Heated [Dirty Liam]

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[Prompt by @PleasureOfLife]

"And today for Show and Tell Liam brought in his pet turtle for us to see! Isn't that great class?" Our kindergarten teacher Ms. Lyle asked us. My five year old self just sighed, knowing that this meant another person to go before me. I had brought in my bead necklace I got from the witch lady on my trip to Mexico. That was so much cooler. What's so great about stupid, slow turtle?
"Hi guys, so this is my turtle..."


"Next up is Liam Payne singing.." I tuned out the announcer at the coffee shop. I had come here to get some quiet so I could finish studying for the test I had tomorrow that was worth fifty percent of Life Science grade. If I fail this I won't be able to get my Science credit and graduate.
I gave up trying to concentrate as the crowd applauded for the the boy with pretty brown Bieber hair and a birthmark on his neck. 'He goes to my school' I thought to myself as I listened when he started his song. Wow he had a really great voice.
I clapped loudly smiling as he said his thank you's and exited the stage. I watched as he walked past me towards the counter. He glanced at me and smiled giving me a slight wave before continuing on making his way up.


"Ugghh", I groaned as I slammed my hand down on the ringing alarm clock next to me. I swung my legs over the side of my bed and stood up, stretching. Hey, the life of a twenty three year old working part time at a dentist office as a dental hygienist is hard. I yawned and made my way to my bathroom to take a quick shower.
I twisted the faucet to the perfect setting before stripping myself down and letting the water run over my skin. I stood there for a while before I actually started washing up. Once I deemed myself clean I stepped out and wrapped the towel around myself and shook out my hair. I combed through the tangles before pulling it back in a tight ponytail. I dried myself off before putting on the Toy Story scrubs that seemed to be the kids favorite.
I padded into the kitchen of my flat and made my self some bacon and eggs. I ate quickly before deciding I wanted some coffee. Knowing I didn't have much time I hurriedly started the old brewer my cousin gave me. It had to be at least nine years old and was the kind you had to sit and watch and turn it off yourself.
I ran to my room and put on the white Nikes I wear to work everyday. I glanced at my watch seeing it was already 8:47. "Shit" I cursed, rushing out the door knowing I'd probably be a bit late.

"You're late again" my friend Lauryn scolded me playfully, pulling on her clear gloves. "I know, I know" I mumbled setting up all my equipment for the first appointment of the day.

"Katie, have you been flossing?" I asked looking down at the little girl in front me noticing a couple if pits forming between her teeth. She shook her head no at me. "Babe, I know it's boring and stuff but in the long run, it'll keep your teeth healthier and help you have fresh breath! You don't want stinky smelly troll breath do you?" I asked making a funny face at her.
She shook her head at me again with wide eyes, letting out a noise I'm guessing was a 'no'. I smiled at her before I heard my pager go off. "Hey, Lauryn can you grab that for me?" I asked nodding my head to the pager that was buzzing on my desk. "No prob" she answered picking it up.
I watched as her eyes widened as she listened to the person on the other line. "What is it" I mouthed to her pulling my mask down. "They said your house was burning and the fire brigade is there now" she spoke looking shocked.
"Fucking fuckery fuck fuck fuck" I swore under my breathe. "Can you finish up for me?" I asked Lauryn standing up. "Yup" she chirped taking my spot working on the little girl. "Hope everything's okay" she called to me as I made my way down the hall.

