Chapter 6: The Car Chase to Peter Pan

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"Who's James?" Belle asked rummaging through her backpack.

"Long story... But to summarize, he's after Peter. He must have followed me knowing I might just lead him to Peter," Gwen said through gritted teeth as she switched lanes, but the car behind her followed in pursuit. She sped up and so did it.

Gwen switched to manual and hit the accelerator. The engines roared as she raced passed the other cars on the four-lane highway. James' car tailed behind her like a towed boat. The path stretched unending, they were not passing any exits or slip roads.

Up ahead more vehicles were occupying the road. Gwen shifted gears and cut a car in front of her, before sliding just between a bus and another car. The two vehicles and hers rode tightly together, a temporary hiding spot.

"How do we lose them?" Gwen said frantically.

James' car caught up just beside hers. She glanced and spotted three other people in the car with him. Some of them she recognized as the men who chased after Peter and her three months ago. One of them was probably responsible for the bullet wound on her thigh. The car in front of her had switched lanes breaking her temporary hiding spot.

"There's an exit up ahead. Think you can make it?" Belle said still rummaging in her bag, while glancing out from time to time.

"Then what?!" Gwen exclaimed.

"We need to get off the highway. They're too many cars here. I've got a plan," she replied. Gwen heard several clicking sounds coming from her bag.

Without wasting time, the moment she neared the slip road, she swerved her car in. Unfortunately, the exit was a loop ramp. The speed she entered in was high, and she almost lost control of the vehicle. James tailed just behind her. Gwen turned the wheel to the corner and pressed down hard on the gas pedal, she felt the back wheels lose traction on the road. She turned the wheel the other way and drifted along the loop ramp. The sharp screeching of the tires made her wince, the engine rumbled at the force. Belle held on to the handle above the window for dear life, her tiny figure pressed against the passenger door.

Once the drift gained balance, Belle pulled out a pistol from her backpack and rolled down the window.

"You had that all this while?! How were we supposed to get through customs with that?!" Gwen exclaimed in shock.

Belle did not bother to respond. She leaned out of the precariously turning car and aimed her gun. A loud bang resounded, and she heard a car skidding out of control behind her.

"Who did you shoot?!" Gwen cried in panic.

Belle got back into the car just as they exited the ramp and Gwen straightened out the car into the highway. They left James' car behind on the ramp. They both took their time to catch their breaths. Gwen's hands were shaking on the wheel but she drove on.

"I shot their tire. They'll be stuck there for a while. But I only bought us some time," Belle said as she put the gun into a weird case and plugged it into her computer.

"Great aim," Gwen said shakily.

"Great driving," Belle complimented.

After a while Belle had ordered Gwen to enter a rest stop. They got out of the car and Belle took all her belongings.

"We're leaving the car behind. They'll spot us easily," Belle said.

"But-" Gwen was not ready to leave her Prius behind. It had been through so much with her.

"Are you planning to stay emotionally attached to your car or get moving?" Belle asked shaking her head.

She sneaked around and saw a man exit his car. As stealthy as a cat she unlocked it and started the engine, all with her unusual gizmos. When she said she had enhanced intelligence, she was not kidding.

"We're stealing a car?" Gwen asked, nervous, as if it were not obvious.

"You got a better idea?" Belle asked rolling her eyes.

Gwen frowned and turned to her car. She grabbed her things and whatever was important in the vehicle. Giving the silver hood a sad pat, she left the Prius behind.

Getting into the stranger's car, Belle offered to drive till the terminal. Gwen was grateful, after her drifting episode, she was spent. She rested against the seat and collected her thoughts. She just got out of a car chase and stole a car. Yet she felt this was just the beginning of the madness of the journey.

But it would pay off, she thought to herself. She would save Pauline, find Peter and stop Skul. She replayed the words like a mantra.

"So care to explain why Mr. James and Co. were after us?" Belle asked.

Gwen let out a sigh and explained the story. "A while ago, James and I were working together to find Peter. He's an intern detective. But things happened... and I decided otherwise. I didn't want Peter behind bars. Skul framed Peter, by dropping god knows what evidences, pointing to Peter's crimes. Things went downhill from there. Peter had to go under the radar and I hadn't seen him since. James is still onto him though."

Belle drove in silence for a moment, her face scrunched up in annoyance. "So that's why I couldn't get a hold of him. So how does your friend's kidnapping tie into all this?"

Gwen hated recalling but alas she had to, "Skul... manipulated Pauline into helping him. I'm still unsure why he kidnapped her after that... Honestly, I was mostly under the impression that he... killed her because she knew too much..." she could not continue. The guilt and anxiety twisted her guts.

Belle cursed aloud. "So Skul's playing both sides. What the heck does he want?"

They both pondered. PXDST was what he wanted from Peter, but why didn't he just take it from him earlier? Why kidnap Pauline and frame Peter? It was much too elaborate for a simple trade. There had to be a bigger picture, a plot far more complicated than meets the eye. Skul was an intelligent criminal, he had gotten away with so much and yet still pulled the strings. Gwen hated him to the moon and back.

"I don't know what he's planning, but I'm not going to let him toy with Peter or Pauline," Gwen said through gritted teeth.

"I'm on the same page as you for the most part. Let's call it a truce. You and me versus Skul," Belle said, glancing towards her.

For the first time, Belle looked genuine when she gave her a determined smile. Her blue eyes glittered. They reminded Gwen of her own. Belle held up a fist and Gwen bumped it.

"I think we make a pretty cool team." 


A/N: As an apology for being almost three weeks late for the last chapter, here's another. I pushed myself to finish it this week. Vote, comment and share, Lost Boys!

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