Bully (Dirty Harry for Jasmine) Part 1

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I sighed as I slammed my locker shut. As I looked to my left I faked surprise when I spotted none other than Harry Styles leaning on the locker next to mine. Just like he was every day; specifically so that he could torment me the whole while I made my way out of the school building.

"Hey slag, what's up?" He questioned, a smirk rising up on his face when he realized that he was getting to me. I ignored him and slung my black messenger bag the was covered in iron on 'Falling in Reverse' song titles.

"I'm fucking talking to you. Answer me!" He yelled grabbing me by shoulders and slamming my back into the lockers. I rolled my eyes and pushed myself forward in attempt to get past him.

No such luck.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me? Who the fuck do you think you are?" I clenched my jaw as he continued to scream at me. I'm seriously getting sick of him. He does this everyday and I really just wanna go home.


Harry raised his fist and I was 300% sure I was about to get jawed when "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? Jasmine, Harry. To my office now" Principal Higgins demanded and pointed down the hall in the direction of his office. Great.

The office door slammed shut behind us as we took a seat in the two chairs in front of Mr. Higgins huge cherry wood desk. "Either of you care to explain what was going on in the hallway back there?" He questioned, resting his chin on his folded hands, leaning forward expectantly.

Both me and Harry stayed silent. "Fine. Both of you one weeks detention. Starting now." He spoke leaning back in his chair. I sighed loudly dropping my bag to the floor knowing that this was going to be a LONG three hours.

"Ok you can leave now, see you tomorrow" Mr. Higgins spoke getting up to leave. Harry and I did the same and started walking out of the building. I groaned as I looked up noticing the sky had turned gray and storm clouds had rolled in. Harry must've noticed too.

"I can give you a ride a home if you want" he muttered keeping his head low. "I don't want a fucking ride from you" I growled and continued walking. As if on cue the sound of thunder shook and the rain started pouring. "Fine" Harry responded coldly and continued walking to his red pickup truck that was actually in pretty good shape.

"Shit" I mumbled to myself as the winds picked up making it harder to walk. Harry was just about to pull but I tapped on his window. "Can I take you up on that ride?" I asked pushing my now wet hair out of my face and hugging my sweater colder to my body.

He nodded slightly making his curls sway a bit and he reached over in his car to open the passenger seat. I jogged over and slid in tossing my bag to floor of the car. "Thanks" I whispered just loud enough for him to here. He grunted in..acceptance?

He started the car and we pulled of in the direction of my house. "How do you know where I live?" I asked glancing over at him. "Remember we had to do that science project together in 9th grade and I came over to your house so we could work on it?"

"Oh." I replied dumbfounded. Considering we were seniors now he must have. Really good memory. Guess he's not as ignorant as I thought. He glared at me. "Did I say that out loud?" I question my face contorting into a grimace at the thought that I might've.

"Yeah" he grumbled tightening his grip on the steering wheel. "Sorry I didn't mean it" I spoke looking down at my hands. " Yeah you did, I don't blame you either" he spoke shrugging his shoulders.

I stared at him dumbfounded. "That's my house right there" he spoke pointing to a cute little blue house as we drove down the street almost in front of it. I guess his house is on the way to my house.

Right as we passed Harry's house his truck sputtered to a stop. "OH COME ON!" He screamed banging his handing on the steering wheel. I jumped a bit. " Wait here" he spoke agitatedly. I just there as he walked around the car in the still pouring rain.

He lifted the hood. I can tell that it wasn't good considering the fact that he slammed it down so hard it bounced back up and her had to close it again. I guess his trucks only pretty on the outside.

He walked around to my door and pulled it open. "Looks like I won't be able to take you home after all, but if you want you can come inside for a bit, at least until the rain stops." I nodded and followed him to his house praying that this wasn't some elaborate plan for him to murder me.

I followed him inside and took in my surroundings. His house didn't look so big on the outside but it was fucking huge. He jogged up the stairs leaving me to stand there awkwardly.

He came back down two minutes later and tossed me a t-shirt. "You should get out of those wet clothes, I can toss them in the dryer for you if you want" he asked pointing his thumb in the direction of the basement I'm guessing.

"Thanks but I can do it" I spoke not wanting him to have to do anything else for me. "NO! I mean uhh... I got it" he spoke on a rushed paces "Ok" I sighed. "Wheres the bathroom?" He pointed down the hall. "Down there to the right" I nodded and walked to the bathroom. Once I was in there I stripped my clothes and put on the t-shirt Harry had given me. Keeping only my panties and bra.

I walked back out to find Harry sitting on the couch watching reruns of 'Suite Life On Deck'. I handed him my wet clothes. "Here you go." I spoke sitting down on the couch careful not to make it seem like I was too comfortable. He nodded and made his was to the basement. I focused on the show.

Harry eventually came back up and plopped down next to me. I couldn't help but stare at him. How could he go from verbally and sometimes physically abusing me to offering my rides and letting me in his house?

"Why do you do it?" I asked sitting up straighter. He looked at me questionably. "Why do you bully me?" I asked. He looked taken aback. "I..I honestly don't know" he spoke scrunching up his eyebrows.

I let my jaw drop. Is he serious? He has tortured me for the past 3 and a half years and doesn't even have a legit reason?!? "I know I'm sexy but stop staring a me" he spoke smirking.

"Here we go again, you're so cocky and arrogant and big headed!" I yelled pointing at him. He stood up. "Those were all synonyms, got anything else on me?" He sneered stepping up to me so his chest was pressed against mine.

"You're a bully" I spoke squinting my eyes and biting the inside of lip. His whole body tensed. "That is it" he growled before tossing me over his shoulder.

"Harry what the fuck!? Put me down! I will walk home dammit, STOP!" I screamed as he carried me into his basement.

Now I know why he didn't want me down there. __________________

Ok so this is not all of the imagine...I haven't updated in a while and I wanted to post something for you. Jasmine I hop you like it so far! The rest should be up by tomorrow, Tuesday at the latest.

Love you guys xxx

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