Chapter 14: Peter Pan Makes a Deal

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Eight god-damned days.

Eight god-damned days, waking up with screams, cold sweat, and a nightmare.

Gwen was beyond riled up. She was paranoid, scared, and exhausted. She had seen herself die, way too many times to count. Falling off a window, getting hit by a car, her roof caving down on her, and the list goes on and on.

The killer must be getting a kick out of this.

Gwen scribbled down the last of her notes before the class ended. She pulled out her phone and dialed James. They were supposed to meet at four. Despite the death threats she had received, she was nowhere near over. She and James were still working on the case and making good progress.

Nightmares would not stop her.

After talking to James on the phone she made her way out of the school. Just as she got to her car, a white paper plane landed at her feet. Gwen looked around and saw no one looking like they would throw paper planes around. She picked it up.

Unfolding it, she saw words written in with an inky black marker.

I'm starting to think you enjoy seeing yourself die. Keep your windows locked tonight. I might just drop by.

Gwen stared at the note in disbelief. Was this guy some kind of joke? He sent her a letter in a paper plane for god's sake. His whimsical behaviour made her even more worried.

She crumpled the paper in her hand. Two could play his game.

"I'll be waiting, Peter Pan," Gwen said aloud, seething with annoyance. If he was anywhere around, she hoped he heard her.

He most definitely did.


"I have been digging up certain case files from London as we've discussed," James said, as enthusiastic as ever, as he pulled out the number of files.

This time the scent of coffee was not enveloping their discussion. They had chosen a new location as the venue of their meeting. The library. The entire table was scattered with files, laptops and tablets.

"I am still looking into these files. But there is just one thing I would like to point out," James said.

Gwen arched a brow,"What is it?"

"Isn't it peculiar... A couple of weeks have passed and there has been no sign of the killer. I'm suspecting he has moved on to another location," James said.

Gwen froze. She had yet to tell James about her encounter with the killer. She had actually decided not to tell.him in the first place. It was nowhere near solid proof. The killer was still around the area, that was for sure. She had a paper airplane in her bag to confirm that.

Then there was the prospect of him visiting her tonight. The thought made her shiver. Where did all that bravery and sass run off to?

"Possibly..." Gwen replied absent-mindedly.

"I also looked into the other thing you mentioned," James said.

"His hypnotic ways?" Gwen replied. She had brought it up, after her recurring nightmares and how she felt he possessed the strange ability to twist minds.

James nodded,"There were a couple of cases regarding criminals with allegedly hypnotic abilities, none confirmed. I'm still looking for solid proof," he said.

"Well I think it's best to concentrate on the past events in London. It is where it all began," Gwen said.

Their discussion had ended after a long session of piecing clues together. Gwen dreaded the end of their discussion, as it would mean she had to go home. She still had no clue if the killer would in fact show up. She hoped her spunk would choose to show itself by then.

"You look nervous," James pointed out, as they reached their parked cars.
"No, I'm fine," Gwen brushed him off. James was not convinced, but he let it slide.

"If you need anything, just call me up," he said with a smile. Gwen returned it.

It was well past midnight, Gwen could not sleep a wink. She was anticipating. What if he was just toying with her?

Gwen glanced at her window. She had locked it up real tight, along with other doors and windows throughout the house. How would he enter? Well he was cocky enough to ask her to lock them all up.

Gwen pressed herself against the pillow willing herself to fall asleep. She suddenly heard a creaking noise of hinges. Her eyes flew open and she whipped her head towards the window. It was wide open. But how?

Gwen got off the bed, her legs did not move at first, but she knew he was in the room. She wanted to prove to him, she was not afraid.

"Where are you?" she cursed herself for the slight tremble in her voice.

The wintry wind blew through the window, her pajamas did little to warm her. She walked over and closed the windows.

"You got my message," a deep voice whispered into her ear. Gwen froze, her hand still on the window handle. She stared at the faint reflection of the glass window. A figure stood behind her, but she could not make out its features. A moment later, it disappeared. Gwen turned around to see her empty bedroom.

"Yes, I did. How did you get in?" Gwen said in a fake calm. She walked towards the door and checked the knob; it was locked.

"Impossible," Gwen muttered.

"Nothing is impossible, Wendy. You just have to put you mind into it," he said, behind her once again. His breath fanned against her neck, she shivered in response.

Two arms slammed the door on either side of her, trapping her, her heart lurched. All her fears began bubbling up to the surface, her calm composure shattering. She trembled ever so slightly as she felt him near her once again.

"You intrigue me, Wendy..." he said in a low voice. Gwen clenched her eyes shut.

"You intrigue me so much, I want to keep playing with you..." he continued. He stepped even closer; there was no room for her to move. She could feel his body against hers.

"I will... Stop you," Gwen said through gritted teeth.

"Not before you break in my hands," he said.

Gwen was so frustrated and scared she could not think straight. What if he did break her? She already felt too tired and paranoid. She might as well go mad.

"But then again, you're different from the others."

"Stronger..." he said, his lips were just at her ear, she could feel them brushing against her skin. They were icy cold.

"I'll give you one month to find the truth. And if by then, I drive you insane, I win and you drop the case," he said, as if explaining the rules to a fun game of cards.

"And if I don't want to play your game?" Gwen retorted.

"Now that won't be fun. How about, I target your friends, starting with the girl? I bet it would be wonderful to see her fall... Just like your sister," he said in the most playful, yet menacing tone.

"You're threatening me?" Gwen replied.

"Only because you're a spoilsport. What do you say?" he whispered. Gwen clenched her fists. She could not say no. He had her wrapped around his finger.

"Fine. I'll play your game," Gwen said. She would prove him wrong. She would find the truth. Nothing would stop her.

With newfound confidence, she turned around. This time, he did not vanish. For the first time, he stood there right before her, allowing her to get a good look at him. He was nothing she expected.

A young man, dusky blonde hair, boyish features, a mischievous grin tugged at his lips. Yet what caught Gwen's eyes were none other than his unnatural green eyes. They looked as if they could penetrate into her mind. For that moment, she believed they did, reading her every single thought.

"We have a deal, Wendy."

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