Chapter 41: Peter Pan The Chase Is On

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The vibrant summer was a complete opposite to the frustration in Gwen's heart. As she awoke in the arms of Peter, her heart felt heavier. She felt hopelessness encompass her mind. How could she help him? The situation grew more convoluted by the second, if it were a race, she was far behind, James and everyone else way ahead of her.

She looked up at Peter, his eyes closed in sleep. His blonde lashes dusting his cheeks, she noticed the little freckles on them.

How many times had he been through this? Someone catching his tail, and him escaping their grasp yet again. This was not a first, he was far too calm for it to be. However, this time it would be different. This time, he had a purpose. This time he had her. Gwen swore to protect him no matter what. This time, he was not alone.

"Staring isn't polite."

Peter had awoken, and he gazed at her with drowsy eyes, still somehow finding the energy to tease her. His voice was raspy and deep. Gwen could not help but blush.

"I wasn't staring," Gwen retorted.

Peter arched a brow lazily. "Then you were admiring?"

Gwen slapped his chest playfully. "God, you're so full of yourself," she muttered.

Peter's smile went comfortably into his mischievous grin. Gwen's heart clenched. Gwen shifted her position, ready to get off the bed. However, Peter's arms remained wrapped around her. He leaned his head into the crook of her neck.

"I want to stay like this for," he murmured. Gwen was slightly surprised but stroked his hair, anyway. His breaths tickled her neck.

"Today's not a good day," she heard him mutter.

"What? Why?"

"Just a feeling," he replied. He pulled her even closer. Why did he make it seem like this was the last time she would be in his arms?

"Peter..." she trailed off in worry. She felt the soft sensation of him placing a kiss on her neck that sent tingles rushing throughout her entire body.

"You'll be just fine. I promise," the words made her body feel cold through its core.

You? Not we?

She returned his tight embrace with equal ferocity. Whatever Peter felt was about to happen, she knew his instincts were most spot on. Was it wrong in wanting the moment to last forever? The moment they had, engulfed in warmth and comfort.

Unfortunately for her, life was not fair.


Pauline knew the moment she received a text message from Gregory Skul, the day was about to go downhill.

She is coming for you. The plan has failed.

Pauline felt fear grip her gut. The plan failed? What did that mean? The killer was still with Gwen?

Leave your home now, or else information will get out.

Skul ordered. Pauline frantically grabbed her purse and rushed out of her house, the summer heat blazing her skin. Without leaving so much as a goodbye to her mother, she began following the text messages.

Head to the Olsow Bar, stay blended in the crowd.

Pauline was quick to find throngs of people at the plaza as she merged with the crowd, heading for said bar. The urgency had not kicked in till she felt someone following her. She could not pinpoint where, but she could feel it.

Turning straight into the junction leading to the bar, the crowds had thinned. She was in plain sight. She quickened her pace.

They are following you.

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