Chapter 31: Peter Pan and Wendy

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Gwen awoke to the scent of spices and sugar. She stirred and felt the comfort of a warm blanket. A pair of vibrant green eyes greeted her, a small smile on his face as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"I knew the food would wake you up," he teased.

She got up and felt no soreness. In fact her body hummed with energy. She made sense of her surrounding; they were in Mrs. Gonzales' house. The woman, upon realizing she was awake, left the kitchen and hobbled towards her.

"Sweetie!" she cried

Peter got up from the couch and helped Mrs Gonzales sit. Pauline came right after. She noticed both their eyes were rimmed red and puffy. Gwen had missed the tearful reunion. Although the poor lady looked close to tears again.

Mrs Gonzales took her hands in hers and gave them a kiss. "Thank you, Gwen. Thank you for bringing my nena home."

Gwen sat up and enveloped her in a hug. "Anything for you." Pauline joined in the group hug as well, their eyes soon wet with tears.

Gwen broke from the hug. "Mrs Gonzales, you left the cooking unattended!"

Pauline laughed. "Oh, don't worry. We've got another pair of hands in there."

The other pair of hands, to Gwen's complete surprise, belonged to Crocker. Without his weapons, sleeves rolled up and an apron around his waist, he looked so... Normal. Adorable, even. Despite his stoic demeanor, he seemed to enjoy himself, stirring the pot of stew with diligence.

She stole a glance at Pauline, who was unconsciously smiling. Gwen pinched her side.

"You going to tell me about what's going on between the two of you. We've got three months to catch up on," she said in a low whisper. Pauline giggled and nodded.

Crocker looked up and nodded at Gwen's awake figure. A gesture that sort of said 'Good to see you alive'. Then, he announced food was ready. Belle was already waiting at the dinner table, tapping at her phone. Soon they were all gathered and Mrs Gonzales said her prayers before they dug in. Gwen was starving to death.

The last time she sat around a table with Belle, Peter, and Crocker, the awkwardness was unbearable. Now Gwen could not have been happier. Cloaked with warmth, satisfaction, and relief.

"You're going to choke if you keep stuffing your face like that," Peter said, staring at her pointedly, an amused smirk on his lips.

"Well, I'm starving! How long was I out, anyway?" Gwen retorted.

"More than a day. You woke up a few times in between, but you were barely conscious. James arranged for the transport back here. He's got a ton of sorting out to do. Skul's been detained. He might call us for questioning in a few days, but he assured us it's just a formality. Not sure, how much we can trust him," Belle explained.

Gwen nodded. She needed to speak to James as well and properly sort everything out. She wondered to what extent he was planning on helping.

But for now, she pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind. She simply wanted to enjoy this peaceful dinner with her friends.

She laid beside Pauline on her bed, their hands clasped together as they spent that night after the hearty dinner, simply filling each other in. It was a quiet conversation. Gwen realized how much she missed just being with Pauline. The world felt like it was finally spinning the right way.

Pauline hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry for everything."

"What the heck? It was my fault! I'm sorry!" Gwen retorted, hugging her back.

"Yeah, well, I forgive you for being rubbish. Please forgive me for being rubbish, too!" Pauline said. Gwen laughed and forgave her.

They went back into a comfortable silence. Gwen had to break it by asking, "So... You and Crocker are dating now?"

Pauline blushed furiously. "I-I don't know. I don't even think he knows what it means to date."

Then Pauline's eyes softened. "I'll just be by his side and help him while he gives the world another chance. I think you know full well what I mean," she said with a knowing look.

Gwen sighed and nodded with a small smile. "Although I know for a fact Peter and I are dating!" She said jokingly. Pauline glared and hit her for her sarcasm.

Their hushed laughter went on until the night sunk into day.

In the morning, Gwen had taken Pauline's stuff out of the closet and storeroom and began clearing out her stuff. She knew for a fact she would not keep imposing on the Gonzales' place. Pauline was not too happy about it.

"You could just keep staying here!" Pauline whined.

"No way. You only have enough room for one person. I was already planning to re-rent my old apartment once you came back," Gwen said as she helped Pauline rearrange her things, simultaneously packing hers.

"I'm not letting you stay alone in that horrid place!" Pauline retorted.

Peter chimed in from the doorway, "If you don't mind, ladies. I have a better idea."


Peter's lair in Manchester was just as well-decorated as the other in Marne-la-Vallée. Although thankfully it was not underground this time. On the topmost floor of a decent complex, the penthouse overlooked the city.

"If I'm moving in with you, we're going to buy this place legally," Gwen reminded.

Peter shrugged as he put the last of her things into the living room. He suggested for her to live with him, and though Pauline was not so thrilled about the prospect, when he showed her the apartment, she immediately gave it a thumbs up.

Gwen sat on the double bed and bounced on it for a moment before Peter suddenly came over and sat beside her. He wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"Peter... What's wrong?" She asked, returning the hug. He was silent for a long while, just hugging her and breathing softly, as if making sure she was really there.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to do this because of me." his voice was trembling. He was waiting all this while for them to be alone before he broke down.

"It's not your fault. I chose this. I chose to live. To be with you. Forever," Gwen whispered, hugging him tighter.

She felt wetness on her shoulder. Her heart ached at his vulnerability.

"I feel bad for being so happy. I'm so happy that you're here with me... But it hurts knowing you've given up a part of yourself for me." He was speaking so softly, his voice choked with emotions.

She pulled back and made him stare at her. She smiled ruefully at the tears streaking his cheek; he looked just like a child, seeking the warmth of another. "I did it because I love you. And I'd do it again if I have to."

She leaned forward and pressed her lips gently against his. His hands pulled her closer, and he returned the kiss. "I love you too, Wendy. More than you can imagine."

Her body thrummed with heat and love as he said those words. Her heart swelled. She felt it was so close to bursting. She kissed him again.

It finally sank in. It was over. The running, the fighting. No more grieving and guilt, revenge and pain. She could now enjoy this peace, the safety of being in his arms, waking up beside him and spending their days together. She was looking forward to it.

Peter lowered her onto the bed and caressed her cheek. As if reading her mind, he said, "Me too."


A/N: Leave a vote and comment, Lost Boys! The final chapter will be out next week. 

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