Zayn's Confession *Sweet*

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"BESTIE?!?!?" You heard your best friend Zayn Malik yell from the hall way of your new apartment. You grinned at the sound of his overly exaggerated high pitch voice. "Oh my gosh, Darling, how've you been" you asked in an overly posh vice giving him air cheek kisses. "I'm fine and you?" He asked curling his hand a bit in a Gay manor. (BTW, i love LBGT's, no disrespect meant) You stifled a giggle before jumping into his arms as you couldn't stand one more minute of missing his embrace. You and him have been best friends since you we're three years old and you hadn't seen Zayn in over five months. He spun you around while you grinned like a loon. "I missed you so much (Y/N)" he whispered into your ear as he set you back down. "I missed you too." You spoke breathlessly still trying to get used to the fact that he was actually here. "What's been going on?" You asked as you jumped over the back if your couch and plopped down a cushion. "Nothing, you know going clubbing every night, traveling the world with my best mates, recording an album" he said listing the point of interest on his fingers. "What about you?" He asked eagerly. "Oh you know, studying, cleaning,being bored out of my mind." You said rolling your eyes. "No guys?" He asked residing an eyebrow at you. "No....." "Good no-one I need to pummel" "of course Zayn". He always threatens your boyfriends though he doesn't always go through with beating the mess out of them "Hows Perrie?" You asked nonchalantly walking into the kitchen to grab some cokes for you guys to sip on while you chat. Zayn was quiet, looking down a bit before he spoke just as you turned around with cokes in your hand. "We-erm- we broke up about four days ago" his voice came out shyly. Your eyes widened as you processed what he had said. You dropped the cokes and of course because you have bad luck one if them fell on your foot. You paid it no attention; not even noticing the shard of glass that was making blood pool out of the foot that was only covered in a sock. You wrapped Zayn into your arms knowing he had really loved Perrie. It hurt a little bit though because you always had feelings toward the dark haired boy. "What happened?" You asked because when Zayn let's all his emotions sit for to long he'd eventually crack letting everything out on one person not really meaning the harsh things he may be saying. "I LOVE someone else" he said looking at you through his thick eyelashes. You felt a pang of jealousy toward the blessed girl he was obviously majorly crushing on. "Who" you asked thankful you didn't crack. "Yo- Holy fuck (Y/N)! Your foot!" He exclaimed picking you up and carrying you into the bathroom setting you on sink counter top gently. He lifted your calf examining your foot. He winced a bit as he pulled off the now blood stained sock. "I'm such a clutz! And I'm so damned oblivious to everything!" You cried. "But guess what?" Zayn asked his vice coming out a little shaky and nervous. "I'm in love with you, and all your little things" he spoke a soft tune with the melody of the words. You tilted you head to the side a bit. What? You must be hallucinating from loss of blood. Then his words echoed and you realized they were real. You smiled at him big. "I love you too Zayn! More than you'll ever know". You spoke kissing his forehead softly.You a saw blush creep onto his face as he kept bandaging you up.


Hope you liked it! I need some prompts. Requset. request. ;)

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