Chapter 29: Peter Pan's Rescue Mission

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Gwen had a plan; as she so confidently proclaimed to Pauline. Perhaps not well thought out, and could pose several terrible consequences. First, there was only one other person who knew of Skul and his potential crimes, James. Second, they needed manpower to save Peter and prove Skul was the criminal here. If she wanted justice, she needed the so-called 'good guys' on her side. It only made sense to ask James for help. She threatened him nevertheless.

James agreed far too quickly. For all the trouble he put them through, and his dismissive behavior since the beginning, he was strangely compliant. Perhaps he was guilty he almost killed Peter. Gwen's naivete wanted to believe deep down, he still thought they were friends. From the way he looked at her when she proposed them working together, it seemed more so. Despite everything, James was not a bad person, just misguided.

Peter, James, Belle and Crocker truly helped her realise there was no such thing as evil people. Only those who were misguided, or had ideals that did not align with her own. The same would be the case for Skul. He might have some absurd reasons, but they were reasons nonetheless. She banished the idea she had moments ago to kill him. She was too overwhelmed then. Now with her thoughts collected, she could see clearly.

One girl could only do so much. She was probably too young and unintelligent to decipher Skul's ideals. Though she had no capabilities to help Skul, she had enough to save Peter.

She would do as much as she could.

"There are six exits, four leading into the jungle, one to a helipad and another underwater," Crocker explained.

"The security system must have already been alerted. He has already made his move."

Belle had wired her computer into a security panel and was analyzing the security pattern.

"There are several traps along the way. I'll try to deactivate them, but if anyone gets shot, that's not on me," Belle stated, her hands flying across her keyboard.

They left Pauline and Belle with several men above. James promised if Gwen's allegations were true, they would alert the mainland officers. They entered the tunnels with Crocker and seven others. Belle's analysis was an understatement. The tunnels were riddled with traps. Without James and his men, they could have easily been taken down. James informed he had been to Skul's old lair in Lambeth once before. Judging from the uncomfortable look on his face, it was not a glorious experience.

Gwen was thrown to one side, as one of the operatives pushed her out of harm's way. A pulsating beam cut across her the air. They disarmed the lasers with precision shots. The sound of firing ammunition and the choking scent of smoke and fire filled the once empty and dank tunnels. With Belle's skills, Crocker's inside knowledge and the skilled team of special ops, they managed to avoid fatalities, although, Gwen had a nasty burn across her thigh from a merciless pulse beam.

Skul really enjoyed being extra.

"I believe he would most likely take the underwater exit. Seems below radar," James suggested. Crocker frowned.

"Maybe, but the submarine requires a longer startup, leaving him in an enclosed space for longer than necessary. An easy target," Crocker speculated.

The jungle would allow him to get lost easily. However, some men stayed back above ground. Stepping foot on the shores to hop on a boat would be suicidal. Unless he was planning on staking out in the forest, the operatives would still find him, eventually.

"We split into groups of four," James decided.

Splitting up would be the best option. They could never predict what Skul had in mind. However, Gwen had a nagging thought, the man was a sucker for theatrics. He would make this rescue dramatic.

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