Chapter 10: Return to Wendy

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Belle massaged the back of her neck as she walked along the lit path of the streets. She was tired. Her body was stiff from driving and still hurt in many places since the jump from the bus. Gwen had knocked off the moment her body landed on the bed. Belle wanted to do the same. However, her mind would not let her sleep until she got unfinished business out of the way. She was not planning to wait till tomorrow.

She rounded a bend, rows of well-lit shops on either side of her. The hideout was just around the corner.

As much as Belle wanted to trust Gwen, her rational senses knew better. She had driven Peter out of the country, whether she was at fault. Belle was not ready to take any chances. Hence, here she was, losing sleep just to find Peter before she did.

A path extended into the crevices of the shop houses. Belle had only visited Peter's French hideout once before. As far as she could recall, this had to be it. Her navigators did not allow her to locate his hideouts. He was extremely good at staying secretive. She had to give credit to Skul for the skill set. The bloody psychopath could remove himself from the face of the earth when necessary, then come back to cause more mayhem.

The streetlights from outside the path were the only source of its illumination. Belle was already on her way to plunge herself into the darkness, when she sensed a figure emerging from the far end. She discerned the footfalls.

"Bonsoir, old pal," she called out.

Stepping out of the column of shadow, into the brighter end of the path, the notorious Peter Pan. The last she had seen him was last December. It had only been months, but Peter looked much different.

Hands in his pockets, he had ditched his usual hoodie and was in a camo-green trucker jacket and dark jeans. But his clothes were not what Belle felt different. His mischievous smile did not reach his eyes. Green eyes that looked weary, and to top it all off, there was a tune down on his usual air of wildness and unpredictability.

"Belle, fancy seeing you here," he greeted her, noticing her bandaged and damaged state, but said nothing about it.

They did not quite step out of the alley, instead remained within its seclusion. "Been a while, eh, Peter? You've been up to no good for sure," she said.

Peter let out a short laugh, "I'm mildly offended. I thought we were friends."

This time she laughed dryly, "Yeah well you've been a pain. Took me so long to find you. Why d'you leave England-"

In split second the mood shifted and Peter grabbed her neck and pushed her against the stone wall. Belle gasped, struggling against his grip. His eyes were dark, the amusement gone.

"You would never look for me, much less if I'm out of the country. I'm guessing you've got a message to deliver," He loosened his grip allowing her to speak.

"I'm on your side... You know that. He forced me to-"

Peter immediately let her go and stepped back, his mood plummeted worse than before, "Skul sent you. Scram, Belle. I want nothing to do with him," His tone was cold and hard, almost a growl.

Belle rubbed her hand around her neck. Peter did not wait for her to respond and was already turning back into the darkness.

"Maybe you'll listen if she tells you," Belle said. Peter did not stop walking but he replied.


"My annoying tag-a-long, Gwendy Larson."

Now he froze. The tension had dramatically changed the moment she uttered her name. He stood there in silence for long seconds, Belle almost believed he turned to stone. No one had that much of an effect on him. Probably Skul, but that was it. He slowly turned back.

He stared her with those hypnotic green eyes, analyzing if she was telling the truth. Then as if his senses had returned he fired her with questions.

"What is she doing here? Why did you bring her with you?"

Belle smirked, the tugging sensation of the band-aid on her face irritating her. "Hit the spot, didn't I? But alas, you don't want to know what Skul has to say." She said with a wave and turned around.

A moment later, before she could walk away, Peter was behind her, gripping her wrist.

"...Fine, talk," he muttered.

"Skul has a deal to propose."


Peter was numb. Had been for months.

The wind was cold but felt like nothing against his skin. He strode along the tiled pavement, watching his shadow stretch ahead. The only part of him that stayed. Darkness.

He glanced ahead. What if Belle was lying? She was dealing with Skul. That meant nothing good. For all he knew it could have been a trap. Why didn't he stop despite the blaring signs? He was smarter than this.

But when Belle said her name, it was as if someone had poured acid down into a gaping hole within him, that was struggling to heal. It returned in a rush, all the senses, the memories, the desire. However, his rational thinking kicked in not long after and shoved the unexpected tidal wave back into the deep recesses of his mind. He became numb once more.

He stopped at the back of a shop house. It was the back entrance of the motel Belle had given him the address to. Three rows of windows lined the building. One was open, curtains tangling in the breeze, just as Belle said.

Forcing himself, he paused. It was a trap. It had to be. Peter had trust issues that were hard to quell. Yet, he found himself swinging himself up onto the ledge, blending into the shadows, scaling the building with ease. At last he landed at the open window.

Within a second, his eyes landed on the figure curled up on the bed. Time stopped.

He lost his breath for a moment, stifling a gasp. It hit him, like a wrecking ball headed straight for his heart. Sensations tingled to the tip of his fingers, desire coursed his veins. Numbness had been replaced by surging uncontrollable emotions. All just by laying his eyes on the girl before him.

Her breathing was slow, hand tucked under the pillow as usual, long brown hair splayed across the white sheet. As if she felt his presence, she stirred. Her eyes flickered open and she rose from the bed. Her gaze darted towards the window, hazy eyes met his. His heart began beating, faster than it had ever.

"I'm back."

The words tumbled out of him. She stood up, slowly. Bathed in the moonlight, her curls a messy frame around her face. She looked tired and disoriented. However, Peter could not peel his eyes away from her. He drank up every single bit, savoring the moment.

Her eyes held disbelief, as if she still did not believe he was truly there. Without wasting another moment, he stepped into the room and neared her. She raised her hand.


Her fingers brushed his cheek. The touch sent sparks across his skin, she sucked in a breath feeling it too. Caressing his cheek, he felt the warmth. The warmth he yearned for ever since they parted. He tilted his head and leaned into her touch and put his hand over hers.

She smiled. A relieved smile. His heart stuttered.

"I missed you," she whispered.

That was it. Her words made him come undone. Months of effort, rebuilding the walls around his heart crumbled in a second. His heart ached, he promised to stay away, to protect her. Yet, he could not. It was impossible. He needed her.

He pulled her forward into his arms and wrapped her in a hug so tight. She hugged him back with equal ferocity. Nothing felt better than to have her in his arms. He felt so overwhelmed with comfort. Despite all the conflicted feelings, the worry, the anger, he felt... happy.

"I missed you too, Wendy."


A/N: Eeeeeep!!! XD He's BACK!!! Leave a vote and comment, my lovely lost boys!

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