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Jimins P.O.V.

What would be a better day to go outside and find food and water?
I already have enough to comfortably live at least another month, but it gets so boring alone and inside. Also I need my daily vitamin D.

The streets are quite and look empty, but don't get fooled by that. Zombies are good in sensing fear and even though they are practically dead, their ears could probably hear the blood flow in your veins.

Smart and fascinating, always hungry little pups. They might be strong and their senses are better as living humans, but they are easy to kill. Damage the brain and they die instantly.

Therefore, what do I have to be scared about? That I could suffer a painful death? No problem at all. I would at least die with a man eating me out.

A giggle left my mouth. This is the me now, hn? Fearless. No worries at all. No one to stay alive for. No one to fight for. Well, I had someone to fight for. My best friend. The guy who was like the brother I never had.

I went everyday outside and hoped I would find him. I promised him to stay alive, before all hell broke lose and the zombies defeated the human kind.
I think two weeks ago I finally found him.

Rotten, bloody with those disgusting milky eyes, purple and blue veins harshly decorating his skin, grunting. Another walking dead.

When I saw him I was ready to die. I was ready to give up and let my best friend have my body as breakfast. I wasn't afraid. Not even when his body was hovering over mine, trying to bite into my face, while I still managed to keep him away from me. He looked ugly in any way possible, yet he was the most beautiful person for me. He was still the person I loved the most.

I was close to my end and only had to push my hands off his chest, but I couldn't. It was as if he screamed at me to keep living, just as he made me promise.

It hurts to see the only person I lived for suffering such a curse. It hurt that I lost him and never will have him back. There is no cure and never will be. I lost him forever. My only trusted friend in this harsh world. My only brother in this lonely life.

And god, did I got angry. Never once did I allowed myself to let anger or hate control me, never did I allow myself to cry, but I did.

I cried with the beast still hovering over me, insulting him for dying, cursing him for becoming a zombie and that's when I finally pushed him off me and jumped to my feet.

A smile spread on my face when I saw him slowly standing up too. This is it. After this, it would be over. I would lose my sanity. Maybe.

But I had to go insane to stay sane in a world like this. No mercy. Love is dead.

"You know, sometimes I wanted to kill you every time you annoyed me. Didn't thought the day would come I have to actually do it." I said, still a smile on my face, cheeks still wet.

I swung my axe just as he was about to reach me. "I love you Jackson", I whispered before bringing the sharp end of the metal harshly down into my brothers skull, damaging his brain and watching his rotten body fall lifeless to the ground with a last grunt. Drops of his blood in my face and clothing, while both my hands are covered in red. Mixing with my salty tears as I cried into my hands, screaming the numbing pain off my chest and letting my frustration out on every zombie that approached me.

Since that day, I never allowed myself to cry again. Never allowed my smile to drop. Never allowed anything or anyone to bring my good vibes down. I won't let the world win this game. I won't let the zombies rule over me. I won't be afraid, I won't submit to them like a young wolf to the alpha.

Today was just another sunny and beautiful day. The zombies seem to split apart in order to find food. It was harder to kill them when they were in large groups and I didn't feel like getting too dirty with blood all over me again.

I just came out of the 'shower'. It was a little pond in the park nearby where I usually just wash up. Putting up a little show for the zombies who are walking there. Till now I had luck. Not once was I disturbed when washing up.

I guess, the dead among us didn't forgot what privacy means. As I said, smart little pups.

I reach a small shop which, of course, is in bad conditions, but I still want to check the inside out. Maybe I would find hair dye. A fancy color! Like pink, purple, orange, sky blue!.... I'm bored, okay?

I slowly open the door, after checking if a zombie could be in the near outside. No one in sight. The door luckily didn't gave out a noise and I closed and locked it behind me.

This is going to be fun.
Oh and fun it was.
There where only three zombies in the shop and they all came for me at the same time after I announced my arrival.

"Hi! Welcome to chili's!" That meme was iconic and it's still burned in my mind.
My fingers ached the moment I saw them. The familiar hatred for those beasts taking over, yet my lips smiled.

"You want more sauce? Okay Sir, just a moment." I said to the lifeless corpse on the ground and killed another one, the blood flowing onto the first one. "I hope that's enough. Have a nice day." I smile wider until I saw her.

Look, zombies are ugly. Really ugly. Hard to even recognize who they even are, but that lady?! No, I'm not saying she was hot. Eww, no! But she looks like a typical middle aged Karen.

"You wanted to speak to the manager, Karen? That's me. How can I help you?"
To say I had a bliss when I smashed her head against a wall over and over again until she dropped lifeless to the floor, would have been an understatement.

I checked the shop first and all. Rather safe than sorry. Every room was empty, doors locked and I finally had time to look around. Most of the stuff was rotten and not eatable anymore, but I still found some canned food and even water bottles, which I put into my backpack.

"No hair dye here either." I mumble to myself and sigh. The pout evident, but it vanished just as fast as it came.
'No bad vibes' I remind myself.

On the way out I had to kick the corpses to the side so I could open the door. I usually would respect the dead, but hell to the no for those creatures.

"See you next time ladies. Was nice meeting you." I wave with a smile and close the door, inhaling the fresh scent of the air after being too long in that smelly shop.

That's when I heard a scream. A scream! A FUCKING SCREAM! Someone is alive! Someone is still alive! I'm not alone here! I'm not the only survivor!

Where? Where did it came from?! I had to find who ever that scream belonged to! My head turned frantically to every direction, my eyes wide open and ears focusing on the noises around me.

That's when I see a black haired guy running on his balcony, trying to fight off a zombie.

Tz, idiot. He's too loud and that's when my attention goes to the door of the apartment complex. Zombies are going in, which means he's in even more danger now.

Fucking hell! I whine to myself. This will be enough action for at least a week.

"HEY STRANGER! Keep it down would you? You are too loud, asshole!" I scream and catch the attention of some of the zombies who were walking into the building.

'Perfect.' I thought while seeing the walking corpses come to me. I swing my axe casually while I smile and give them a warm greeting.
"This is Park Jimin. Your guide for today's tour." I bow playfully, my darkening eyes never leaving the enemy.
"Next stop: Hell."

(EDITING) #StillAlive      [Jikook/Zombie AU]Where stories live. Discover now