19. Chloe

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My vision is blurry as I attempt to get my key in the lock of the front door. My hand is violently shaking and I can’t help the laughter that is escaping my lips. I feel Dan’s lips close to my ear as he tells me “sshh.” I see his hand snake around me as he takes the key from my grasp and puts it smoothly in the lock, twists it and allows the door to open slightly. Dan’s hand is on my back now, gently ushering me into my own house. My eyes are closing as I feel him pick me up in his arms and carry me upstairs towards my bedroom. He gently places me on the bed and he removes his arms from underneath me. I want to tell him to replace his hands and hold me again but before I get the chance to, I’m taken by sleep.


The first thing I feel when I wake is the pounding in my head. I try to think of the last thing I can remember, but the mixture of alcohol that was consumed has given me memory loss. I remember being at the park with Dan and drinking. Then I remember walking back towards home. But what happened next? Did we go straight home? I seem to remember going somewhere else but I can’t be sure.  I just remember thick smoke and bright lights. Then I remember Dan helping me in and putting me to bed. Shit did I sleep with Dan? My eyes open quickly and I’m relieved to find myself alone and fully dressed.

I roll over in my bed and I’m pleased to see a glass of water waiting for me, which I assume Dan put there the previous night and I’m so thankful for it. I gulp down almost half of the glass and then go on the mission to find some painkillers for my head. I immediately trip over my shoes on the floor and land splattered out on the floor. I don’t even have the energy to get up so I just lay there for a while, working out whether I should just fall back asleep on the floor or actually try and get up and make something with my day.

My eyes are nearly closed again when I hear the painful screech of my mother’s voice. “Fuck my life.” I groan as I hear her fist against the door.

“Chloe Annabelle Hart, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” She’s standing above me now and I’m still face down sprawled on the floor. If someone took a picture of me I actually think it could look quite amusing, but for some reason I don’t think my mum is in the mood for humour. “Get up off the floor and explain to me what you were thinking yesterday?”

“I don’t know mother.” I roll over and sit cross legged on the floor, looking at the anger in my mum’s eyes. “But right now I do know that I have a massive headache so I would appreciate it if you turn the volume down a tad.”

“You would appreciate it, would you? You would fucking appreciate it! I would fucking appreciate it if you didn’t go out and get drunk with strange boys and then bring them back here!”

“Woah, strange boys?” I attempt to stand up but my balance fails me so I stay sat on the ground. “I didn’t bring any strange boys back here!”

“You did! I saw that hooded boy come out of your bedroom at about 2am! I bloody chased him out of the house! It’s disgusting Chloe! Bringing a one night stand back to my house, who do you think you are?!”

“Stop!” I hold my hand up at her. “There were no strange boys! That was Dan. As in Dan Smith from next door.. Your new best friends’ son? He helped me get home safe after I drank too much! He would never make a move on me. So if there’s anyone to thank, it will be Dan!”

“Oh.” My mum is lost for words for once in her bloody life. “Well that’s good that you’re making friends. Just be careful. And don’t miss another minute of college, I’m not standing here and watching you throw your life away. A year.” She sighs loudly. “A year is all I’m asking for. Please make an effort Chloe. Now I mean it, I do think that it’s nice that you’re making friends but please choose wisely. Don’t get dragged away from what’s important.” She sighs again and closes the door on her way out of my room.

I manage to find my way to my feet and stumble out of my room and into the bathroom. I don’t usually have a shower before college but right now I can smell the alcohol coming from my pores and I just need to wash it away. And wash away the fear of anything I did or said to Dan. My mum said he left here at 2am. Does that mean we got home at that time? Or did he actually stay for a bit and then leave? However drunk I was, I wouldn’t ever go there with him would I?

When I’m showered, dressed and ready for college I leave the house and notice that Dan’s car isn’t out the front of our houses. Then I remember that he didn’t drive home because we had drunk so much and so his car is still at the park. At least I know he’s a safe driver.

I walk around and knock on his front door, hoping that he’s already up. I ring the doorbell and knock on the door some more before I give up and walk away.

“Hey.” I hear Dan’s husky morning voice from behind me.

“Hi.” I reply as I spin around quickly. I turn around and am shocked to see him in his tight black boxers. His hair is a mess on top of his head and under his eyes are dark from a lack of sleep.

“Hungover?” He asks as he leans against the door. Is he aware he’s in his boxers and I can basically see the outline of his dick?

“Yeah. Very. And just got a lecture from my mum too, so I’m going to college. And if I have to suffer, so do you. You have two minutes to get ready.” I slip my sunglasses down from my head and onto my face to shield my eyes from the sun. “Chop chop Dan.” I clap my hands at him.

“Fucking hell Chloe.” He chuckles and turns his back on me. I peer through the door as I watch him scatter upstairs and less than 1 minute later he reappears fully dressed. “Ready.” He states as he grabs his bag and closes the door behind him. “Fuck I forgot I don’t have my car here.” He groans in frustration.

“It’s cool, we could both do with the walk to sober us up a bit.” I shrug as I lead us down the street towards college. Now is my time to see if I did anything stupid whilst under the influence of alcohol.

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