Given A Choice

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I stopped at the nearest Target and got the boy some clothes. I got him some toys and a car seat . Once we got in the car he asked ,
" Sam , Where are we going ?"
" We're going to see your sister. " I said .
" I have a sister ?" He asked confused.
"What's that ?" He asked .
" She's like a better version, of me .She will be you new mommy . She will love you ." I stated.
" But what if she doesn't love me , what if she hurts me like you hurt mommy. " That stung. Damn this boy , he's only 2 for fucks sake , how is he so smart.
" She will never hurt you , I promise."
" Sam ? " He said.
" What's my name?" He asked.
" I don't know sweety " I said.
" What's my sister's name ?" He asked.
" Sage . Sage Michaelson." I told him .
" Will she give me a name ?" He asked .
" She will. "
And with that he stayed quite until we reached her house. I pulled in the driveway and took off my seatbelt .

" When you get inside , I'm going to take you to her . But I have to leave her with you , okay ?" I told him .
His eyes widened.
" But I'm scared ." he said.
" She won't hurt you. I promise. " I told him. I climbed out and I took him out the back seat . He stayed latched on to me as we entered the house . I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. I walked us upstairs and stopped in front of her door. I put him down and said , " wait here I'll come to get you when its time. "
He was reluctant but he let me go.
And I opened the door to Sage's room .
--------------------------Sage -------------------------------------

Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age The child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies...
Edna St. Vincent Millay

Sam walked in and I smelt her fear. I sat up off the bed and said ,
" Go away , Sam. "
" No , I need you to feed." She said sternly .
" I'm not hungry ." I said coldly .
" Well , feed anyway ." She said persistenting.
" No, Go away . " I said.
" Fine ." she said .
I smelt her blood dripping from her wrist and my throat burned in pain.
"What are you doing ?" I hissed at her.
" Feed !" She commanded me.
" No ! " I shouted at her.
" Feed now , or the next one is going against my throat ." She threatened.
" You wouldn't ." I said through clenthed teeth .
" I would , I would do anything to keep you alive." She said.
" I can't. if I feed I'll feel, and if I feel ,I'll feel guilty and if I feel guilty I'll get angry, and if I get angry I'll kill everyone." I explained.

" It doesn't have to be that way. I have something ,something that can help you. If you let it, if you let it into your heart it will help you forever, I promise you this."
She said full of hope.

"Don't you see? I don't want to be helped. I just want to be left alone. I can't die I can't join him in death all I can do is live when the thing I want most is to die. nothing on this earth could possibly help." I explained yo her ready to give up.

" Well tough tits, because I'll never leave you alone. I will always be here nagging at you to do what you know is right. So come over here feed and accept what I'm giving to you." Her persistence is annoying .

I took her wrist and drank from her . Its been almost 5 months since I've drank from a human being. Five long starving months I've spent wallowing in my own misery, and she finally decide to come and feed me from her own wrist like a mother and her child suckling from her breasts.

I let go and gave Sam some of my blood . She healed right up and I said , " What do you have , that could possibly make me want to come join the land of the living. "

" Your savior. " She said . She walked out the door and brought in a little boy and walked out closing the door behind her.

He kept his head down and wouldn't look me in the eye. He wept silently afraid of what I might do. They sent this boy into the slaughter. Knowing that I despise my mother and everything that she stood for in her uprising , they threw in the very spawned she created to start over.And what did they think would happen? That I would have some kind of Revelation and realized that this boy this little creature would become my salvation? Did they think he would become the very person to save me from my misery. or were they afraid of something? Were they afraid that I might become the monster that the goddess described when I came to her holy temple? Is that what everyone's afraid of ,the monster I'll become? So they send in a little boy to fight their battles? Cowards! They're all afraid of me. In yet they send in the boy.

" Why are you crying, little one?"

" I am afraid." he said.
" And what exactly are you afraid of ?" I asked.
" I'm afraid of you. " He said shaking.
I walked over to him, and knelt down on one knee in front of him.

" well, you're not alone. It seems like everyone lately, is afraid of me. Your feelings are just and they are accurate nonetheless. Do you think that I will hurt you?" I asked him .
He looked up at my finally .
" You look like mommy . " He stated .
" Are you my sis - sis - sister?" He asked struggling on the word.
I looked at him, contemplating if I should say yes or no. Then I asked,
" what is your name, boy? "
" I- I don't have one. Sam said you would give one to me."
" Did she now , did she also tell you that I was your sister ? " I asked amused.
He nodded his head yes.
" Sam is a pushy one that one, she's always making me do things I don't want to do." I explained .
" Well, I want you to be my sister." He said sure of his self.
" And why is that?" I asked .
" Because you're pretty." He said simply .
I let out a laugh a real laugh that almost felt foreign to me. It reminded me of a time when I was most happiest with Val and Sam . The thought of them made me stop laughing slowly and begin to weep . He reached out and put his small hand on my face .

I looked into his eyes and I saw him . I saw the man he would grow up to be , I saw the leader he would be. I saw the love he would give me , and I knew he was mine.

" You name . " I said looking him straight in the eyes. " Is Maximous Dean Michealson."

" Maxinuous . " He tried to say but failed.
" Max for short. " I said.
"Max ." he said.
I smiled and said ,
" One day, you're going to grow up.You're going to be big and strong. You're going to be amazing. and when that day comes I'll ask you. If you want to be with me forever and if you tell me yes ,you'll be even stronger. But if you tell me no, you will leave me. It will be the hardest thing I would have to do ,besides losing my mate. So what the next 16 years of your life, I will guide you. I will love you. I will give you a choice."

My savior .
Ziphora whispered .

---------------------------THE END-----------------------------

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