Chapter 24: Peter Pan and The Clues

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"Hey, James. Long time no see," Gwen exclaimed with as much enthusiasm as she could muster that morning.

"Same to you. You look down though. I expected you to be beaming," he replied, as she took a seat opposite of him in their usual spot in the coffee shop.

She cursed inwardly at his perceptiveness. Gwen, he's a detective. What did you expect?

"Nothing. Just some things about university," she lied. After some small talk, they got right into work.

James explained his findings after his trip to London, and how the detective who had worked on a case that may or may not be related to Peter Pan, assisted them. Gwen was almost sure that the mentioned case was in fact related to him, since his reaction towards the individual, Gregory Skul, was rather peculiar.

"Do you have any more information regarding Gregory Skul?" she asked. James shook his head in response.

"Nothing that helpful. He's as anonymous as this mysterious killer we're hunting down," James said.

Gwen could try to get information out of Peter Pan, not like it would be any easier, but it was worth the shot. She felt the affiliation between Gregory Skul and him was an important piece of the puzzle. Was he Peter Pan's partner in crime?

She remembered Peter Pan's words from days ago. He was the man who made him a monster.

It made Gwen switch to another perspective, one she had trod into more often. Was Peter Pan at fault or was he a traumatised pawn to Gregory Skul? As perturbing as it was to look at the murderer in a positive light, she could not help it.

What if... he needed help?

"Gwen?" James said, snapping her out of her reverie.

"You've been spacing out. Did you celebrate a little too hard with your friends last night?" James said, amused.

At the mention of last night, all Gwen could think about was the burning kiss she shared with the psychotic murderer. Forget partying with Pauline, that kiss threw all her others thoughts down the gutter. It frustrated her why she felt good instead of horrified. She was definitely going insane. Maybe Peter Pan was winning. Him seducing her was the least of her expectations. She envisioned a bloodier tactic.

Was he trying to seduce her to win the deal?

Why did she feel like it was working?

"Gwen, I think you need to sleep this day out. Relax. Tomorrow we'll really get back to work," James said. Gwen shook her head.

"I'm fine, really," she replied. "Didn't you say you had some pictures you wanted to show me," she said.

"Ah, yes. As I mentioned, since the blame of the murders shifted from Gregory Skul to another individual, the detectives gathered as much as they could regarding this kid. They placed a few spies here and there and got some intel, pictures included," he said, plugging a USB drive into his laptop.

He turned the screen to Gwen to allow her to view the pictures. The image was taken subliminally, as crowds of people filled the frame. James zoomed into the picture to show an individual half-obscured my passer-bys. He moved on to the next picture and the next to get a clearer view.

Tufts of blonde hair were noticeable. From his figure, the boy looked no older than twelve or eleven. James moved on to the next picture which looked like they took it from the security cameras. This one hid no part of the boy. A lucky shot just before he escaped.

James zoomed into the image, and at that point, the similarities were undeniable.

"That's him alright," Gwen muttered under her breath.

The young boy was the spitting image of the killer she knew, only years younger. His dusky blonde hair, boyish features, and most importantly, his unnatural green eyes.

"You saw the killer before didn't you?" James asked. Gwen nodded, not mentioning how she in fact was seeing him almost every night. James frowned.

"It worries me. He might have his eye on you," he said. Gwen could only shrug in response. It was hard to keep it a secret, but she had to hold it in. For both James' safety and hers.

"We need more input on the kid, and Gregory Skul. I'll do my best on my part," Gwen said.

"Your part? I'm assuming you have different sources?" James questioned.

"Confidential sources, I'm afraid. But I'll relay the information," she replied. James did not look too happy about it.

"Be safe. This kind of work is risky," he said.

"Believe me, I know," she replied.

Gwen sighed in frustration as she put on the fifth dress Pauline had thrown into her changing room. Prom was a week away. She did not have a date, not that no one had asked. She turned them down.

"I still don't know why you said no to Timothy Cooper," Pauline said from the changing room next door.

"Do you really see me dancing with a guy like Timothy Cooper? He's way too cocky," Gwen replied, trying to zip the lacey pink dress.

"Gwen, six boys asked you out! And you said no to all of them," she said, "I think you're being cocky."

Gwen scoffed, "I'm not!"

"Unless you have someone else in mind. Someone not from school," Pauline said.

Strangely, the first person who came into her mind was Peter Pan. She erased the image from her head. It would make more sense to think of James. Why the bloody murderer of all people?!

"No..." she murmured. Pauline stepped out the changing room the same time she did.

"That sounds like a yes," Pauline said, hands on her hips. She was in a bright orange dress that ended just above her knees. Pauline looked great. Gwen stared at herself at the mirror. The pink was just not working.

"How bout' this one," Pauline said holding out a leafy green long dress. It flowed down beautifully, and was off-shouldered. It was delicately ornated with small beads forming small patterns on the bodice.

After trying it on, she stepped out of the changing room and Pauline immediately jumped in excitement. "This is the one!"

Gwen stared at her reflection in the mirror. It had to be green. Yet it was the green on her skin that her made her heart race.

"Fine, I'll take it," she said, not wanting to dwell on it for too long. They paid for the dresses and made their way out of the store.

"So back to the point. Are you planning to go with anyone? I have a date too you know," Pauline said. Gwen knew she was being stubborn. She could not help but remain so. Yet at that point, she knew something strange was holding her back.

"I really don't know..." Gwen replied.

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