Chapter 26: Peter Pan Makes Trade

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"No..." Gwen couldn't even hear her own voice. The sounds were drowned and distant.

Skul wanted Peter all along. He was PXDST. The substance had been flowing in his veins since the first experiments carried out on him in the Neverland Bioengineering Foundation.

To save Pauline, she had to leave him behind.

"We're not handing Peter over to you," Belle hissed.

Skul shrugged, "Then the girl stays with me."

Gwen heard Pauline whimper, more tears streamed down her face. Crocker tensed, his eyes conflicted as she cried.

"Let's make this interesting. I leave the choice upon the shoulders of dear Gwendy Larson. She chooses who she wants to save," Skul said, pointing his stick towards her. The red-eyed skull at its top glinted, mocking her.

This was all part of his plan. They had walked right into a trap. Gwen clenched her fists.

"Gwendy Larson, who are you willing to sacrifice?"

The ominous blue lights from the water coffins lit Skul's features eerily, a smile pulled thin across his features. They held no mercy. She unconsciously knew the horrors either of the people she cared about would face in his hands. How could she leave them behind?

She glanced at Pauline. Her best friend who got roped into this mess because of her. Mrs Gonzales, who was waiting at home, the poor woman had already lost so much. She could not let Pauline suffer more than she had.

When her eyes met Peter's, she broke. She could not hold it in much longer. Tears trickled down her cheek as she saw the look in his eyes. He already knew her choice, since before they even docked the island. The resignation in his beautiful green eyes had said it all.

Leave me.

"Not again..." Gwen whispered to herself.

Fate was cruel. It wanted to tear them apart. Their love was a wish turned paradox, obstructed by an impossible current. She was a walking bad omen. Her hopes to save him were in vain. All she could to do was hurt. Anna, Pauline... Now, Peter.

"How depressing... The one person you hoped you could trust, will turn your back on you," Skul drawled.

Gwen wanted to kill him. An ugly dark thought. But this was Skul's game. He had all the pieces in his control since the very beginning.

She saw the frustration in Belle's eyes, the desperation in Pauline's. But she had to make a choice.

Alas, it was never her choice to begin with.

"Pauline... We're going home," she said as her voice cracked.

"Gwen!" Belle retorted, but Skul had already pushed Pauline towards them and tugged Peter to his side. He took a metal collar from his desk and latched it onto Peter's neck. Peter did not even resist.

"No funny moves, kleiner," he warned.

Pauline ran towards Gwen and held her tight, "I'm sorry, Gwen. I'm sorry you had to do this," she said between heavy sobs.

Gwen felt a lump in her throat and forced it down, "It's not your fault."

It was her own. It had always been.

"Crocker, see them out," Skul ordered, and narrowed his eyes with a thin smile.

Crocker nodded impassively and forced the three of them out of the room.

"Peter..." Gwen muttered, turning her head back.

Their eyes met, and it hit her. This was not the end. She was not letting him go, not like this. He spoke to her through the light in his eyes. Without a doubt, he trusted her. He trusted and loved her.

The turmoil in her heart tried to unravel. She forced herself to break the surface of the grieving ocean. Gwendy Larson was a stubborn mule. She hoped he could understand through her gaze as well. She was going to fight.

The cold metal door slammed shut.


The sun had sunken into the horizon, and the dark sky greeted the despairing group. Crocker had orders to see the visitors off. He unstrapped the handheld gun from his holster.

Those were not his only orders. Skul was no idiot. He was not about to let three prime witnesses free. Crocker had always known that. He had killed plenty on the very beach.

This time, however, the gun felt heavy in his hands.

He heard Belle curse.

"You're going to kill us," she laughed dryly, "Expected as much."

"Crocker..." He almost winced, hearing the hurt in Pauline's voice.

"My orders are final." He locked the gun and pointed it towards them. Three shots was all it took. His finger froze on the trigger.

Then she walked towards him. The barrel of the gun pressed right on her forehead. Pauline's large eyes stared at him, wet with tears, but hopeful.

"You wouldn't kill me," she stated.

It was not even a question. She was sure. She believed in him more than anyone. Skul always reminded him he was the faulty experiment. His fault lines led to cracks, and Pauline had smashed the walls open.

He lowered the gun and gave her a small smile. "Of course, not."

He never planned to. How could he? He wanted her to be free. Skul be damned.

"Go, get out of here. I promised I'd set you free," he said and dared himself to cup her cheek, brushing his thumb to wipe the tears from her eyes.

It was the last time he would see her. The pain was worse than he thought.

She kept sobbing, "What about you?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"He's a monster... Come with me," she pleaded.

Crocker widened his eyes and turned away. "I... can't."

What was his life beyond being Skul's soldier? There was only cruelty waiting beyond. He had suffered enough to know the world was a dreadful place. But Pauline's single existence bore a light. A light in the blanket of darkness, drawing him out to see the better of things.

But what would Skul do to her if he ran away with her? Gwen was proof enough. The risks Peter had to take to be with her, the dangers he put her through.

"Go... Pauline. Please, I don't want him to hurt you..." He murmured.

She suddenly glared at him and clenched her fists. The next moment, he felt her lips on his.

He caught a glance of Gwen and Belle's eyes bulging out of their sockets before he shut his. Her desperate kiss had forced him undone. He held her close, realizing there was no way he could leave her.

Their lips parted. "Screw Skul. I'm not leaving until you come with me," Pauline said, determined.

Then she pivoted on her heel and pointed at Gwen. "And you! You're not leaving Peter behind, are you? How are you okay with that?!"

Everyone turned to stare at her. It was true. She was not crying. Neither sad nor angry. She placed her hands on her waist and tilted her chin up. Even more out of place was the mischievous smile on her face.

"Because I have a plan."


A/N: Lost Boys, I'm so excited! We're nearing the climax. I'll probably be updating more often since I don't want to leave you guys hanging. Stay tuned. Leave a vote and comment! 

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