34. Dan

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I'm rushing around and trying to keep calm but I can't. Eloise is going to be here any minute. Last time I was so much more relaxed but now there's all of the pressure of other people knowing about our relationship.. Mainly Chloe.

I don't know how I'm going to act with El in front of Chloe. Usually when I've seen her we've barely been able to keep our hands off of each other, but then that hasn't been in the company of one of our best friends. I can't do anything wrong. I don't want Chloe to resent me, but I don't want Eloise to either. Why have I got myself in this situation?

Fuck it's time. I leave the house and do the short walk to the tube station. Her train arrived at Paddington 20 minutes ago so that means that she's due at Putney East at any moment. My heart races as I see her walking towards me, and the biggest grin erupts on my face. That's when I remember why I've got myself into this situation.

I engulf her in a huge hug and place a long, hard kiss on her lips. I know it seems stupid but I've missed her.

"6 hours it's taken me to get here. 6 flipping hours. This is why I usually drive. Fucking trains." She begins to complain and I can't help but smile at her small rant. Her mouth cracks into a smile when she notices me laughing. "Worth it though." She pulls me near for another quick kiss, leaving me desperately wanting more.

"Don't be a tease." I let my arms drop and take her bag from her shoulder and take her hand in mine as we begin to do the very short walk back to my house. She makes me feel so different.. So confident. I would have never of imagined me being able to confidently walk hand in hand with a girl just a few months ago.

"It's not teasing if you'll get some anyway." She tightens her grip on my hand and lets out a small giggle. "So what's the plan, Dan? Haha do you see what I did there?!" She laughs loudly at her ability to rhyme. It's adorable.

"Well we'll put these bags down and then go to Chloe's and then the pub tonight?" I suggest whilst taking my key out of my pocket.

"Sounds good." She replies whilst I open the door and let us in. No one else is at home and I'm thankful that Eloise isn't going to be bombarded in intrusive questions from my family just yet. I lead her upstairs and throw her bags on the floor and turn around to Eloise's hungry eyes. "When did you say we would go to Chloe's?" She nears closer and begins to play with my belt. I feel my trousers getting tighter already in anticipation.

"Whenever. No specific time." I breath heavily, knowing what's coming next.

"Good." Eloise responds before pushing me back onto my bed.


"Baaaabe!" Eloise screeches as Chloe opens her front door. I allow the two of them to share their hug as I walk through into Chloe's house. I spend so much time here; it may as well be my house.

"Decided to use the door today then Dan? That makes a change." Chloe jokes whilst leading everyone through to the kitchen to make us some drinks.

"What does that mean?" Eloise asks, a confused frown on her face.

"Oh usually Dan just comes through my bedroom window, it's easier." Chloe shrugs nonchalantly as she opens a few bottles of cider.

"Weird." Eloise mutters. I study her facial expression and she's pissed off. I can't help it that I'm too lazy to go downstairs or that I don't want to run the risk of bumping into my family. So it's easier to go window to window.

Chloe reaches out and gives us each a bottle and I study the label for a moment. "Ohh fancy shit." I comment, not recognising the packaging. "Usually the drinks offered here consist of Strongbow or Fosters. Hardly the classiest of drinks." I explain to Eloise.

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