I've Got You (Louis)

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[Warnings: Domestic Violence & Adult Language]

Louis and Niall sat downstairs in my living room. I had invited all the boys over just to hang out, considering we haven't had much time together with the tour and everything else going on in the boys' lives at the moment. 

I wished I was downstairs with the boys right now. Instead, I was sitting up in my bedroom with the door closed and my boyfriend screaming in my face. I didn't even have the energy to argue back as he spewed harsh words at me. Nick was upset because he thinks it's inappropriate for me to hang out with five boys and no one else when I was 'in a relationship'. Not that it felt like I was in one now, it was almost as if he was parenting me and that was the last thing I needed. Besides, Sophia and one of her friends were gonna be there too. And then I even invited Nick to come but he declined my offer so he could hang out with his 'bros' at some new club a few blocks away. 

When he found out I was still going to have the guys over without him he was furious, so now; here I sit with a red faced boyfriend screaming in my face about how I'm a two faced whore. I stood up before opening my mouth. "Jesus Nick, if you fucking have such a problem with me hanging out with the boys just stay so you can 'monitor' me and make sure I don't slip and fall onto one of their dicks!" I screamed sarcastically at him, sick of his accusing words. 

"Just tell them to leave Sara!" He yelled back pointing his finger at the door. I just shook my head at him, "You know what Nick; if you have so little faith in me, maybe you should leave. We're through" I calmly spoke, sitting back down on my bed. Nick stilled, both his arms at his sides. "You're breaking up with me?" he asked, and I just nodded my head, looking down at the ground. I was tired of being treated like a child. I didn't look up again until I heard Nicks laughter permeating the air. "You think you're breaking up with me?" A sinister undertone in his deep voice and I cringed at the crooked smile that sat on his smug face. 

"I don't think I'm doing anything. I just did break up with you. This fucked up relationship is over." I spoke softly, walking towards the door until Nick's firm grasp was on my shoulders and pulling me backwards. "We're not over until I say we are Sara." He growled out at me, turning me to face him and then slamming me into the door. Making the walls around us shake. "Let go of me!" I cried trying to pull my body from his grip to no avail. "Damnit Nick, I don't have time for this" I spoke looking him in his eyes. "But I've got all the time in the world." He quipped, grabbing my hair and yanking me down to the ground. I yelped as my elbow took most of the impact, almost certain there would be a nasty bruise there soon.

"HELP!" I screamed before feeling the toe of Nick's shoe dig into my ribs. "Shut the fuck up" He spoke at me through gritted teeth before pulling me up by my arm. "You're nothing but a disrespectful little slut and I'm gonna make you sorry." His words were carried out by a hard punch to my jaw, making my vision blur. I screamed again only to be shut up by another blow. "You've probably fucked every single one of them haven't you?" he seethed. I shook my head back and forth against the hand that covered my mouth. He tossed me onto the bed and my body ached with such intensity I couldn't even produce a noise louder than a groan. 

I reached my hand to the nightstand to push the lamp over, trying to do something that would grab the boys attention from the loud T.V downstairs. My heart fluttered when not even a moment later I heard footsteps acsending up the stairs. "You've always been clever, I'll give you that." Nick chuckled before grabbing my ankles and dragging me to the foot of the bed, twisting my foot making a strangled scream escape my lips. "Sara, what's going on, are you alright?" Louis' voice called through the door. Nick twisted my foot even farther, giving me a warning look. Tears spilled from my eyes as my throat burned from holding in my cries. 

My bedroom door flew open and Louis' face dropped as his eyes landed on Nick and I. "Get the fuck off her!" Louis yelled, charging at Nick, knocking the talled boy to the ground, immediatly throwing punches at his face. "You think you're tough hitting on girls?" Louis asked rhetorically, landing another hit at Nick's eye. Niall was by my side, helping me to sit up and wiping my tears. Seemimgly oblivious to the brawl occuring on my floor. "Can you walk love?" he asked gently, not hesitating to just lift me up carry me downstairs when I shook my head no. "We're gonna take you to the hospital now Sara" he whispered, easily noticing my bleeding lip and swollen cheek. 

Louis came down the stairs, a stoeic look on his face. "I called the police and told them what happened, they said they'd come up to the hospital later to interview you"


The ride was almost silent, aside from the low hum of some song off the new Trey Songz album. Niall drove and Louis sat next to me in the backseat. "I thought you were smarter than that" he spoke shaking his head at me. "What?" I asked incrediously, my eyebrows raising to my hairline, renewing the ache on the side of my face. "How could you stay in a relationship with someone who was putting their hands on you Sara?" He rose his voice. "He'd never hit me before! I mean sure push came to shove sometimes but never something like this." I cried, new tears coming to my eyes.

"I'm sorry Sara, please don't cry. I just love you so much it hurts me to see you hurt even more than it does to see you with someone else. Sara damnit, I'm in love with you. I know nows a shitty time to tell you but I had to." 

"I love you too Louis, you've always got me and I'll always have you"


Eeeww shit ending I'm sorry babes.

Umm, so like, some asshole stole my iPod Sunday, my friend thinks I got pick-pocketed but I don't know -.- So because of this, I can't use my kik until I get my phone on either Wednesday or Friday. Please don't think i'm ignoring you guys because I'm not, I love you all so much. Anyways, on a happier note: MY BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW FUCK YES! Lol, ok I quit. 

Love you guys xxx

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