My jaw dropped at the sight I saw in front if me. Two fire trucks were in front my house. With a long beige hose running from the truck into my front door. A bunch of firefighters we walking back and forth. I sighed, a bit relieved that I didn't see any barreling flames or things like that.
I parked my car across the street and made my way to the lawn. "You live here ma'am?" One of the fire fighters asked me. I just nodded my head. "Well, you're very lucky. Your coffee brewer caught fire after it over heated. It didn't cause to much damage just burned your counter a bit. The brewer is done for though" I stared at the firefighter. He looked so familiar.
"Liam?" I asked as it finally hit me. "Yeah? Oh my god, MICHELLE?" He asked getting a bit excited. "Yeah, I'm surprised you remember me to be honest" I spoke smiling at him.
"How could I forget a pretty face like yours?" He flirted, smirking. I just laughed a little. "What are you doing still in Wolverhampton, I would've thought you'd of been out of here as soon as you could" I replied punching his arm lightly.
I didn't even notice the other firefighters starting to pack up. "Nah, I love my job. It ties me down for now." He spoke letting a full grin take over his face. He had a beautiful smile. It's not as childlike as it used to be. He had cut his hair so it was in a small quiff and damn his biceps were something else.
His deep chocolate eyes sparkled as he spoke. "No special lady?" I asked a bit surprised. He seemed so..perfect. "Nope, none. Besides the one I'm talking to right now." I hummed in response. Payne is a flirt.
"Can I ask, how did you guys know there was a fire before the flames got super big?" I was a little confused at that. "Oh yeah, a jogger was goin' by, said he saw smoke through your window, lucky catch if you ask me" he spoke looking thoughtful. "But don't worry. I'd of been more than happy to let you come stay at my place if yours would've got to bad"
"LIAM! C'MON WERE LEAVING!" another firefighter screamed from the truck. "ONE SEC NIALL!" he screamed back. "Hey I've gotta go, but if you want to get that counter replaced give my cousin a call. He owns 'Andy's' that little furniture and home repair store. He does really great work. Tell him I sent you. He'll give you 30% off." He spoke.
"Got a pen?" he asked. I just nodded and handed him one. As he took it from my grasp I couldn't help but notice how fucking big his hands were. I bet they could work wonders.

He wrote down the address on a card he had in his jumpsuit pocket. "Here ya go" he chirped before sprinting down toward the truck. "Hope to see you soon" he yelled as he held onto one of the outside handles. "BYE!" I called before walking into my house.
As soon as did I started coughing. It was FILLED with smoke. My eyes burned and my nose stung but I pulled through long enough to get the windows open.
No point in going back to work. But I definitely could not stay here and I really didn't wanna go anywhere in my work clothes. I hurriedly grabbed some skinny jeans, a hoodie and some flip flops before jogging out of my smokey house. I locked the door as I exited.
I jumped in my car and into the back seat to change my clothes as efficiently as I could in the cramped space. Once I was done I climbed to front seat, starting up my silver 2009 Chrysler. It wasn't much but it was a decent size and dependable. I'm not rich okay. I left my scrubs that now smelled of smoke in the backseat.
Then I remembered the card Liam gave me, I reached back and took it out of my shirt pocket. I didn't really have money to get my counter fixed right now but I certainly would have it done as soon as I could. I stretched up to put the card in the sun glasses holder since I really don't use it. It fluttered out of my hand and landed in the passenger seat.
I picked it up again but noticed scribbled handwriting on the back. "Liam; call me ;P" with his number written underneath. I smiled to myself and let out a squeal. I let a smile cross my face as I pulled out my driveway.

After a long day of driving and browsing at the mall (A.K.A a torturing reminder of the money in my wallet that was strictly for food and bills) I finally made my way home to find my house was almost smokeless. Hallelujah. I took my shoes off by the door and tossed my work clothes by the basement so that I remember to wash them soon.
I stripped out of my clothes and put on a giant T-shirt and some flannel pajama bottoms before collapsing on my bed. I shut my eyes and fell asleep almost instantly.

I woke up the next morning on my own with out the blaring alarm clock. I looked at my phone. '11:03a.m'. Great. I'm late. Oh wait it's Friday! I'm off. I silently thanked Jesus as I walked into the kitchen. The black spot on my counter where my brewer used to be immediately caught my attention. No coffee for me this morning.
I opened the fridge and saw some left over Chinese food from two days ago and heated it up. I grabbed a fork and turned on the T.V before I heard the ding of the microwave telling me my food was warm. I took it out before cuddling into the couch and watching some 'Say Yes To The Dress'.
Around three, boredom started to kick in. And was started to get hungry again as well. The burned spot mocked me but it also reminded me of Liam. Damn, he was fine. And single. I bit my lip as I got an idea. I opened my fridge and took out all the ingredients for spaghetti. Is this enough to feed a whole a firehouse?
I decided I needed more and ran to the store. Not before getting dressed in light blue skinnys and a floral light orange tank top and some orange and blue high tops. I let my hair hang down and just ruffled it up a bit.

