Chapter 6: Peter Pan Ties The Loose Ends

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"I don't get it!" Gwendy cried in frustration.

It dumbfounded her, the whole Neverland thing. What did the girl mean by the killer bringing her to Neverland? Was this some kind of sick joke?

She flipped through the folders in her head. She recalled the fairytale Peter Pan. Not one of her favorites. Did the girl refer to the fact that Peter Pan would bring kids to Neverland, by helping them fly to the stars or something? Gwen shook her head. She was never fond of fairytales. This was sounding too crazy to fathom.

But if it were true, why were the children dying? Wasn't Peter Pan supposed to be a good person? Unless...

She remembered the look on the girl's face when she was describing the killer... or more like saviour-in her point of view. She had this weird, dreamy expression, as if the person who forced her to commit suicide was not doing anything wrong. What was running in their minds when they confronted this mysterious person? He somehow left a positive impression. Gwen decided she would have to get more information to find out.

For all she knew, the girl could have been high the whole time and was talking nonsense. Maybe if she tried again when she was sober, she might get some valid information.

Gwen resolved to visit the girl once again.
"Oh, it's you again!" said the receptionist.

"Hey, came to see Sandera Rue," Gwen replied.

The receptionist nodded, "Oh, why don't you just follow Nurse Lindsey? She's going off to give Sandera her food," she said.

Gwen did not mind. So she followed the cherry blonde nurse to the patient's room. The nurse rapped at the door and called out to Sandera to inform her that she was coming in. She did not get a response, so they assumed she must have been sleeping. Gently swinging the door open, the nurse looked confused. Gwen peeked into the room and saw the bed sheets ruffled and the blanket flung aside. Stepping into the room, she noticed something terrifying.

Scattered on the floor was a trail of bandages, most definitely the ones wrapped around Sandera's head and arms. She took the bandages off in a haste; she could tell by the way they were pulled off by bulk and almost ripped at a few places. The bandages led to what made Gwen's stomach drop. She widened her eyes and rushed to the wide-open window at the right side of the room.

"No... no... no...," Gwen muttered, in a trance.

Too shocked to register anything, it was only till the nurse yelped in surprise and immediately called back-up was when she got her bearings. Prostrate, at the foot of the 20-storey building was a body on the pavement.

Lying in a pool of blood, was a lifeless, Sandera Rue.


The police did not ask questions. They just concluded that she committed suicide. No further arguments. How could they be so stupid? And aloof? Though she was feeling a turmoil of emotions, Gwen did not shed a tear.

Not when they confirmed Sandera's body to be unclaimed, not when they cremated her days later, and neither when they buried her ashes. Gwen did not feel sad for the girl.

The gnawing words of the police kept on resurfacing.

It was her choice to die.

Gwen clenched her fists. Many gave her sympathetic looks as she left the funeral. Gwen was not sad. she was furious. No matter how much her mind kept on convincing her, that Sandera committed suicide, she did not believe it. Gwen knew he killed her, and she was now one step closer into finding out who the killer was.

It was more than obvious to Gwendy that the killer wanted to finish the job, which he failed to complete that night. He made her jump once again. And she did it. This time there was not even a layer of soil to break her fall. Just plain, hard concrete. Gwen shut the door to her bedroom and slumped against it, sliding to the ground.

It hit her, the uncanny similarities. The visual of Sandera's splattered body was still vivid in Gwen's mind. It brought back the cold image of her sister's corpse. The situation replayed. Gwen ran to the window only to find she was too late.

Too late to save her.

After three days of horrific events, the tears sprung to her eyes.

Too late.

She buried her face in her arms, muffling her sobs.

She knew she was not crying for Sandera, but for her sister once again.
The traumatic memories came back to her in a rush; it almost knocked the wind out of her. She cried and cried till her throat became sore, and her eyes could barely open.

Not long after, she fell asleep, leaning against the hard wooden door.

Gwen was fast asleep when her window swung open. She was fast asleep when the dark figure slipped into her room. She was fast asleep, so she did not hear his amused chuckle. And she was fast asleep when he unpinned the pins on her board to form a new set of words.

She was fast asleep when he left, leaving the window open to allow the cool air to wake her up.

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