Chapter 31: Peter Pan, The Escaped Subject

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Gregory Skul. Gregory Skul.

It all came back to him. This man was the heart of all the mystery. Uncover him, uncover it all.

"I've heard of him. So he exposed the company?" Gwen asked the ex-scientist. Dr. Louis Young did not look too pleased to speak regarding the criminal, nevertheless he did.

"Indeed. However, even if he helped the subject escape, it was only a matter of time before he died. Without the sustaining drugs, the anti-aging serum would have negative effects," Dr. Young said.

"But he is alive," Gwen asserted.

"Tell me, Dr. Young. What exactly did you do to this test subject?" Gwen was down to the core of her purpose. She came here to find out just that. An important piece of the puzzle was just beyond her grasp.

"That information is confidential," he replied with a shrug. "I for one am not spilling any of our research data to you," he said.

Gwen clenched her fists under the table. So close, yet so far, but she had to remain calm. "He calls himself Peter Pan," she muttered, loud enough for him to hear. "Was that your plan? The boy who never grows up?"

She caught his attention this time. Dr. Young eyed her with curiosity, "You've met him...," he said, it was a statement rather than a question. The look in Gwen's eyes told him all he needed to know. The mad scientist gleam returned into his sunken eyes.

"I think I might just share some information with you," he said leaning forward. "In return, I want you to tell me a few things about him," he proposed.

It was her best bet, "Fine."

Dr. Young gave her a wide crooked smile. "What we were going for, was more than just anti-aging. We were crossing the borders of..."


Her heartbeat stopped for a second. Gwen shook her head. It was all clicking into place. The Peter Pan she knew grew up just fine. She remembered seeing the photo of him when he was a child. But it was not his aging that was stopped, it was death. She recalled his words from before.

He told her all his life he yearned for death, but no one could ever grant him that freedom.

"We were on the verge of creating the first ever immortal being, when Skul had to interfere," Dr. Young scowled. Gwen's thoughts engulfed her. It all made sense now. Peter wanted death, but death was out of the option.

"You tortured him," Gwen muttered, giving the scientist a cold glare. She knew how afraid Peter was of the scientists. She could only imagine what they did to scar him.

"We call it experimenting, and he was our prized subject," he said with what seemed like pride. Gwen scowled in disgusted.

"Now tell me, Miss Larson, you've met the boy... Hm... He would be an adolescent by now. Has he exhibited any strange physical behaviour?" Dr. Young asked.

"Plenty, can you be specific?" Gwen retorted.

"Enhanced strength or speed?" He clarified.

Gwen furrowed her brow. She had not seen any superhuman traits. "He has a thing for climbing trees, if that counts. And he can somehow climb up to the fourth floor and jump down with breaking any bones," she said. It sounded stupid, but it was what he did.

Dr. Young was analysing this information in his head; she could tell by his calculative expression. "Okay... What about his mental state? Any enhanced mental abilities?"

Jackpot. "Hypnosis. He's bloody good at it," Gwen answered. This piqued his interest.

"Hypnosis? what extent?"

Gwen recalled the many times he had put her under his mind spell, and the countless times he made children dive into their deaths. The way he made himself invisible and took control of her dreams.

"He... Can manipulate you to do insane things. He can also, somehow, manipulate dreams..." she tried to explain.

Gwen realised Dr. Young was at a loss. The hypnosis thing was definitely not part of the plan. Gwen knew exactly where he picked it up from.

"I believe he learned these things from Gregory Skul," Gwen continued.

Dr. Young let out an annoyed sound, "So Skul did get to him..." he muttered in frustration.

Gregory Skul was a monster, but so was this man. They both tortured Peter to the brink of insanity and left him to rot. Now that Gwen knew the truth, her motive was clearer than ever. She had to help him. However, she could not rule out the plan to find clues leading to Gregory Skul. That man had to be caught. If he ever got his hands on Peter, who knows what would happen.

The guard signalled that their time was almost up.

"Well, Dr. Young, thank you for agreeing to this meeting. I got what I came here for," Gwen said.

Dr. Young nodded, "If you're going to get Skul behind bars, be my guest. I'd be more than happy to help," he replied.

"Also, just a tip. There is more to the boy I have not disclosed, whether or not he is aware of them. He was a subject to various projects. I myself don't truly know what he has grown to become. I'd be scared if I were you," Dr. Young said.

Gwen stood and gave the man a glare, "Scared? I wouldn't be. But I know you would, because from the looks of it, if he catches you or any of your cronies, I guarantee he'd kill you with his own two hands," she spat, and turned away, following the guards out of the meeting room.

Gwen wondered how such merciless people existed in this world. How could they torture children until they turned mad? Mad enough to commit crimes? She despised them to their core, nothing they did could be justified. However, Gwen had to wonder if she was too late. Peter had already committed so many crimes. On what stand could she deem him innocent? How could she possibly explain the whole situation?

Gregory Skul.

She thought to herself. If she caught him, then Peter would become the victim of his cruel ways. He was nothing but a pawn to Skul. Maybe there was a way...

Gwen phoned Pauline while on the train back from London. James was busy reviewing notes. Gwen had realised not all of them comprised stuff related to Peter Pan. When she asked, he said he still had work to do as an intern before he returned to university.

"Girl, if you don't get your butt here quick, you'd be looking like a toad for prom!" Pauline screamed through the phone. Gwen winced.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming," Gwen muttered.

"Good, I'll be picking you up at five a.m., we're going to get our nails and hair done," she said. Gwen rolled her eyes. Five a.m.? Was she insane? After ending the call, Gwen decided she needed to catch enough sleep if she would be up before dawn. She leaned against the rocking cabin and dozed off.

Prom was the least of her concerns.

A/N: Hit that vote button if you enjoyed this chapter.

On a side note, just to clarify, this book is not a Once Upon A Time fan fiction. I've stumbled upon a couple of readers who've thought so.

Just so you know, I've not watched that show before. Therefore this story is completely original. 

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