"MICHELLE!" I heard a voice scream to me from the aisle down from me. "Ruth!" I smiled walking towards her. "Hey, Liam told me he had a stop at your house, is everything okay?" Oh yeah, Liam's her brother. "Oh yeah it's fine, just short of a coffee machine now" I shrugged.
"That sucks, but Liam's 24 and he's had his house for almost two years. He doesn't have a blender or a coffee machine. You guys can be coffee machine-less buddies." She exclaimed playfully. Ruth can always lighten a mood or make you smile when your sad, she's just a fun person. "Maybe we could" I replied laughing a bit.
"Well, I gotta go. Liam's working tonight, he has overnight duty and I told Nicola I'd babysit." She spoke. "M'kay see ya later" I retorted. "Bye Michelle" she smiled walking away.
I got back to what I came to do. Get the spaghetti ingredients. Well, at least now I know for sure Liam will be there.

Once I got home I cooked up the food in two humongous pots. I carried them one by one to the car before jumping in myself and making my way to the fire station. I was relived when I saw a couple of firefighters cleaning the trucks with the door open.
One of them being the guy that called Liam. I think Liam called him Niall? I grabbed one of the overly large pots and made my way carefully towards the building. "Hey guys! Interested in some free spaghetti? I promise I didn't poison it." I joked looking at them.
"FOOD!" Niall (I think) yelled grabbing the pot from me. "Thank you!" He exclaimed giving me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled at his adorableness. "There's another pot in the car. Wanna give me a hand?" I asked pointing to my car. "Course'" one of them spoke following me. He grabbed it with ease and carried it to the building.
I followed him upstairs that led directly to the kitchen where Niall and two other fire fighters were already eating. "This is amazing!" Niall exclaimed before stuffing his mouth with another bite. "I'm glad you like it!" I smiled ruffling is soft hair.
"Anyone know where Liam is?" I asked leaning on a wall. "Up those stairs, turn left. Second door on the right" he spoke pointing towards some stairs. "Thanks!" I yell back, following the directions. The door was open and I peeked inside to find Liam pulling off his shirt. And what a sight it was.
I couldn't help but stare as his muscles flexed and tightened. I felt myself take in a sharp breathe and I guess he heard it cause' he turned around quick. "Hey!" He smiled to me motioning for me to come inside. As soon as I was close enough he pulled me in for a hug and wrapped his large arms around me, pressing my face into his toned chest. I felt my heart rate quicken and I knew wanted him but I played it cool.
"Hey Liam! I brought spaghetti if you want some, I hope you like it-" he cut me off. "Of course I'll like it! Do you know how long it's been since I've had a nice home cooked meal?" I just smiled at him. He just had this thing about him that made you feel welcomed and at home.
We went downstairs to eat and went back upstairs and talked for a good two hours.
"Y'know Michelle I know we never talked much when we were younger but I'm really glad we had the opportunity to talk now" he spoke smiling at me. It's amazing how even with a body as amazing as his, when he's topless, his smile can still hold its own.
"Me too Liam. I wish we could've talked more then though. I was really missing out." I goofed as I sat down on his bed. "Yeah, you were," he joked "but I think we can make for the lost time". I stared at him taking in his gorgeous features for about the gazillionth time tonight.
As I looked at him I couldn't help but gravitate towards him. He leaned in too and I didn't even realize how close we were until I felt our breath mingling together. I looked down a bit embarrassed when I noticed I had been staring but Liam just lifted my head with his thumb and pointer finger.
"Your so beautiful." He breathed out before crashing his lips onto mine. I immediately responded to the kiss and our lips moved together. Flowing perfectly and he placed his hand on the back of my head pressing me closer. I tried to wrap my hands around his neck but the awkward position we were in made it difficult.
He pushed me onto his bed and reconnected our lips in record time. I placed my hands on his back, running them up and down the smooth skin. My hands ran over the curves of his muscles before they rested in place as I deepened the kiss further. Liam moaned lightly into my mouth and fuck it had to be the hottest thing I've ever heard.
"Liam, I want you to fuck me senseless" I spoke looking him directly in the eye. I watched as they dilated, and darkened. He didn't even responded, just started by taking his pants off. I took this as my chance to take my shirt off pull off my bottoms. I bit my lip as I eyed down his almost naked body.
