Special Delivery Sweet/Dirty Niall Imagine*

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(I had no clue how to categorize this so I'm just gonna say Romantic/Funny/Dirty. Make sure you read till the end it gets better the further you go I hope :) p.s you and Niall aren't married in this one)


I woke up to Niall shifting around in the bed, his face was level with my now huge stomach and I tried my hardest to get a clear view of his face in the pitch black room.

I was about to ask him what he was doing but he began speaking in a whisper. "Hi baby; sorry I can only call you baby right now but me and mommy haven't discussed names much yet and I don't wanna call you something when it may not actually be your name..."

I bit my lip trying my hardest not to smile as I listened to him ramble on. "Anyways, I was just kind of bored and needed someone to talk to but I didn't wanna wake your mommy up. She's been under a lot of pressure and she deserves some rest. I'd appreciate it if you'd take it easy on her for a while yeah? I don't even know if you can actually hear or understand me but its nice to talk to you. You just listen.

I hope you'll still listen when you're actually out here in the real world. I'll still love you all the same even if your a bit hard headed though.

We painted your room 'mellow yellow' and your ceiling 'sky blue' cause we didn't know if you were a boy or a girl. I feel kinda bad now knowing that you're a girl. We added some animal stickers that have bit of pink in them though."

I had to stifle a giggle at that one, like the baby will care what color it's room is.

"Me and your uncles Lou, Harry, Liam and Zayn worked really hard on your crib. It took us four hours to put together but I'd of worked a million years on that crib if it meant that your room would be perfect. You're going to be pretty spoiled. Especially having Harry as an uncle, he'll be all over you, buying you just about everything you look at."

He took a deep breath.

"I just want you to know that I'm going to try my hardest to be the best damn dad I can for you. I love you to the moon and back and I haven't even met you yet. I don't known if I can wait a whole more 3 weeks to hold you in my arms and look at you."

I felt my heart swell as he spoke.

"I wonder if you'll have my blue eyes or brown hair? Or maybe you'll be a spitting image of your mother. Oh god, if you look anything like her we'll have to beat the boys off you with a bat." He chuckled a bit.

"I'll let you go to sleep now baby. Good night." He whispered softly before pecking my stomach and moving his way back up the bed and wrapping his arms around my waist.

***Next Morning***

I sniffed as I sat up in bed. Wow. It smell like a buffet downstairs. I waddled awkwardly down the stairs and I almost moaned as the scent of food got stronger and stronger.

I walked into the kitchen and nearly chocked at what I saw. There were stacks upon stacks of pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, waffles, biscuits and three different types of syrup across the table.

"You cooked ALL of this!" I exclaimed as Niall turned towards me. "Yeah" he smiled sheepishly. "I didn't know what you and the baby would be feeling up to this morning but I really wanted to cook you breakfast and.." I cut him off enveloping him into a hug.

"Thanks Ni" I murmured into his ear. "Your wel-" he got cut off again. "Hey! I helped too! I made the pancakes!" Harry yelled popping out of nowhere and crossing his arms.

I laughed and hugged him too. "Thank you Haz" I spoke before sitting down at the table. Harry sat down too looking smug with himself.

I know what you guys are thinking, 'Omg Niall likes to cook?' No Niall does not like to cook. Niall likes to eat. But since I can't be on my feet as much he has to cook for himself and he's gotten pretty damn good at it.

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