Chapter 30: Peter Pan's Benefactor

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The train rocked, putting Gwen to sleep like a cradle. It sped across fields, distancing itself from home, into the heart of the country, London. Gwen hated returning to London. It was where she used to live, with what she believed was a mess of a family. The city that moved so fast, caring much less about the people that followed.

Her mother left, her father imprisoned, her sister dead.

London was a full of dark memories.

However, the London shadows would not stop her agenda. She glanced at the seat opposite of her in the cabin. James was quietly dozing off, leaning against the window. She had to distract him tomorrow and get to Wandsworth Prison. She could not tell James she was trying to help Peter Pan. He would think she was a lunatic. One moment asking for help to stop him, the next trying to save him? It made less sense to her too.

Yet, her instincts told her to listen. Listen to the words in her heart rather than the rationality in her head. Her heart hoped, that maybe this time, she could fix things. Not only that, an unspoken voice within her wanted her to know, this mystery was bigger and more complicated than she thought. A sense or trepidation filled her.

She sighed and stared out at the moonlit fields rushing past her, soon falling into a light sleep.

After checking into a motel, Gwen was quick to call up the people-in-charge at the prison. She booked an appointment to meet Dr. Young at late noon. Her plan was to have lunch with James, then blame the all-nighter train ride for her need to sleep. She knew James being the gentleman he was would be fine with it. Therefore, as of now, they were heading to J. Roger's Office. After all the explanations James had given her regarding how the private investigator was involved, Gwen was intrigued to know what else Detective Roger could provide.

They stepped out of the black cab as it pulled up at the red-bricked office. The receptionist ushered them to Detective Roger's office, where he was waiting for them already. The gruff man took a deep puff from his cigar before greeting them with a tobacco exhale. Gwen coughed.

"Hardwing," he greeted with a nod, then motioned towards Gwen, "And the little lady?" He questioned.

"Detective Rogers, this is Gwendy Larson. She was the one who recruited me to join her in her investigation regarding this case," James explained. Rogers arched a brow, but allowed them to sit, anyway.

"So what did you come here for this time?" he asked.

James asked him a ton of questions, questions very much a detective would ask while interrogating. Gwen had to admit she felt left out, she came to realise how her investigative methods were rather unprofessional.

"So based on that trail, you could suspect he was hiding out in north-west Lambeth," James pointed out on the map that was spread between them.

Roger leaned back scratching his beard, "Hm, so we should narrow down on Lambeth?" he said. James nodded.

"We would find more clues as to where Gregory Skul and the boy were hiding out and continue tracing from there," James suggested.

After much discussion, they left it at that. We would gather more evidence and clues to narrow down even further on the location. James would meet Roger after lunch, and that was when Gwen was planning to take a detour to the prison.

"Well then, see you later, sir," James said as they got up to leave.

"Little lady, can I speak to you in private for a moment?" the detective asked. They glanced at James, he nodded and left the room, a little warily, for a moment. Gwen sat back down on the chair.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Why are you involved with this murderer?" he threw it out there.

"He killed my sister," she replied. Detective Roger frowned and stared at her for a couple of long seconds.

"Is that all?" he asked. As much as it was not, Gwen knew better. She put on her best poker face. Detective Roger was not impressed.

"He is dangerous, little lady. I would think twice before getting involved with the likes of such a person," he said. His expression was that of first-hand experience. Gwen guessed he had met Peter Pan, and it was far from good.

"I'm aware," she replied. Gwen knew she should have not gotten too involved, but now it was just too late. She could not pull away. She had dived in too deep to pull herself out of the water.

"I will take my leave," she said politely and stood. Just as she was at the door, Detective Roger had a few words of advice to relay. They were not words she expected to hear from him.

"Some mistakes can't be fixed. Some sins can't be repented."

Gwen's heart stopped for a moment. For a second, she thought he knew. She did not reply, and left.

The sun was high in the sky. Gwen shielded her eyes as she stepped into the H.M.P. Wandsworth main entrance. Gwen went over to the main reception desk and explained her visit. After giving the officer her identification documents and carrying out the biometric scans, he brought her to the visiting room.

About fifteen tables filled the room. It was not a busy day, inmates and their corresponding visitors occupied only several tables. The officer brought Gwen over to sit at a table while she waited for the inmate, Dr. Louis Young.

It was to her surprise that the doctor had validated her personal details when booking the appointment. With his consent, she was granted permission to visit. They did not know each other, so what made him so compliant? Dr. Young would be a ten-year prisoner by now, leaving another five years until he was free.

The prison guard reentered from another door with a scrawny old man. He was dressed in standard prison uniform, a blue t-shirt, a grey jumper, and grey trousers. He looked drastically different from the image from ten years ago in the article Gwen read. This man was skin and bones with straggly strands of grey hair sticking to his scalp. His eyes were sunken, but bore the similar gleam of the scientist at the brink of discovery.

"Good afternoon, Dr. Young," Gwen began. As much as she knew of the wrong-doings of the man, she had to remain patient to get the information she needed.

He was grim and cut to the chase, "What information did you come here for? Who are you working with?"

"I'm not working with anyone. I want to ask you about your research in the Neverland Bioengineering Foundation. Were you by any chance carrying out human experiments?"

Gwen was expecting denial, but Dr. Young was done with that. "Yes."

"Well then, after your company shut down, what happened to your test subjects?" Gwen asked.

"We eradicated them," he replied, as if talking about the weather.

"All of them?" Gwen asked again.

Dr. Young quirked a brow, "Yes..."

"Are you sure?" Dr. Young stayed silent, analysing her intentions. Then he leaned forward.

"All but one. He went missing the day we got raided. And I know full well who took him," he said, visibly angry.


"The same man who exposed us in the first place," Dr. Young laughed mirthlessly, "If I got out here, the first thing I'd do would be to kill him. Even if it gets me thrown into jail all over again," he said.

"Who did it?" Gwen asked again.

Dr. Young spat out the name like it was venom in his mouth.

"Gregory Skul."

A/N: Thanks for reading! Vote and comment if you liked it!

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