He pushed me down again and laid pressed against me. "I'm gonna do you right" he spoke kissing my neck before sucking harshly letting his teeth graze over the heated skin and running his tongue over the spot to soothe the burn. I moaned as he ran his tongue over my sweet spot, arching my neck to grant better access. He swirled his skilled tongue around the spot over and over again sending me into a frenzy.
"Liammmm, need you now" I whispered brokenly, craving desperately for his touch. "Patience" he mumbled before unclasping my bra, leaving sloppy kisses past my collar bone before taking my nipple in his mouth, I groaned loudly as he circled his tongue around the erect nub. I couldn't help but gasp as he pinched my other nipple harshly, rolling it around between the pads of his fingers. "S-so good" I stuttered out arching my back.
His warm mouth left my breast and I gasped as he fluidly slid off my panties. His hand reached down and pressed a warm finger to my clit, putting pressure on the sensitive bean moving it back forth. "Uhhh" seemed to be the only thing I could force out of my mouth as my eyes closed and my eyebrows creased at the intense pleasure. "Look at me Michelle" he whispered nipping on my earlobe, continuing the treatment to my pussy. I struggled to keep my eyes open and look at the beautiful man hovering over me.
"Do you want me Michelle? Thrusting into you hard and fast? My hands all over your pretty little body?" He asked with his warm breath hitting my face, sending ripples throughout my body, "Fuck yes Liam please! I want it, I-I need it!" I managed to reply hoarsely. Liam placed a chaste kiss to my lips before pulling off his boxers.
I gaped as his massive member came into sight. He was fucking huge. He looked at me one more time before ramming into me. My eyes rolled back at the insane amount of pleasure. It stung a bit because it's been awhile and he was WAY bigger than anyone I've had before. I heard him groan softly before moving out if me and snapping his hips back up to meet mine.
After I regained my composure I began moving my hips up to reach his. "Fuck Michelle, just like that" he whispered out in a voice even deeper than normal. I wrapped my arms around him, letting my finger nail dig into his skin. I don't think he minded much as he picked up the pace. His hands gripped at my waste as he pumped into me faster and faster. "Shitshitshitshitshit" I cursed as I felt my climax building. "Don't cum yet" Liam ordered me but fuck he was too good and "LIAM!" I cried as he hit my G-spot.
My jaw fell slack as he rammed into that spot continuously showing no mercy or sign of stopping. My breathing was ragged and I knew I was gonna reach my high soon as Liam squeezed my breast.
My back arched as I came harder than I ever had before, letting Liam's name fall from my lips repeatedly. "Didn't I tell you not come?" Liam asked which a coy smile. I couldn't even speak, still in a euphoria. "Now, I think you you should do a little something more since you didn't listen," he spoke pushing my sweat swamped hair out of my face. I nodded my head staring at him. "Suck me off. Give me your best" he finished guiding me off the bed and to my knees in from of him.
I spread his legs and licked my lips as I stared at his erection, covered in white liquid from my orgasm. I leaned in slowly taking the shaft in my hand. I heard Liam inhale a shaky breath as I pressed a kiss to the tip. I Parted my lips slowly taking his length into my mouth."Oh fuck" Liam cursed as I began bobbing my head.
His head hit the back of my throat and I didn't even have all of him in my mouth. I remembered a trick I saw on the Internet that said if you squeeze your left thumb your gag reflex will stop. So I placed my left thumb under my knee as I tried to take is whole dick in my mouth. "Holy shit!" He exclaimed as I began massaging his balls with my right hand.
"Michelle, I'm gonna cum!" He rasped letting his eyes fall shut. I hummed in response and kept going, his eyes snapped open as he realized I wasn't going to stop. He watched me with wide eyes and his mouth fell open as he shot his load into my mouth. I swallowed and grinned up him. He just breathed shallowly, staring up at me. I noticed a bit of white that remained in his dick, so I darted my tongue out and kitten licked the spots, pressing my finger to his slit lightly before blowing on it.
I looked up him through my eyelashes as he still stared down at me with hooded eyes as gave his thick shaft one last kiss. "Marry me?" He asked pulling me into his arms and laying down on the bed. "I think we should wait a bit for that yeah?" I joked as he played the big spoon behind me.
"Whatever you say"

I'm so glad my cousin gave me that coffee brewer.

DID YOU LIKE IT? I hope you did! I worked really hard on it. This wasn't really for anyone in particular but @PleasuresofLife sent me this request and I absolutely loved it. Credit to her for the prompt! I have some requests coming up and the long awaited 'Bully' so please keep reading!
Comment and VOTE please!

I Love You!!

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