'Not Any More' (Niall Imagine For Tia)

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I'm sitting here on my bathroom floor, with a bloody blade sitting next to me. I always regret it after I cut.

Especially because I know how Niall feels about self harm. I really want to stop but everything has just been piling up lately.

"Tia?" I hear Niall's voice echo through the house. Shoot. I quickly clean everything up and walk to the source of the voice. "Hey Nialler" I speak softly.

"Hey babe" he replied wrapping his arms around my waist. I winced a bit because that's where I cut and the wounds were still pretty fresh.

I know most people cut there wrists but then there's a higher chance of Niall seeing the marks.

Niall must've noticed that I winced because he pulled his arms away and began to lift up the hem of my shirt.

"Ni, Stop!" I exclaim trying to push his hands away but of course he pulls it up and sees.

"Baby girl? Did you do this to yourself?" He question with tears forming in his eyes. Oh no, I've made him cry. I hate seeing Niall sad it breaks my heart because he truly means everything to me.

I couldn't even speak as I was to ashamed. I just nodded my head slightly. "Why?" He asked lifting my chin up so he could look me In the eyes.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Tia there has to be a reason why. Is it me? Do I not make you happy?" He asked frantically his eyes searching mine worriedly.

My eyes widened, "Niall you absolutely make me happy! I love you more than life itself but I feel like I don't return that happiness to you no matter how hard I try, like I don't make you happy so I thought you would leave me and that...that would hurt more than anything so I cut to try and prepare myself for the pain."

Niall shook me on the shoulders, "Tia (Tia's Middle Name) (Tia'a Last Name), your presence makes me happy. The mere thought that your mine makes me wanna jump for joy, I love you so much, always remember that."

I nodded my head smiling through the happy tears that were running down my face.

"Please don't do this anymore, please baby girl, I can't stand to see you hurt." He spoke hugging me gently, careful of my scars.

"I promise I wont"

"Thank you" whispered softly before gently kissing my lips. I pulled his head to mine and pressed his lips harder. He was surprised at first but he soon got the idea and put his hands on my thighs signaling for me to jump.

I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me upstairs.

He gently laid me on the bed and slowly took off my shirt. He crawled on top of and and trailed kisses from my neck to my belly button before lightly placing his lips on each one of my scars.

It was moments like these that make me feel like the only girl on the world. Niall made his way back to my lips and whispered "I love you" as he began to take off his own shirt and jeans.

After he was done he helped me with my jeans. He pulled them down slowly kissing the newly exposed skin. Niall sometimes could be really sensual. But I'm not really in a sensual mood; I just want him now.

"Niall" I moaned wriggling a bit. He pulled off my under wear before kissing my center. He lapped his tongue faster and faster inserting a finger pumping it in and out.

I could feel myself getting closer, "Ni I'm close" I moaned out bucking my hips.

He kept going and I unraveled around him. He licked me clean before taking off his boxers.

I pushed him down and kissed down his V-Line being a tease. "Tia Please" he croaked out in a raspy voice.

I Took his as much of him member into his mouth as I could before grasping his balls fondling them between my fingers earning some very loud, throaty moans from Niall.

"TIA" he screamed as I moved my head back and forth faster and faster. He pulled me back up and I started at him confused "Wanna be inside you" he said between pants.

He quickly pushed himself into me and after giving me some time to adjust. He thrusted in and out faster and faster each time.

"Mmm Niall!" I half moaned half screamed. That must've given him some motivation because he started going harder.

The bed slammed against the wall a few times as he kept going. "Tia I'm close" he yelled still thrusting.

I couldn't even speak due to the overwhelming pleasure so I just bit my lip.

I felt him twitch inside me and about twenty seconds later he filled me and I came.

He pulled me into his side, stroking my dark brown hair. "I love you" he whispered softly his chest still rising and falling pretty hard. "I love you too" I replied back before drifting into a peaceful sleep next to the boy I love.


BonJour! Sorry if I spelled that wrong, I ditched French for Spanish three years ago Lol.

Tia my dear, I hope you very much enjoyed it. I'll probs end up writing you another one because this isn't my best but yeah.

Oh yeah and this ones the theme was 'Motivation' like the song. The first person who tells me who it's by will get a fan!

Brashlynn, sorry I'm taking so long I will have it up within the next day or two for you!

Also please check out my friends account called 'mzhotchick01'!

Thank you guys!

Love you

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