedroom door opened and Drew was carrying a plate of food. Drew always made me wonder , what life would've been like if I had met someone like him. He brought it over and sat down on the bed with it.  He smiled and was saying something buy I was too caught up in him . His smile , his muscles , and beautiful eyes . I thanked him I leaned over and gave his a quick kiss. When I tried to pull away he brought me back and held the kiss longer . I pulled away and said ,

" what about the food? We cant just waste it.  " I teased.
To hell with the food , I want you ! I heard in my head .

I smiled wickedly and when he was about to kiss me again , I sprang up off the bed.  I walked a round in his shirt and felling it sway against my thighs.  His eyes darkened with lust.  I bit my lip and backed up against a wall. He got off the bed and came over to me . He put both of his hands on the wall behind me and came inches from my face .

"Hi" I breathed. It was all I  could think of .

I pointed to his head and said , talk to me here .
Okay. I said .

He put his hand on my waist and pushed himself closer to me . I could feel his erection against my thigh . He looked like he was about to kiss me so I closed my eyes and was ready for him . But instead I felt him on my neck , he breathed in the crook my my neck . You smell delicious, Sage .

He said .

I bit my lip and he looked up at me . I reached up to his face and pushed a loose hair back. I ran my fingers through the rest of his hair and rested my hands on his neck. 

Never breaking eye contact we both looked at each other . It was something there . Something that scared me .
Kiss me , Drew .

And with that his lips crashed down in mine . I felt a throbbing in my lower region . I loved the way he tasted . I loved the way he grabbed my body .

He hoisted me up and I wrapped my  legs around his waist , bringing him closer to me. Then I felt it . The thirst I had for human blood was calling . I moaned in pain but Drew thought it was for him and attacked my mouth even more feverously .

"Drew ! " I screamed .

He stopped panicked.

" what wrong baby ? " he asked concerned .

"I- I have to go.  " I stammered .

" we don't have to have sex, I really like spending time with you . C'mon please stay.  I made breakfast . " he pleaded .

I was gonna stay and try and fight off the hunger but once he said breakfast all I could do was look at his neck. I stalked towards him . Not seeing anything but his pulsing neck .But then my eyes traveled up to his face and I stopped dead in my tracks . I saw Drew . I saw his soul or at least a glimpse of it. I saw him as a child , his innocence . I saw his future and I could not take it away . I fell to my knees from sorrow and he quickly wrapped his arms around me . He held me close and rocked me . I stayed for a second and made my way out of his arms . I got to my feet and looked down at Drew . I reached down and grabbed his face .
I want you always at my side , never looking up at me , never cowering away from me , no where except next to me as a reminder.

He nodded and heard ,
Always and forever .

I like looked into his beautiful eyes and said ,

" I have to go . "

Before he could protest I turned to run and felt the urge to run faster . when I found myself deep in the woods within seconds .

I stopped to take in my surroundings. I was close to my father's house .

I laughed to myself and ran again. I found myself in front of his door step. I opened the door to find my dad sleep on the couch with a worried expression. I placed a kiss on his forehead and walked up to my room . I saw Val and Sam sprawled out on my bed. They were hilarious , fighting for territory on the bed .

I walked over to Sam and whispered , " Sam ."

"Five more min- " Her words were cut off by snores .

I laughed and said ," Calum Hood is here . "

She opened her eyes and said , " Don't tell such vivacious lies , espically with a matter so serious.  "

I laughed .

She crawled out of bed and glared at me .

"What. "She said.

"I'm hungry." Was all I could say .

She nodded and headed out of my room . We entered the kitchen and she got out a box of oreos .

"Can you wait a second I gotta get my blood sugar up before you -" she didn't know how to finish that sentence so I cut her off and said ,

"Yea . "

We talked while she gobbled down on about 20 oreos.

Then she came close to me and moved her hair off her shoulder and said "go ahead ."

I took her face in my hands and looked into her eyes . I saw her . I saw her like I saw Drew , Val and my dad. I didn't want to hurt her so I wouldn't . I would take some and then let go .

I gently grabbed her neck and impaled my teeth in her. I felt the blood before I tasted it. I kept my eyes open the whole time not letting myself get consumed in it as I had with Val . 60 seconds is all I gave myself then I let go .

Val smiled and said ," You did good hun. "

" None of this is good , but its a start . None of this would've happened if I hadn't tried and killed myself. " I stated coldly .

"This is not your fault . It is the woman who was supposed to love you and protect you fault . You made a choice based on her actions . What she did to you is the reason you stand before me a m-" I cut her off.

"Monster ." I spat.

She grabbed my face and wiped the blood from my mouth .

"A miracle. "

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