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Ok, so guys I was wondering if you would be interested in a Fan-fiction? You are all probably like 'Wut 0.o You hardly ever update the imagines! How are you gonna do a Fanfic?!?'

Well this is going to be a Fanfiction specifically FOR you guys. You could tell me what you would like to see happen and then I'd give you what you want.

You guys can send in information about yourselves to me go to my profile and the the book information and stuff like that will be up by 1 p.m (Eastern time).

It'll be called "Just For You" until I get a basic plot going so I can name it something that actually has something to do with the book....

The information I need is:

Name: (first, middle and last)

Age (and birthday):

Personality Traits: (EX; Funny, Smart, Outgoing)

Which Boy: (Ed will pop up occasionally)

What do you look like:

What are you into: (Animals, Art etc.)

What irritates you: (Loud chewing idk?)



Job: (something realistic please?)


What type of clothes are you into: (Ex. Bright colors, stripes, vests)

Anything in the health category: (Ex. You might have diabetes or asthma or something like that)

Other things:

Everything doesn't have to be true. You could say you had blue hair and were 20 but you really are 15 with brown hair!

I'm going to need about six or seven girls so yeah just send in the info!

I NEED EVERY THING I ASKED FOR!! If you don't tell me what I need to know then your chances of being in the story are a bit slim.

-You have to be at least 18 in the story in order to play one of the boys girlfriends.

-You have to fan me. [After I let you know if your in]

-Only send in forms to the 'Just for you' story.

Applications close on Friday. (Maybe Saturday)

Onto the next topic. I was wondering if you guys were cool if I like occasionally posted some BoyxBoy stuff here. I have Narry feels 25/8 so yeah.

Lastly the last imagine I posted; 'Mine', posted twice. Completely ignore the first one because it has really bad mistakes in it and it won't delete. The second one, I went back to fix and stuff so that one is the one you should read.

Oh and please check out my story 'Like Toy Soldiers'!

Please send in your forms!

Love you guys! Xx

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