75. Chloe

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I pull up to the unforgettable sight of the house that I lived in throughout my late teenage years. My cheeks physically hurt from smiling and my voice aches from singing like a lunatic during the car journey here.

"I can't believe you're actually doing this." Amelie smiles over at me. "I mean, it's all moved so quickly, it was only a few months ago that we were in America and you came up with this idea. Now we're moving you in!"

"I know." I agree as I turn off the engine and open the car door. "This is a bit crazy isn't it?"

"No, not crazy at all." She gets out of the car and we both walk around to the front door. "I am gutted that you'll be so far away though."

"I know." I put my arm around her shoulder and we do a girly sigh. "But I can't third wheel on you and George anymore! I've been doing it for years."

I put the key in the front door and open it. The house is just like I remembered and I can't believe that my mum has actually agreed to this. I'm extremely lucky that a furnished house in a great area has basically turned up for me. When I thought that nothing could be handed to you on a silver platter, maybe I was wrong.

Me and Amelie sit down on the sofa and wait for my step-dad to arrive. He was nice enough to hire a van out so that I could bring all of my stuff up in one go. I've always had a hatred towards him, probably because I was very bitter when my mum remarried, but I'm starting to think otherwise now. Over the past few weeks he's done so much for me which I'm grateful for, but then again in the back of my mind I keep thinking that it's because he wants to get me away from Cornwall so that he can live an easy life with my mum.

Alan arrives after about 20 minutes of waiting, which me and Amelie fill by sharing stories of when we both lived in London years ago. I reminisce about my time living in Clapham with Chris and how much fun we had and I immediately miss the familiarity of the boys.

The next hour is spent unloading the van and placing my belongings in the living room. By the time we're done, we can barely move in the room because it's filled with all of my junk that I've collected over the years.

"Are you sure you don't want any more help unpacking everything?" Amelie asks before the two of them leave.

"No, honestly babe you've done enough by coming up with me on the drive! Thank you so much for your help." I wrap her up in a hug. "Both of you." I lean away and look at Alan. "Thanks for helping, you didn't have to." I smile at him as another thanks.

"No problem. Look I'll leave you girls to it, I'll go and wait in the van." He waves shyly and disappears outside.

"Oh god I kind of forgot that you have to spend like 5 hours in a car with him now. I'm sorry."

"No worries babe. I'm just going to fall asleep so I'm not burdened with conversation." She laughs and wraps her arms around me again. "You're going to smash it here again. I knew it wasn't the life for you when you moved back. Just think, you'll have a new job in no time, new housemates, Dan! Just don't forget about me, hey."

"I won't. Promise me you'll visit when you can." I can feel myself getting upset that she's leaving and all of a sudden I hope that I don't feel lonely here.

"Of course." She nods and pulls away. "Try and keep me away!" She laughs as she turns around to leave. "See you soon love."

I stand at the door and wave the two of them off, a false smile plastered on my face. I finally feel overwhelmed by the situation now that I'm actually here. I look towards all of the boxes and groan slightly, wishing that I had accepted Amelie's offer to help unpack.

I sigh and decide that this could be made a lot easier with a glass of wine. I find my purse in my bag and head towards the corner shop nearby to pick up a bottle of white.

When I'm back I find my glasses in the box labelled 'kitchen crap' and I pour a glass of wine for myself. I sigh, wishing that I was enjoying my first night in a new house with someone else rather than just drowning my sorrows alone. An hour later and all I've unpacked is 2 boxes and the only room that is done is the kitchen. I go back to the living room to get my next box to unpack and decide to give up already and order a takeaway. I lazily slouch down on the sofa and order a Chinese through my phone.

Less than 2 minutes later and the doorbell goes. I look towards the door unsure who it is. I tell myself that I only ordered the Chinese a few moments ago and so it would be impossible for it to be ready already.

I unwillingly stand up and walk towards the front door. When I open it I'm amazed by what I see. "Happy moving day." He stands with a large grin on his face and a bunch of flowers in his hand.

"What? But you're in.. But you can't be..." I stutter in astonishment.

"What, you think you're the only one who can turn up and surprise someone?!" My jaw has dropped and he leans over and puts it back into place, laughing whilst doing the gesture. "Oh and I'm waiting for at least a hug!"

"Dan!" I squeal once I find my voice. I leap onto him and kiss him without warning but he manages to catch me somehow.

"That's better." He smirks into my mouth and I find myself laughing along with him. "God I've missed you." He works his long fingers into my hair and holds his palm against my cheek. I enjoy the moment for a minute before my lips have found their way back to his, my desire to have him as close as possible taking over. "Upstairs, now." He orders me and I'm more than willing to oblige.


"It's mental being back in this room." Dan sits up in bed and looks around at my old bedroom, which is technically now my new bedroom.

"I know, it's funny how things work out. I can't quite believe I'm back here." I nuzzle up closer to him and put my face in his neck, kissing him lightly. His grip on me tightens and he hugs me closer whilst we both take in our surroundings.

"I mean, if someone would have told me when we first met that we would be here like 10 years later, I would have told them to fuck off."

"You told everyone to fuck off back then though, so that's no shock." I sarcastically remark, earning myself a poke in the side from Dan.

"You know what I mean you twat." I laugh and nod, unable to wipe the huge grin from my face.

Just then the doorbell rings again and I'm suddenly reminded of the food that I ordered an hour ago. "Shit the Chinese." I quickly grab my jeans and t-shirt and throw them on so I'm in some sort of decent state for the delivery guy.

"My favourite." Dan appears behind me and kisses my cheek once I've closed the front door.

"Yes you can have some of my food." I smile sweetly and walk through to the kitchen, happy that I've actually managed to unpack the plates for us to have dinner on.

"How generous of you." He smirks whilst leaning over to take some of the food from the container that I'm holding.

"Nothing but kind, that's what they say." I fill my plate up and we both sit at the table and quickly eat our food, demolishing it like we're animals who haven't eaten for days.

"Do you know what I need now?" Dan asks when we're finished and I look over to him, waiting for a response. "A cigarette on the roof?" I laugh and nod my head in agreement. I find my handbag in my piles of boxes and pull out my packet of cigarettes and follow Dan upstairs. We both clamber outside the window and sit carefully on the flat part of the roof.

"This was easier when we were younger I'm sure. I think I'm gunna fall." I steady myself as I take my lighter from my pocket.

"Na we just had less fear." I pass the lighter to Dan and he smiles as a thank you.

"Something like that." I chuckle and lean my head on his shoulder.

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